The Chinese know more about why America is fucking up than Americans?


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
China mocks U.S. political model - Washington Times

In extensive talks with a series of Chinese leaders, an oft-cited point of criticism is the gridlock and “dysfunction” they see in Washington. They say fawning by U.S. political leaders seeking re-election has created an “entitlement culture” where the public has grown dependent on government largesse.

pretty much pointing the finger at american liberals. Way to go, China!
Not sure i want to take advice from the Chinese on too much but they do have a point. The Left/Democrats have created Millions of Americans who are addicted to Entitlement. These people really do believe they're entitled to those freebies. They feel they're entitled to steal other Citizens' money. The Left/Democrats have indoctrinated them with this mentality for the last 40yrs. or so. The American work-ethic is disappearing. When you think you deserve something for free,you're not likely to be motivated to work and better yourself. It really is a very sad mentality. But the Democrats saw lots of votes & power in creating these people. And now we're stuck. It is what it is.
China mocks U.S. political model - Washington Times

In extensive talks with a series of Chinese leaders, an oft-cited point of criticism is the gridlock and “dysfunction” they see in Washington. They say fawning by U.S. political leaders seeking re-election has created an “entitlement culture” where the public has grown dependent on government largesse.

pretty much pointing the finger at american liberals. Way to go, China!

Yeah china sees part of our problem very clearly.

However, I don't want us to have a govt like china's ;)

We need to clean our own house(yeah congress) as citizens but I think that too high of a percentage have fallen for the "entitlement culture trap" for us to effectively do this anymore....we may have already reached the point of no return, 2012 may be the last chance.

I just don't have faith that the people are informed enough to vote out the progressive republicans and democrats and replace them with constitutional dems/reps who will actually balance a budget.
The Chi-coms are very conservative. Check out Chinese tv. It's filled with traditional historical stories.
The Chi-coms are very conservative. Check out Chinese tv. It's filled with traditional historical stories. democrats using "freebies" to buy votes and create a populace of people who have no self respect or self drive because they get the "freebies" to vote for them is the best way to do it, right cumswallow?
America is becoming a joke, and China is laughing
I think the reason the Chinese think we're dysfunctional as far as our government is because of Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and the "party of no".

You can't get anything done without cooperation, and the Chinese know that.
The Chi-coms are very conservative. Check out Chinese tv. It's filled with traditional historical stories. democrats using "freebies" to buy votes and create a populace of people who have no self respect or self drive because they get the "freebies" to vote for them is the best way to do it, right cumswallow?


When you are establishing parameters for comparison..couldn't you at least do a little research into it? BigGayLiberty? And can't cumswallow my jiz.
China mocks U.S. political model - Washington Times

In extensive talks with a series of Chinese leaders, an oft-cited point of criticism is the gridlock and “dysfunction” they see in Washington. They say fawning by U.S. political leaders seeking re-election has created an “entitlement culture” where the public has grown dependent on government largesse.

pretty much pointing the finger at american liberals. Way to go, China!

yeah, pointing fingers at liberal ssince they make up 99% of the federal govenrment........

when are conservatives ever going to get elected?
I think the reason the Chinese think we're dysfunctional as far as our government is because of Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and the "party of no".

You can't get anything done without cooperation, and the Chinese know that.

That might have been true 20 years ago. It ain't anymore.
The Chi-coms are very conservative. Check out Chinese tv. It's filled with traditional historical stories. democrats using "freebies" to buy votes and create a populace of people who have no self respect or self drive because they get the "freebies" to vote for them is the best way to do it, right cumswallow?

you mean like when republicans were giving away taxpayer money to people for downpayments on houses they could not afford?

i definately agree that china is a conservative country........ espcially the way they treat their women......
I think the reason the Chinese think we're dysfunctional as far as our government is because of Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and the "party of no".

You can't get anything done without cooperation, and the Chinese know that.

If you had a chance to actually visit China..and talk to the Chinese..they will point out that they are one people..and the government doesn't have to deal with any regulations or lawsuits. They want somebody's land..they take it. End of story. The Chinese laugh out load when the government here gets thwarted by such actions in American courts. They also laugh about all the environmental regulations we have. The Washington Time's article is woefully naive.
China mocks U.S. political model - Washington Times

In extensive talks with a series of Chinese leaders, an oft-cited point of criticism is the gridlock and “dysfunction” they see in Washington. They say fawning by U.S. political leaders seeking re-election has created an “entitlement culture” where the public has grown dependent on government largesse.

pretty much pointing the finger at american liberals. Way to go, China!

Chinese should thank the U.S. political model for millions of stolen working places.
If you were raised your whole life to feel you deserved freebies,it is highly unlikely you will work hard to be a success. And unfortunately we have Millions & Millions of these types of people. They justify their stealing from fellow Citizens by feeling they're entitled somehow. The Left/Democrats did create these people for the votes & power and now we're all paying for it.
After a careful reading of this article I believe it is a a total fabrication by a known fabricator of "news".
I think the reason the Chinese think we're dysfunctional as far as our government is because of Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and the "party of no".

You can't get anything done without cooperation, and the Chinese know that.

If you had a chance to actually visit China..and talk to the Chinese..they will point out that they are one people..and the government doesn't have to deal with any regulations or lawsuits. They want somebody's land..they take it. End of story. The Chinese laugh out load when the government here gets thwarted by such actions in American courts. They also laugh about all the environmental regulations we have. The Washington Time's article is woefully naive.

Yeah, and not only that, but they are cleaning up their environment and are further along the path to green energy than we are.

Incidentally, they are putting regulations IN PLACE to start cleaning up their country.
I think the reason the Chinese think we're dysfunctional as far as our government is because of Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and the "party of no".

You can't get anything done without cooperation, and the Chinese know that.

You sound a bit partisan hackish there biker.

"It takes 2 to tango" and NEITHER side is willing to dance with the other. Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are just as much a culprit as the people you mentioned.
I think the reason the Chinese think we're dysfunctional as far as our government is because of Boehner, Cantor, McConnell and the "party of no".

You can't get anything done without cooperation, and the Chinese know that.

If you had a chance to actually visit China..and talk to the Chinese..they will point out that they are one people..and the government doesn't have to deal with any regulations or lawsuits. They want somebody's land..they take it. End of story. The Chinese laugh out load when the government here gets thwarted by such actions in American courts. They also laugh about all the environmental regulations we have. The Washington Time's article is woefully naive.

This is actually true. My friend sean, who sells wine, is on a plane to China right now for his 3rd time this year.

I should ask him to come post on the forum when he returns....unfortunately in china social media, such as the USMB, is unavailable on their internet as the govt deems it bad for the people to have access to.

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