The Constitution -- Merely A Guide?

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

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Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

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Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection --

Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

Your Thoughts ?
The Constitution is like the Bible. They are both a warning which most of the time goes unheeded.

In government, no one believes in either.
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Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection --

Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

Your Thoughts ?
The Constitution is like the Bible. They are both a warning which most of the time goes unheeded.

In government, no one believes in either.
I see it much the same as you. It's either ignored, or interpreted to suit a cause.
Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection --

Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

Your Thoughts ?
The Constitution is like the Bible. They are both a warning which most of the time goes unheeded.

In government, no one believes in either.
I see it much the same as you. It's either ignored, or interpreted to suit a cause.

dear that's idiotic of course. We live under the Constitution so have never become Nazi, communist etc etc.

Do you understand now?
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Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection --

Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

Your Thoughts ?
The Constitution is like the Bible. They are both a warning which most of the time goes unheeded.

In government, no one believes in either.
I see it much the same as you. It's either ignored, or interpreted to suit a cause.

dear that's idiotic of course. We live under the Constitution so have never become Nazi, communist etc etc.

Do you understand now?
What parts of the Constitution to we live under? Seriously. The Bill of Rights maybe? Taxation maybe? You tell me.
Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection --

Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

Your Thoughts ?
The Constitution is like the Bible. They are both a warning which most of the time goes unheeded.

In government, no one believes in either.
I see it much the same as you. It's either ignored, or interpreted to suit a cause.

dear that's idiotic of course. We live under the Constitution so have never become Nazi, communist etc etc.

Do you understand now?
What parts of the Constitution to we live under? Seriously. The Bill of Rights maybe? Taxation maybe? You tell me.

too stupid!!! democracy, 3 branches of govt, enumerated powers, federalism!!

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Has the Constitution become merely a guide, and not the law of our founding principles? What about The Bill of Rights? Have we made detours around the Constitution in order to better serve this nation and her citizens? Have we allowed the Constitution to be interpreted, in order to make adjustments based on current events and changing times? Have we altered the intent of the Constitution, in order to accommodate a select group, or a self-serving cause?

Considerations have been given to gun control, restrictive lawful assembly, restrictive prayer and religious applications, discrimination based on appearance, search and seizure authority, restrictive free speech, the legal invasion of privacy, tax collection and distribution of taxes, restrictive displaying of the American flag, the lack of government transparency, abusive use of eminent domain, and executive power.

Report Finds No Substitute for Mass Data Collection --

Republicans Resist Obama’s Move to Dismantle Apparatus of Deportation --
The program, which generated the majority of the 2.3 million deportations under the Obama administration, is at the center of the battle between the president and Republicans over his executive actions to transform the deportation system.

Your Thoughts ?
The Constitution is like the Bible. They are both a warning which most of the time goes unheeded.

In government, no one believes in either.
I see it much the same as you. It's either ignored, or interpreted to suit a cause.

dear that's idiotic of course. We live under the Constitution so have never become Nazi, communist etc etc.

Do you understand now?
What parts of the Constitution to we live under? Seriously. The Bill of Rights maybe? Taxation maybe? You tell me.

too stupid!!! democracy, 3 branches of govt, enumerated powers, federalism!!

Well, what about the Bill of Rights? Is that a part of the Constitution? What about taxation? Is that not mentioned in the Constitution? Democracy? How so? Democracy means that the people rule, have a voice, and the government works for the benefit of the citizenry. Does it not? Please explain. Thanks.
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Well, what about the Bill of Rights?s.

too stupid!!! democracy, 3 branches of govt, enumerated powers, federalism, Bill of Rights!!( An idiot liberal like you can talk here and carry a gun-proof positive)

Do you get it now???
But wait, please. Yes, we have 3 branches of government, very true. But who do they serve? How do they serve? And, do all Americans benefit from their service equally, fairly, and justly? If so, please explain how and in what way(s)? The Bill of Rights has been infringe upon, and parts of it have been basically made null and void. Do you know about the "privacy" part that we no longer have? Do you? FYI ---- I am NOT a Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democrat, Right Wing, Left Wing, Independent, nor anything other than an American for America, period. And, I'm certainly no idiot, as you can plainly see. Also, name calling and personal attacks are very silly and childish. They are totally uncalled for. Can you have a conversation in an adult and civil manner? Just curious.
But wait, please. Yes, we have 3 branches of government, very true. But who do they serve?.

too stupid!! the question was not who do the branches serve but do they still exist and do they serve the original purpose of of keeping power divided. Nice try at changing subject, again, when you lose.

See why we are positve that liberallism is based in pure ignorance?
But wait, please. Yes, we have 3 branches of government, very true. But who do they serve?.

too stupid!! the question was not who do the branches serve but do they still exist and do they serve the original purpose of of keeping power divided. Nice try at changing subject, again, when you lose.

See why we are positve that liberallism is based in pure ignorance?
Wait, hold on here. I never said, not once that the three branches were married together. Yes, of course they are separate branches of the government. Everyone knows that. Oh, but they do NOT serve the original intent, not hardly. And, I wasn't changing subjects, not at all. Where did I change subjects? Please tell me where I changed subjects. Again, I am NOT a LIBERAL. Also, I'm NOT ignorant, not in the least. Your childish and silly name calling and personal attacks are uncalled for, and add absolutely nothing to the conversation, nothing. Please try to have a conversation as an adult in a civil manner. Thanks.
Well, what about the Bill of Rights? Is that a part of the Constitution?.

Will someone tell this perfect idiot that the Bill fo Rights is part of the Constitution/ OMG!!
I have never ever said the Bill of Right wasn't a part of the Constitution. And, there is no way that you can show that I said such a thing. If you're going to make Sh*t up, at least try something that's close to real, please.
I have never ever said the Bill of Right wasn't a part of the Constitution

dear, I didn't say you said it wasn't part of the Constitution!! You asked if it was part of the Constitution and I merely invited someone to answer the idiotic question you asked. THen like an idiot you changed the subject again.

You seem very very slow; this is exactly what we expect from a liberal.
I have never ever said the Bill of Right wasn't a part of the Constitution

dear, I didn't say you said it wasn't part of the Constitution!! You asked if it was part of the Constitution and I merely invited someone to answer the idiotic question you asked. THen like an idiot you changed the subject again.

You seem very very slow; this is exactly what we expect from a liberal.
But, I already knew that the Bill of Rights were in the Constitution. I was asking you if you knew it. I wasn't asking you because I had a question as to whether it was or it wasn't. You misunderstood what I said, or took it the wrong way. And, once again, I will point out that not once have I changed the subject matter of this conversation, and you can NOT show where I have. Also, your name calling and personal attacks makes you look very silly and childish. Your age?
I never said, not once that the three branches were married together.

dear, no one said that you said it. Everytime you look stupid you change the subject!!
Ah, but you implied it. Go back and read what you said about it, please. Again, I have NOT changed the subject, and you can NOT show where I have. Also, I'm no idiot, not by a long shot.

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