The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal a little bit of legal history


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I found this information somewhat interesting enough to share at the featured scrolls.
The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library
Legal Papyrus
P. Yadin 44
Date: Autumn 134 ce
Roman Period
Language: Hebrew

70 years after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, a charismatic leader known as Shimon Bar Kokhba arose to lead a band of rebels intent on regaining Jewish autonomy. Documents from the Bar Kokhba caves are evidence of this tumultuous revolt in 132-135 ce. They consist of administrative, legal, and personal records, such as the papyrus shown here, as well as some religious texts, that tell stories of the daily lives of soldiers and of refugees seeking haven during the turmoil.

An excellent study article at Wars between the Jews and Romans

Acient Warfare Magazine article by Jona Lendering

Wars between the Jews and Romans: Simon ben Kosiba (130-136 CE)
Simon ben Kosiba
After the revolt of 115-117 CE, the Roman government took several anti-Jewish measures, and it looked as if the old nation had been destroyed. In 130, when the emperor Hadrian visited Judaea, he ordered the construction of a new city to replace the town that Titus had razed to the ground, Jerusalem. It was to be a Roman city, with a Roman temple dedicated to the Roman supreme god Jupiter (text).
The Jewish response to the rebuilding of Jerusalem was divided: although some found it intolerable that foreign religious rites should be performed in their city, others argued that pagans who wanted to sacrifice to the supreme God should not be hindered. This moderate point of view carried the day; after all, was it not written that the Temple was to be 'a house of all nations'? The building was, according to the author Epiphanius, supervised by Aquila, who is otherwise known as a rabbi who translated the Bible into Aramaic and Greek (text).
Read more of the article at the above link provided
I wish you'd do more posts like this. Good job.
I would just add that Barcopa was one of the most popular Moshiach figures until his failure to defeat Rome.
Maybe if you'd REFLECT on that fact you might understand why that is significant.
Maybe if Rome didn't chose what you got to read and what they could remove or hide you'd see the conectiob clearer.
Rome removed Thomas because he said Jesus wasn't the deliverer they expected, but did you know Luke said something similar in verses that got removed from later copies?
"even though we were hoping that he would be the one to LIBERATE ISRAEL." (Luke 24:19-20 -- based on the Greek text)
I wish a lot of things.
I wish you'd do more posts like this. Good job.
I would just add that Barcopa was one of the most popular Moshiach figures until his failure to defeat Rome.
Maybe if you'd REFLECT on that fact you might understand why that is significant.
Maybe if Rome didn't chose what you got to read and what they could remove or hide you'd see the conectiob clearer.
Rome removed Thomas because he said Jesus wasn't the deliverer they expected, but did you know Luke said something similar in verses that got removed from later copies?
"even though we were hoping that he would be the one to LIBERATE ISRAEL." (Luke 24:19-20 -- based on the Greek text)

Jesus stated that there would be many antichrist (red letters in the Bible). It is a shame more people cannot understand what and how it is that the spirit that works in humankind. Hopefully with better information available and more people sharing what they actually know to be true (by experience or the Holy Spirit); more people will learn what it means to learn what the old scriptures and scrolls were referring too. I.E. the Adam 'red earth (earthling, carnal portion in each of us as human beings; also referred to as the son of perdition).'
I worked on do some illustrations today to try to help people understand (including you and Shimon) what the Lord meant in Genesis when Adam is formed and planted in the garden of Eden 'pleasure (the human's own pleasure)'. The process of the Lord putting the first Adam to sleep (male and female hosts planted with humans both male and female. Meaning all have hosts of heaven and earth in them, with them guiding teaching, meting out justice, etc.).

By the ancient scrolls and the holy spirit we understand that when an Adam (earthling) is planted in Jehovah's garden the serpent is also planted there within that first human (the second human is the portion that is hidden from the first carnal portion until that human is awakened with the female portion within them (Eve). That portion that lives to its own pleasure tells itself you don't have to die eat whatever you like. It is a portion of each human (the beastly portion). The New Testament references this as a carnal being. Teachers throughout the ages have not taught about who are the heavenly and earthly hosts that were completed in Genesis 1. The spiritual hosts being kings, the lands, nations and everything in between was complete on the day God gave breath and created a living soul. That is why the Lord states 'you were perfect the day I made you'. Israel is a portion also within humankind. That portion within will not be able to have peace until the human is ready to give up the carnal portion in order to 'prosper in the spirit and learn how to breath i.e. live a full life by walking to the spirit not living as the wild carnal being.

