The damage from obama will be lasting

And if that doesn't make you sick to your stomachs...continuing with the article from the OP:

It was with glassy-eyed seriousness that the president and his allies in Congress turned from the economic crisis to the ambitious spending and regulatory agenda that they had waited years to enact. Having passed the stimulus, Pelosi, Waxman, and Ed Markey brought to the floor of the House a monstrosity of an energy bill that would have imposed a cap-and-trade system of carbon regulation on the nation in the middle of the worst economy since the Great Depression. It cleared the House by seven votes before coal-state Democrats and Republicans in the Senate spared us, in this instance, from the greens.

Then in July 2009 Congress authorized Obama’s first budget of $3.4 trillion, hilariously titled “A New Era of Responsibility.” Like all of the president’s budgets, this one was easy to summarize: Taxes and spending and debt went up.

Obama and Congress carefully designed their “crown jewel,” a health care overhaul that mandates insurance coverage for every American while turning health insurers into quasi-public utilities, raising taxes, and establishing manifold regulatory boards and bodies that will encroach ever more on institutional and personal liberties. The months spent debating Obamacare revealed the character of this president in an unforgettable way. He pushed for the legislation despite its unpopularity, despite his party losing elections in Virginia and New Jersey and Massachusetts, despite public protests and marches and threats to challenge the law’s constitutionality. What could be seen in these glimpses of the real Obama was a single-mindedness of intent. Obamacare became law in March 2010.
Let us bow our heads and pray that the Gods give President Obama strength to guide us through the Great Bush Recession.

You're forgetting AGAIN, that the recession was caused by people on both sides of the fence, not just Bush. Either your being a partisan hack, or you really are stupid when it comes to the recessions causes... Either way, it doesn't look very promising intellectually for you.
Summer of Recovery Part III.

"....unemployment in June 2012 is 8.2 percent, the same as May.

That’s up from April’s 8.1 percent.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ additional measures of June unemployment ticked up. The U-6 rate, for example, which tracks underemployed, alienated and part-time workers, rose from 14.8 percent to 14.9 percent,

Unemployment among African-Americans nudged up from 13.6 percent to 14.4 percent, while unemployment among Latinos remained at 11 percent."

Read more: Obama campaign makes bad June jobs number about Romney | The Daily Caller

And they actually had the balls to come out with this statement.

Alan Krueger, the head of the White House’s economic advisor, pushed the same message June 6. “The economy is continuing to heal… we see manufacturing is continuing to expand,” he said. The sector gained 11,000 jobs in May.

“There are a lot of headwinds out there… the president is going to stay at it,” Krueger added.

GOP advocates slammed Krueger’s written statement, which said that “it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report.”

“Stunning” said Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul.

Read more: Obama campaign makes bad June jobs number about Romney | The Daily Caller
You are trying to use a weather disaster associated with the global warming the republicans say doesn't happen to describe Obama? Don't let anyone tell you that you are a smartie.
And if that doesn't make you sick to your stomachs...continuing with the article from the OP:

It was with glassy-eyed seriousness that the president and his allies in Congress turned from the economic crisis to the ambitious spending and regulatory agenda that they had waited years to enact. Having passed the stimulus, Pelosi, Waxman, and Ed Markey brought to the floor of the House a monstrosity of an energy bill that would have imposed a cap-and-trade system of carbon regulation on the nation in the middle of the worst economy since the Great Depression. It cleared the House by seven votes before coal-state Democrats and Republicans in the Senate spared us, in this instance, from the greens.

Then in July 2009 Congress authorized Obama’s first budget of $3.4 trillion, hilariously titled “A New Era of Responsibility.” Like all of the president’s budgets, this one was easy to summarize: Taxes and spending and debt went up.

