The color Orange has filed suit


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
This just in:
CNN: In an unheard of turn of events, the color orange has filed a lawsuit in state district court for numerous copyright infringements and back payments it claims are due it since 2016 when Donald Trump won the presidential election. Attorneys for the maligned color say this is an even bigger deal than the butthurt that the color Blue has felt since losing in a landslide defeat! Attorneys for Mr. Orange are seeking unspecified damages and several injunctions to prohibit further abuse by butt hurt liberals.

Stay tuned for breaking updates...

In A related story Cheetos may follow suit...
What's this world coming to? The camel's nose is in the tent now.

I suppose the color Red be suing to stop it's being unfairly associated with leftists, socialists, and Democrats. Then the color Black will follow suit, for being associated with shiftless do-nothings who want reparations.
Great effort. Keep trying. Sooner or later you're gonna finally come up with a funny thread. I just know it.
Great effort. Keep trying. Sooner or later you're gonna finally come up with a funny thread. I just know it.

Admit it: deep down inside, it made you laugh a little.

Admission is the first step toward overcoming denial. We'll have you voting Republican in no time.
Great effort. Keep trying. Sooner or later you're gonna finally come up with a funny thread. I just know it.

Admit it: deep down inside, it made you laugh a little.

Admission is the first step toward overcoming denial. We'll have you voting Republican in no time.

Yes, but I wouldn't want Mikey to know I was laughing at him instead of with him. He tries so hard, but he just doesn't have what it takes. He's almost as bad as Ropey..
What's this world coming to? The camel's nose is in the tent now.

I suppose the color Red be suing to stop it's being unfairly associated with leftists, socialists, and Democrats. Then the color Black will follow suit, for being associated with shiftless do-nothings who want reparations.

Actually red is the republicrat's color on election maps.

I don't know why, and it needs to be fixed.

What's this world coming to? The camel's nose is in the tent now.

I suppose the color Red be suing to stop it's being unfairly associated with leftists, socialists, and Democrats. Then the color Black will follow suit, for being associated with shiftless do-nothings who want reparations.

Actually red is the republicrat's color on election maps.

I don't know why, and it needs to be fixed.


I sorta agree with you on that. I certainly don't want to be associated with those stinky commies either.
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Cheetos is now mulling class action....
Cheetos is now mulling class action....

I suppose this guy will be called to make a deposition...


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