The Cosmo-Heresy Evaluation


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is marked by elaborate urban labyrinths and cosmopolitan 'grids.' These 'mazes' of commerce, industry, and traffic can create a sort of metaphysics claustrophobia, and surely, the high-speed traffic-congested Internet (or 'Information Superhighway') does not 'lighten' the burden.

Billions of people from around the world surf the Web and navigate to social networking sites such as Facebook and shopping sites such as and news/media sites such as CNN and

With so many people staring at computer/laptop/smartphone screens *simultaneously*, one might get the impression that human beings have become like 'insects' crawling around looking for honey.

Capitalism is a system that favors competitive economics, and institutions such as NATO, Wall Street, and the European Union reflect a geo-political and 'geo-cultural' investment in the free market.

Imagine then that countless humans are scouring the Earth like bugs, scratching away at the planet for resources and treasures. It reminds me of comics/anime characters (or avatars) such as Wolverine (Marvel Comics), a semi-wolf mutant humanoid with metallic knuckle-blades (or 'claws') used for hunting and stalking, and the Insecticons (Transformers - Hasbro), giant relentless robots that transform into predatory metallic insects.

If therefore we can imagine that human civilization has become a 'bee-hive' of honey-ravenous *cells*, then such unmitigated activity can create a state of pure profiteerism and therefore 'metaphysics schizophrenia,' which is why perhaps we see dystopia-themed films such as Ghost in the Machine and Ravenous.

Perhaps we can more objectively entertain discussions/ideas about 'perspective check-ups.'


INSECTICON: We need to roam around looking for energy!
WOLVERINE: I'd rather claw my way through the jungle.
INSECTICON: Never under-estimate the scientific value of energy.
WOLVERINE: I prefer the serenity of isolation-pardoning Mother Nature.
INSECTICON: Nature is as cruel as intellect.
WOLVERINE: No *mind* intentionally seeks disease/malady.
INSECTICON: The mind is a part of nature.
WOLVERINE: Why then do human beings pollute the Earth?
INSECTICON: Industrialization is an activity of the mind!
WOLVERINE: Mother Nature does not condone mindless behaviors.
INSECTICON: Wastefulness is simply a matter of neglect.
WOLVERINE: Humans would not 'neglect' Earth if I scratched at their conscience!
INSECTICON: It is better to work than to inquire.
WOLVERINE: I'd rather ask the right kind of 'nagging questions.'
INSECTICON: Maybe industrialization/urbanization is related to diseases such as AIDS.
WOLVERINE: There may be a *new* disease destroying humans' ability to proliferate.
INSECTICON: A 'doomsday plague' would affect the mind's appreciation of governance!
WOLERINE: That's why I say we return to the jungle.





'The Fake Hospital'

Since this thread is rather heavy (philosophically/ideologically), I thought I'd 'lighten' the load by offering up a funny work of fiction. After all, isn't the need for 'culture mood-boosters' why we enjoy films such as Captain America: Civil War?

Don't they have magazines at the patient waiting room at doctor's offices?



Stanley was an 'intelligence-office workaholic' assigned to a CIA division investigating ties between the Russian mafia and ISIS, since there seemed to be some kind of Internet-hacker terrorism plot developing in Eurasia, targeted towards America and NASDAQ. Stanley liked to refer to himself as Captain America (Marvel Comics), since he earnestly believed America could cure all the maladies created by the errors in governance made by previous empires (e.g., Britain, Rome, etc.). Stanley was staking-out a meeting at the Kremlin when he was knocked unconscious and taken to a mysterious building.

When Stanley woke up, he realized he was in some kind of hospital or clinical setting. There were about five or six working doctors Stanley noticed and about the same number of working nurses. He felt very groggy, and one doctor explained he was in the custody of a US Embassy connected organization in Moscow. Stanley asked the doctor what happened to him, and the doctor told him he was knocked out by a Russian mafia-man before CIA agents rescued him and brought him to this secret medical center for the treatment of CIA agents. Stanley believed the doctor and went back to sleep (a very deep sleep).

While sleeping, Stanley had a very strange dream. He dreamt he was stuck as a prisoner in a 'fake hospital,' in which all the doctors and nurses were all actually aliens from Venus disguised as human doctors and nurses. The aliens/doctors gave Stanley a strange sedative, which caused him to sleep all the time and have very bizarre but lucid dreams. Stanley was unsure if this sequence in the dream was perceptibly real or a tangled 'dream-in-a-dream,' since one 'dream' was about a normal memory of Stanley learning to ride a bicycle from his step-father's loving and jovial butler.

When Stanley finally awoke for real and found himself still in the care of the doctors at the 'secret CIA medical center,' he called out for a doctor or nurse, but no one answered. Stanley slowly got out of bed and started walking around and noticed there was absolutely no one in this 'medical' building anymore. Stanley considered the possibility that the doctors and nurses were cleared out by CIA agents who forgot to deal with Stanley. He tried using the one phone he found in the building, but there was no dial tone. Stanley wandered down one hallway where there was a light coming out from one room. He slowly peeked in and noticed there was a doctor(!) with a patient(!) who was telling him the exact same thing Stanley's doctor told him(!) --- i.e., "CIA agents brought you here after a Russian mafia-man attacked you."

Stanley knew there was something terribly wrong. He felt uneasy about saying so many anti-social and hypocritical things while working at the CIA office in the USA regarding the foolish and childish and obsessive use of the Internet by millions and millions of Americans (and how such ant-like behavior contributed to some kind of 'cultural malaise'), because now Stanley wished he could find a smartphone or laptop on which he could find an Internet connection to send an email to a CIA peer! Stanley started running down another hallway of the building looking for an exit. He finally found one, and when walked out the door, to his shock, he realized he was in heaven. "So this is what heaven looks like for a CIA workaholic?"



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