Thomas means 'twin' for those who do not know.
Spirit=nature about you is formed through ethics, values, knowledge, truth, morality, inclinations, drives, motivations, influences, ability to reason etc....
You would not like the true spirit of any of the christ figures making up Jesus nor the whitewashed image itself if you truly knew what they taught or just opened your eyes and ears and noticed the true spirit from the painted portrait mirage.

Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,
Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37),
hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and
this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23),
thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8
Spirit=nature about you is formed through ethics, values, knowledge, truth, morality, inclinations, drives, motivations, influences, ability to reason etc....
You would not like the true spirit of any of the christ figures making up Jesus nor the whitewashed image itself if you truly knew what they taught or just opened your eyes and ears and noticed the true spirit from the painted portrait mirage.

Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,
Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37),
hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and
this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14)
hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23),
thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8
That is just your misinterpetation as an antichrist that's all. So until you are awakened to the spirit to understand I can just להסתכל לכיוון השני
I can't be an anti christ because I am a Kohanim.
I can be anti the anti Kohanim=Rome & those lifting the false prophet and his preachers who are anti the anointed ones.
Lucifer Jesus or rather the anti Kohanim can not speak through the idol & tell you anyone coming against this satanic image is anti christ. That's called a double negative.
It's like when Saddam called the US the great Satan.

Now when you are done your hissy fit you can bring Jesus to the forum to debate me. His dominions are not getting it done and he should man up and defend himself.
Wake him up if he's sleeping.
I can't be an anti christ because I am a Kohanim.
I can be anti the anti Kohanim=Rome & those lifting the false prophet and his preachers who are anti the anointed ones.
Lucifer Jesus or rather the anti Kohanim can not speak through the idol & tell you anyone coming against this satanic image is anti christ. That's called a double negative.
It's like when Saddam called the US the great Satan.

Now when you are done your hissy fit you can bring Jesus to the forum to debate me. His dominions are not getting it done and he should man up and defend himself.
Wake him up if he's sleeping.
If one participates in petty arguments while others are dying daily what does that make that person?
Again Jesus Christ = " Annointed with Jehovah's Salvation with us"
I could presume- possibly- that you are here to support saving the child that is called the rod in Revelation. Yet that is just an assumption from a distance on an obscure message board among thousands out there in the cloud.
quote:Again Jesus Christ = " Annointed "

Funny how you magically forget that word when
Ezekiel 28:14-15 about Lucifer being deemed
anointed (christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
deemed perfect (sinless).

The only first fallen messiah (anointed) prophet deemEd perfect was Jesus therefore no other prophet can or could be deemed Lucifer since they can no longer be the first. DO YOU UNDERSTAND SEQUENCES?
Lucifer - "to bring light- as a light bearer" again carnal human (born to the world) 1st Adam vs. spiritual human (born of the spirit) 2nd Adam. Just fact.
there was a lot more than just hebrew books from the tanakh among the scrolls.
Contracts, land deeds, marriage records...........
from a Christian post:
"Satan is called many things in the Bible:
angel of light- 2Cor. 11:14"
my response:
Jesus is called the light of this world what in John 8:12?
remember it's Paul & Constantine the author of this one world religion who saw a luciferous light come to them calling himself Jesus.
You need to study what the followers of John believed to understand why the physical mystical light teachings exist in the NT. Jesus followed John first and this is what they believed: that their god was that mystical light rays between the sun and earth. This made it easy to integrate into the pantheon of sun worship religions known as rhe mystery religions.
The Nazerenes were Luciferous light worshipers.
You need to study what the followers of John believed to understand why the physical mystical light teachings exist in the NT.
I will skip this lesson, thank you. I will follow what the Holy Spirit has shown me by HIS spirit, allowed me to see and experience by HIS spirit and follow the the Holy Scriptures to the best of my abilities. The Holy Spirit is not the author of confusion.

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