The Clinton Quiz


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
History, perhaps....but a sad page in the history of America....

"How conspiratorial are you? Take this quiz!

The outrageous final hours of the Clinton presidency provoked many hitherto-silent Democrats to denounce Clinton as the most unworthy individual ever to occupy the presidency. Former Carter chief-of-staff Hamilton Jordan, for instance, lambastes the Clintons as the “first grifters,” denouncing the extreme corruption of the former first-couple.

Take a stab at the quiz below:

1. In an NBC interview with Lisa Meyers, Juanita Broaderick gave a detailed account of a rape she suffered at the hands of then-Arkansas attorney general Bill Clinton. Journalists uncovered considerable corroborating evidence. Newsweek’s account of the story added the editorial comment “sounds like our guy,” a sentiment that Elizabeth Gracen, Kathleen Willey, and perhaps many others would second. Nevertheless, it is OK to defend Clinton in this instance because:
a. It’s only about sex.
b. Lisa Meyers, NBC, and Newsweek are all part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.
c. Henry Kissinger murdered the president of Chile.
d. The Republicans want to give us a tax cut we can’t afford.
e. It’s not at all OK. No decent person would defend such conduct.

2. Just prior to a House vote on impeachment, Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of a Sudanese factory that he claimed (without any credible evidence) was manufacturing poison gas for Osama bin Ladin. Attorney General Janet Reno warned him that the bombing violated international law. Nevertheless, it is OK to defend Clinton in this instance because:
a. It’s only about sex.
b. The Sudanese and Janet Reno are part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.
c. Webster’s doesn’t define Tomahawk missiles as “bombs.”
d. We had to bomb right away because of Ramadan–no–wait! That’s Iraq.
e. It’s not at all OK. No decent person would defend such conduct.

3. In 1996, the Communist Chinese poured thousands of dollars into Clinton’s re-election campaign. In return, Chinese arms merchants got top-level access to the president. Nevertheless, it is OK to defend Clinton in this instance because:
a. It’s only about sex.
b. They can’t blow us up for at least five years.
c. Hitler was a sinner. Mother Theresa was a sinner. Therefore, Mother Theresa was Hitler.
d. Bill Clinton made the trains run on time.
e. It’s not at all OK. No decent person would defend such conduct.

4. Along with Mark Rich, Roger Clinton, Susan McDougal, and several high-level drug dealers, Clinton granted clemency to Mel Reynolds, a former congressman convicted of fraud. It is OK to defend Clinton’s pardon of Reynolds because:
a. Hey! Watch it with those trick questions! I happen to know that Mel Reynolds was the guy who left Congress after being convicted of sexual assault on a minor, child pornography, and obstruction of justice. Like I said, it’s only about sex.
b. It’s the economy, stupid!
c. The Republicans only care about unborn babies.
d. Ken Starr once worked for the tobacco companies.
e. It’s not at all OK. No decent person would approve the Reynolds pardon.

If you answered “e” to any of the above questions, watch out. You obviously are part of a vast right-wing conspiracy that wants to end social security, pollute every river and stream in America, and institute prayer and Bible reading in the public schools.
But at least you earned an “A” on this quiz."
How conspiratorial are you?
lol did you write this? That took some dedication....

The only thing that I put in that post was line 1....everything between the quotation marks is from the link.

For me, it resonated based on the nonsense that the Left is throwing at Romney....yet they voted, happily, for this sociopath rapist thief, Bill Clinton.

And, just as they lionized the traitorous womanizing drunk, Ted Kennedy, he remains their idol.

It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
Answers to your questions:
1) Please provide credible evidence to the corroborating evidence you aretalking about
2) The CIA were the ones who provided the 'evidence'. If Clinton and Berger et al can't trust them, what is the point in having them. Maybe if a certain president had listened to them in about May 2001 a certain event in Sept of that year might have been avoided.
3) Evidence that Chinese govt gave money to his coffers please. Again, a neutral source would be great, or don't bother.
4) If I could be bothered I'd list the number of felons that repub presidents have pardoned, but what's the point. Unlike you, I think both parties should hold their heads in shame, but more importantly, why the hell do the have the ability to do so in the first place.

