CDZ The Chimera of Russian Interference in the Election


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
OK Brainiacs, what SPECIFIC allegations are you making about Russian 'interference" in our last Presidential election?

a. The Russians wanted Trump to win? SO WHAT?

b. The Russians hacked emails (like we do)? SO WHAT?

c. The Russians released truthful information about the DNC? IS THIS BAD?


Would you be so upset if the U.S. did the same thing before a Russian election?
I bet they were't talking about Grandchildren


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They're claiming that Trump was somehow working with the Russians, only they have no evidence of this. In fact, it's coming out now that Democrats were meeting with the Russians, only they failed to disclose that information.
What entity in the Russian government would have looked at the American election and concluded that the smart money was on Trump?
Zakharova blasted US media reports on contacts between Russian diplomats and US officials as a “disgrace” and a “manifestation of media vandalism.”

“I have a question: is it rock bottom, which the US media has reached, or is there an even greater depth for them to dive?” Zakharova said.

The mainstream media “cross the line far beyond the professional ethics and their competence. They accuse and judge by simply fabricating false information."

“Come on, stop spreading lies and fake news. This is a good advice for the CNN. Thank you,” Zakharova replied as she walked away.

‘Stop spreading lies & fake news,’ Russian FM spokeswoman tells CNN reporter
The strange thing is that has been standard since the 1960s as with JFK's drug addiction to pain killers and infidelities.
OK Brainiacs, what SPECIFIC allegations are you making about Russian 'interference" in our last Presidential election?

a. The Russians wanted Trump to win? SO WHAT?

b. The Russians hacked emails (like we do)? SO WHAT?

c. The Russians released truthful information about the DNC? IS THIS BAD?


Would you be so upset if the U.S. did the same thing before a Russian election?
I have to admit I am put off by your sneering condescension towards people who don't share your analysis of the Russian hack. I'm setting it aside and I hope you will too because your questions reveal a typical off-the-mark interpretation of what this whole issue is about and why so many knowledgeable people in both parties find in concerning.

For background on Russia's new foreign policy objectives and strategies, I recommend this now-famous recent essay:

Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War

It is a long read but it puts the Trump-Russia incident in a full historical and international context essential for understanding why the issue is so important.

The involvement of Trump and his close advisors with various Russian figures is carefully and clearly analyzed in the piece below:

Analysis | The web of relationships between Team Trump and Russia

I suspect that like many angry and sarcastic defenders of Mr. Trump you will dismiss the above research as mere fake news and propaganda. That is too bad. The email hacks dumped in the election are important and certainly not chimera, but they are also just the tip of an iceberg of world-wide Russian clandestine activity of profound consequence for the United States. The connection between these Russian efforts and recent changes in popular sentiment and politics in the Western democracies will take time, perhaps years, to fully untangle. To reduce these events to mere partisan squabbling is to miss the bus of history. Think about it.
Wait a second, a commie crook from Chicago who picked another commie crook from Chicago as his successor but she lost. Obama locked up more leakers than all other presidents combined. Yet his pinko syncophants in the MSM claim things were said to them by anonymous sources that did not go to jail and this is trustworthy? According to his own FISA requests Obama got the NSA to break the law in order to make this claim and that's cool? Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

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