The crimes of planned parenthood/murder.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The movie, Gosnell is about to be released.......and here we have an article by one of the people who is bringing it to the public......

Congress's Planned Parenthood Investigations Find Horrifying, Criminal Practices

1) It’s wrong to say the pro-abortion crowd don’t value the disabled.

Advanced Biosciences Resources (ABR) had a “technician” embedded at a Planned Parenthood clinic who reportedly harvested and sold the skin of a Down Syndrome baby for $325. Yes, that’s correct, in America today, you can buy the skin of an aborted Down Syndrome child for $325. The same baby’s leg was sold for $325.

2) Selling baby parts is very profitable.

To be clear, the law is unambiguous; it is illegal to make a profit providing organs or any part of a human for research or medical treatment.

But Planned Parenthood and their business partners made a lot of money selling aborted baby body parts, according to the report. The House investigation found one case where Stem Express harvested an intact aborted baby’s brain at a Planned Parenthood clinic. They reportedly paid Planned Parenthood $55 but sold the brain to a researcher for over $3000 – that’s a 2,800% profit. Planned Parenthood reportedly made their money on volume sales and “charitable donations” from these body harvesting companies.

The Senate investigation published invoices which showed in June 2014 ABR bought a fetus from Planned Parenthood for $60. From that one fetus ABR “sold its brain to one customer for $325; both of its eyes for $325 each ($650 total) to a second customer, a portion of its liver for $325 to a third customer; its thymus for $325 and another portion of liver to a fourth customer; and its lung for $325 to a fifth customer.”

Then, the report says, they piled on fees for “disease screening” and shipping. That one aborted baby reportedly brought the company $2,275. The House Investigative Panel found Stem Express generally marked up the baby parts by 400% to 600%.
The movie, Gosnell is about to be released.......and here we have an article by one of the people who is bringing it to the public......

Congress's Planned Parenthood Investigations Find Horrifying, Criminal Practices

1) It’s wrong to say the pro-abortion crowd don’t value the disabled.

Advanced Biosciences Resources (ABR) had a “technician” embedded at a Planned Parenthood clinic who reportedly harvested and sold the skin of a Down Syndrome baby for $325. Yes, that’s correct, in America today, you can buy the skin of an aborted Down Syndrome child for $325. The same baby’s leg was sold for $325.

2) Selling baby parts is very profitable.

To be clear, the law is unambiguous; it is illegal to make a profit providing organs or any part of a human for research or medical treatment.

But Planned Parenthood and their business partners made a lot of money selling aborted baby body parts, according to the report. The House investigation found one case where Stem Express harvested an intact aborted baby’s brain at a Planned Parenthood clinic. They reportedly paid Planned Parenthood $55 but sold the brain to a researcher for over $3000 – that’s a 2,800% profit. Planned Parenthood reportedly made their money on volume sales and “charitable donations” from these body harvesting companies.

The Senate investigation published invoices which showed in June 2014 ABR bought a fetus from Planned Parenthood for $60. From that one fetus ABR “sold its brain to one customer for $325; both of its eyes for $325 each ($650 total) to a second customer, a portion of its liver for $325 to a third customer; its thymus for $325 and another portion of liver to a fourth customer; and its lung for $325 to a fifth customer.”

Then, the report says, they piled on fees for “disease screening” and shipping. That one aborted baby reportedly brought the company $2,275. The House Investigative Panel found Stem Express generally marked up the baby parts by 400% to 600%.
The tissue is used for medical research that may some day save your life. People donate their bodies to science, carry donor cards authorizing harvest of organs for transplant. Ever heard of it?
Planned Parenthood doesn't abort babies to make money on their parts, you grisly goon. Stem Express? Who knows, but more to the point, who cares? Same as the pharmaceutical companies and everyone else with life saving technology--price it as high as the market will bear. This is America.
I read its legal to sell fetal tissue in most states, even Pences. Late term abortions are very rare nor are partial birth abortions legal. If a PP doctor performed one he should be sentenced. Most late term are done in a hospital setting. The selling of fetal tissue is common, why throw it out,.
Biotech company can sell the donated parts but not PP.

Science has a high demand for different parts.

No reason to burn them rather than donate them if the woman chooses.
Parts have been used in science for ever 80 years, both in the US and around the world.

If they are donated, why are people still so squeamish? Unless it is your embryo/fetus why do you care?

It is dead tissue that science has use for to save other lives.

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