The DEATH of modern American Liberalism will SAVE the Planet.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
America will once again assume a position of responsibility and a purveyor of good for the world once the idiotic fail that IS modern American liberalism gets rooted out and cast into the trash can of history.
America will once again assume a position of responsibility and a purveyor of good for the world once the idiotic fail that IS modern American liberalism gets rooted out and cast into the trash can of history.

I wish we could get rid of liberalism forever in the United States...but that is a daydream that will not come true. There are far too many moochers, underachievers, welfare brood mares, crooked politicians and sleazy lawyers. They fuck like rabbits and multiply faster than conservatives with higher standards. We will always be impeded by the liberal side of life.
America will once again assume a position of responsibility and a purveyor of good for the world once the idiotic fail that IS modern American liberalism gets rooted out and cast into the trash can of history.

I wish we could get rid of liberalism forever in the United States...but that is a daydream that will not come true. There are far too many moochers, underachievers, welfare brood mares, crooked politicians and sleazy lawyers. They fuck like rabbits and multiply faster than conservatives with higher standards. We will always be impeded by the liberal side of life.

Silly lib notions will persist. True. But as an actually functioning political movement, there is hope that it will die.

I have enough faith in the American people to to believe that given enough proof of how ineffective and dishonest the premises of modern American liberalism are, they will eventually reject it.
Modern American Liberalism is a self-defeating silly utopian notion.

If we don't eradicate such sophistry from the body politic, it could sooner or later prevail leading to the debacle of having a near Marxist as President.

Oh. Wait.
America will once again assume a position of responsibility and a purveyor of good for the world once the idiotic fail that IS modern American liberalism gets rooted out and cast into the trash can of history.

I wish we could get rid of liberalism forever in the United States...but that is a daydream that will not come true.
.....'Cause "conservatives" are (intellectually) lazy-as-Hell, and......

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America will once again assume a position of responsibility and a purveyor of good for the world once the idiotic fail that IS modern American liberalism gets rooted out and cast into the trash can of history.
America will once again assume a position of responsibility and a purveyor of good for the world once the idiotic fail that IS modern American liberalism gets rooted out and cast into the trash can of history.

And Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) has done more to move us toward that blessed day then those of us who've been laboring in that mine for years!!!
Boring posterioring looking to get a reaction because he has nothing to do right now...

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