IOW, PC has posted yet another rabid, partisan hack job and has yet again proved to be an epic fail
Clinton would be old news if his enabler wife wasn't freaking secretary of state. Hillary led the "bimbo eruption squad" which was dedicated to ruining the lives of women who came forward with the truth about the Bubba. The liberal media knew all about Bubba Bill Clinton. They knew he abused his authority with the Ark. State Police bodyguards in his serial abuse of women. They knew about Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaderick and a couple of hundred women abused by Clinton but they kept quiet and we ended up with a serial rapist who couldn't even keep it in his pants in the Oval office.
Answers to your questions:
1) Please provide credible evidence to the corroborating evidence you aretalking about
2) The CIA were the ones who provided the 'evidence'. If Clinton and Berger et al can't trust them, what is the point in having them. Maybe if a certain president had listened to them in about May 2001 a certain event in Sept of that year might have been avoided.
3) Evidence that Chinese govt gave money to his coffers please. Again, a neutral source would be great, or don't bother.
4) If I could be bothered I'd list the number of felons that repub presidents have pardoned, but what's the point. Unlike you, I think both parties should hold their heads in shame, but more importantly, why the hell do the have the ability to do so in the first place.

IOW, PC has posted yet another rabid, partisan hack job and has yet again proved to be an epic fail

A fact free analysis, yes. :eek:
Answers to your questions:
1) Please provide credible evidence to the corroborating evidence you aretalking about
2) The CIA were the ones who provided the 'evidence'. If Clinton and Berger et al can't trust them, what is the point in having them. Maybe if a certain president had listened to them in about May 2001 a certain event in Sept of that year might have been avoided.
3) Evidence that Chinese govt gave money to his coffers please. Again, a neutral source would be great, or don't bother.
4) If I could be bothered I'd list the number of felons that repub presidents have pardoned, but what's the point. Unlike you, I think both parties should hold their heads in shame, but more importantly, why the hell do the have the ability to do so in the first place.

IOW, PC has posted yet another rabid, partisan hack job and has yet again proved to be an epic fail

Did you say partisan, old timer?
Well, then....let's see what some of your Lefty pals say about your hero:

1. ‘Some years ago, when Gennifer Flowers informed Bill Clinton that she had lied under oath before a grievance committee in Arkansas, the man already known as Slick Willie replied, ''Good for you.''’In America - Cut Him Loose - Op-Ed -

2. But the Democratic Party overlooked the ethical red flags and made a pact with Mr. Clinton that was the equivalent of a pact with the devil. And he delivered. With Mr. Clinton at the controls, the party won the White House twice. But in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul. Ibid.

3. -- the man is so thoroughly corrupt it's frightening.” Ibid.

4. “Andrew Sullivan of The New Republic notes, 'In Bill Clinton, we had for eight years a truly irrational person in the White House, someone who, I think, lived on the edge of serious mental illness. He was and is a psychologically sick man'” Olson, “The Final Days,” (p. 199).

5. “Some papers, such as The Economist, had, after initially supporting him, decided early on that Mr Clinton was too dishonest an individual to be trusted with the presidency, however clever he might be.” The fugitive president | The Economist

6. “So he committed perjury before a federal investigation? A mere technicality, and after all a lie told about the very private matter of an affair with a junior member of his staff.” Ibid.

7. The New York Observer noted that the Clinton critics "were right, after all. Mr. Clinton was, in fact, an untrustworthy low-life who used people for his own purposes and then discarded them." As for Hillary, the newspaper explained that New Yorkers had "made a terrible mistake, for Hillary Rodham Clinton is unfit for elective office. Had she any shame, she would resign." The American Spectator : Remembering Clinton and the Episodic Apologists

8. ‘ The [New York] Times called for congressional investigations, lamenting that "the former president… seemed to make a redoubled effort in the last moments of his presidency to plunge further and further beneath the already low expectations of his most cynical critics and most world-weary friends." ‘Between Two Eras - Editorial -

9. “Chris Matthews on the Clintons: Before this, we laughed at poor little countries that drug dealers and international crooks could buy. We mocked the Third World capitals where a little money on the fingers of a certain family member could open doors or close eyes. Thanks to Bill and Hillary Clinton, we have now forfeited that small national vanity. The next movie about international drug-dealing… may well feature not a Mexican police chief but an American president as the bag man.” Doug Ross @ Journal: Line o' the Day: The Bag Man

10. The outrageous final hours of the Clinton presidency provoked many hitherto-silent Democrats to denounce Clinton as the most unworthy individual ever to occupy the presidency. Former Carter chief-of-staff Hamilton Jordan, for instance, lambastes the Clintons as the “first grifters,” denouncing the extreme corruption of the former first-couple.