Obama and Congress carefully designed their “crown jewel,” a health care overhaul that mandates insurance coverage for every American while turning health insurers into quasi-public utilities, raising taxes, and establishing manifold regulatory boards and bodies that will encroach ever more on institutional and personal liberties. The months spent debating Obamacare revealed the character of this president in an unforgettable way. He pushed for the legislation despite its unpopularity, despite his party losing elections in Virginia and New Jersey and Massachusetts, despite public protests and marches and threats to challenge the law’s constitutionality. What could be seen in these glimpses of the real Obama was a single-mindedness of intent. Obamacare became law in March 2010.

if bush Jr. Couldn't bring the US down in the 8 years he attempted to, i am pretty sure the guy who has actually made things better and fixed some problems Bush made is certainly not going to destroy it in 4.

Could you guys come up with a real argument? i mean if you don't see the end of the world coming from a president then your entire point about obama just fades away and dies. The sky is not falling and the chicken little routine seems only to work on the loony. you guys have to try and convince swing voters. They do not believe the sky is flling. they do not believe the US is so weak that one guy can take it down. Your perception of america as a fragile house of cards is clearly due to the nature of the les and delusions you hear. Life will go on tomorrow. There will still be people who need to live in the US, and aside from killing everyone that is not going to change. This idea that all of a sudden everyone is going to be poor and dying in the streets because we elect obama is really fucking stupid. Yes, the house of cards the rich have perched themselves ion might come crashing down if the economy goes, but the poor and middle class have an idea of how to live without money.

There are only 2 groups of people who are doomed if the US economy goes bust. The first is the people who can't work either by disability or by their own stupidity and worthlessness. You will be happy to know those are the welfare people. the other group are the people who's status relies on the US government and it's laws. Those would be congress, the wealthy, and large corporations with no real purpose like stock companies. So yeah you are fucked with the useless welfare brats. That is pretty much because youa re a worthless welfare brat. Sorry.

Anyway, obama will not destroy america's people. Neither will mitt Romney for that matter, but we can bet on who will lead us into the easier time. Given the choice of obama and romney that is clearly Obama.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 10 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 27 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 10 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 27 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

ah yes, all that greatness and still a majority of the people disapprove of him...what the hell is wrong with them..:lol:
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 10 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 27 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
Strong economy? Strong economy?

Uhhhh we're conveniently forgetting the "Dot Bomb" of the tech stock bubble bursting in early 2000, well before his election that hurt the economy? I know it hurt my business back then. Then there was the 9/11 downturn, and then the Housing Bubble, and then the Oil Bubble. He did screw the pooch with TARP and the Derivative market collapse with Lehman Bros et all. Obama's certainly not helped that situation at all. Just prolonged it's recovery by making the same types of mistakes W and congress have been making since 2008 began.

Considering all that, W did damn well with what was handed to him and what he did with it.

But I don't expect intellectual honesty from you. So don't strain anything answering.
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What happened to the war on terror? Oh, yea, Obama won it. What happened to Osama Bin Laden? Oh, yea, Obama got him. What happened to Gaddafi? Oh, yea, Obama got him too. What happened to the Great Recession? Oh, yea, GDP has been growing for three years. What happened to GM? Oh, yea, Obama saved them, and they are the number one car maker in the world. What happened to the stock market? Oh, yea, it has doubled since the stimulus.

Obama has done a very good job.
Just amazing that Bush did absolutely no lasting damage isn't it?

I think the opening poster is realizing that if the Mormon guy wins he will do no better than Obama so is setting the mindset already that Romneys failure will be Obama's fault.
But Obama's failure has nothing to do with Bush damage at all does it.

Simple minded sheeple.
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Just amazing that Bush did absolutely no lasting damage isn't it?

I think the opening poster is realizing that if the Mormon guy wins he will do no better than Obama so is setting the mindset already that Romneys failure will be Obama's fault.
But Obama's failure has nothing to do with Bush damage at all does it.

Simple minded sheeple.

Bush did his fine share of lasting damage.... obama had made it worse.
What happened to the war on terror? Oh, yea, Obama won it. What happened to Osama Bin Laden? Oh, yea, Obama got him. What happened to Gaddafi? Oh, yea, Obama got him too. What happened to the Great Recession? Oh, yea, GDP has been growing for three years. What happened to GM? Oh, yea, Obama saved them, and they are the number one car maker in the world. What happened to the stock market? Oh, yea, it has doubled since the stimulus.

