The CDC wants your trust back: It’ll ‘take time to rebuild.’

“Trust is easily broken and, as folks know, trust takes time to rebuild,” Cohen told POLITICO. “It isn’t something you can fix overnight. I know that this is a long-term way of thinking about it.”
At least the new CDC director admits they misled and lied their ass off to the American people. Trust is earned and easily lost VERY DIFFICULT to rebuild.
More from politico

The anti-vaccine movement is on the rise. The White House is at a loss over what to do about it.​

Follow along as the Biden administration battles the forces of evil and bigotry in its quest to poison, maim ,and kill American citizens
Yeah, when a vaccine doesn't prevent infection or transmission and has deadly side effects, and many people have to get it or lose their jobs, you're gonna get some anti-vaccine sentiment.

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