11. The Clintons' White House exit led even Democrats to inveigh: "totally indefensible" (Joe Biden), "disgraceful" (Jimmy Carter), "terrible, devastating" and "appalling" (William Daley), "Clinton is utterly disgraced" (former Clinton secretary of labor Robert Reich),…Ibid.

How ya' like me now, boooooyyyyyyyyy????

I found that a member asked same question in this forum some months ago.

Pls use search box to find this questions with comments
Answers to your questions:
1) Please provide credible evidence to the corroborating evidence you aretalking about
2) The CIA were the ones who provided the 'evidence'. If Clinton and Berger et al can't trust them, what is the point in having them. Maybe if a certain president had listened to them in about May 2001 a certain event in Sept of that year might have been avoided.
3) Evidence that Chinese govt gave money to his coffers please. Again, a neutral source would be great, or don't bother.
4) If I could be bothered I'd list the number of felons that repub presidents have pardoned, but what's the point. Unlike you, I think both parties should hold their heads in shame, but more importantly, why the hell do the have the ability to do so in the first place.

IOW, PC has posted yet another rabid, partisan hack job and has yet again proved to be an epic fail

A fact free analysis, yes. :eek:

"fact free"....?

Ain't it great when a brainless know-nothing, such as yourself, pretends some level of expertise by inserting a vapid comment, and then wanders off....

Care to try to zero in on any that you 'think' ( I use that word in only the most generous fashion) are imaginary?
Answers to your questions:
1) Please provide credible evidence to the corroborating evidence you aretalking about
2) The CIA were the ones who provided the 'evidence'. If Clinton and Berger et al can't trust them, what is the point in having them. Maybe if a certain president had listened to them in about May 2001 a certain event in Sept of that year might have been avoided.
3) Evidence that Chinese govt gave money to his coffers please. Again, a neutral source would be great, or don't bother.
4) If I could be bothered I'd list the number of felons that repub presidents have pardoned, but what's the point. Unlike you, I think both parties should hold their heads in shame, but more importantly, why the hell do the have the ability to do so in the first place.

IOW, PC has posted yet another rabid, partisan hack job and has yet again proved to be an epic fail

Regarding '2'.... if a certain President had listened to both the CIA and the US Military in 1999, it would never have even been planned, yet alone carried out. If you want to play pissing contests with 9/11.... the Right Wing Conspiracy is gonna cremate you. The left lost that one.
Thousands of preventable deaths with the Bush boy wonder at the helm, or near it, in reality; yet Clinton remains on the brain of the far right. THAT is sad.
Clinton is no longer president.



You'd really be laughing if you got the joke, Citi...., let me help:

The same folks who lined up to vote for a corrupt, lying, rapist- twice- are 'Claude Rains shocked' that Mitt Romney used his best business acumen to make money for his investors!

Now...admit it....that's funny!
Thousands of preventable deaths with the Bush boy wonder at the helm, or near it, in reality; yet Clinton remains on the brain of the far right. THAT is sad.

You mean that you never noticed how infamy is difficult to forget?

You must be one of those dyslexics who got bad grades in school, but never realized it.
Answers to your questions:
1) Please provide credible evidence to the corroborating evidence you aretalking about
2) The CIA were the ones who provided the 'evidence'. If Clinton and Berger et al can't trust them, what is the point in having them. Maybe if a certain president had listened to them in about May 2001 a certain event in Sept of that year might have been avoided.
3) Evidence that Chinese govt gave money to his coffers please. Again, a neutral source would be great, or don't bother.
4) If I could be bothered I'd list the number of felons that repub presidents have pardoned, but what's the point. Unlike you, I think both parties should hold their heads in shame, but more importantly, why the hell do the have the ability to do so in the first place.

IOW, PC has posted yet another rabid, partisan hack job and has yet again proved to be an epic fail

Regarding '2'.... if a certain President had listened to both the CIA and the US Military in 1999, it would never have even been planned, yet alone carried out. If you want to play pissing contests with 9/11.... the Right Wing Conspiracy is gonna cremate you. The left lost that one.

Actually, I think you'll find it was because the FBI and CIA were not talking to each other..
As for a pissing contest, PC started it....shrug....

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