Obama has done a very good job.

ah yes, repeat it enough and maybe the majority of the people who disapprove of him will CHANGE THEIR MIND...:lol:
Just amazing that Bush did absolutely no lasting damage isn't it?

I think the opening poster is realizing that if the Mormon guy wins he will do no better than Obama so is setting the mindset already that Romneys failure will be Obama's fault.
But Obama's failure has nothing to do with Bush damage at all does it.

Simple minded sheeple.

Bush did his fine share of lasting damage.... obama had made it worse.

Yep he carried on the Bush policies ie Bush III.

And Romney if elected will be NO different.
What happened to the war on terror? Oh, yea, Obama won it. What happened to Osama Bin Laden? Oh, yea, Obama got him. What happened to Gaddafi? Oh, yea, Obama got him too. What happened to the Great Recession? Oh, yea, GDP has been growing for three years. What happened to GM? Oh, yea, Obama saved them, and they are the number one car maker in the world. What happened to the stock market? Oh, yea, it has doubled since the stimulus.

Obama has done a very good job.
Obama won it? Then why are we still there?

Oh that's right, he forgot his campaign promise and is there fiddlefucking around playing nation building. The same mistake W made and was criticized for. I didn't like it under W, and I sure as hell don't like it under P-BO.

Same goes for Lybia and Afghanistan.

You're going to tapdance on a boat over OBL's body again like this one attaboy covers a thousand 'oh shit's? OBL's dead. good job, now what have you done right domestically? That's right, nothing. OBL does not fix the economy.

What happened to the Great Recession? Still in it. Deep deep in it. Despite the stock market 'improving', it's bound to happen when you keep injecting capital into it to hide the declines elsewhere. Devaluation of currency is hard to detect till the money starts to flow. Then you're boned.

GM saved by Obama? Debatable. I seem to recall a lot of people getting screwed on the deal while the unions made out like bandits. He may have prevented them from going out of business, but he also perverted the free market, preventing a natural change from happening that possibly could have brought about a better way to do business OR a new owner who'd have done better by now. GM is not owed it's rank of being #1. The number one oil companies in France and Brazil and Russia are state owned. Does it make them best? No. It makes them state owned.

A stimulus based on fiat currency with no backing is worthless currency. Once it starts moving, and inflation spirals out of control, because the fed has used up all it's silver bullets, it's boned.

You've got the perspective of a streptococcus on a slide.
What happened to the war on terror? Oh, yea, Obama won it. What happened to Osama Bin Laden? Oh, yea, Obama got him. What happened to Gaddafi? Oh, yea, Obama got him too. What happened to the Great Recession? Oh, yea, GDP has been growing for three years. What happened to GM? Oh, yea, Obama saved them, and they are the number one car maker in the world. What happened to the stock market? Oh, yea, it has doubled since the stimulus.

Obama has done a very good job.

ah yes, repeat it enough and maybe the majority of the people who disapprove of him will CHANGE THEIR MIND...:lol:

Prolly... it worked for Bush and Reagan.
The result of right wing talk radio and such. They have lots of "programs" on there.
What happened to the war on terror? Oh, yea, Obama won it. What happened to Osama Bin Laden? Oh, yea, Obama got him. What happened to Gaddafi? Oh, yea, Obama got him too. What happened to the Great Recession? Oh, yea, GDP has been growing for three years. What happened to GM? Oh, yea, Obama saved them, and they are the number one car maker in the world. What happened to the stock market? Oh, yea, it has doubled since the stimulus.

Obama has done a very good job.

ah yes, repeat it enough and maybe the majority of the people who disapprove of him will CHANGE THEIR MIND...:lol:

Prolly... it worked for Bush and Reagan.
The result of right wing talk radio and such. They have lots of "programs" on there.
Dumbass, talk radio did not have any effect on elections till after Rush started taking off after 1984, so it did not help Reagan. It barely helped HW Bush the first time, and not at all the second.

Your theory is flawed and historically inaccurate. During the era of Reagan, the big three were IT, and they were and still are, STAUNCHLY left wing.

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