The Case Against Obama


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Excellent article by Krauthammer. I'd love to see the Romney campaign hire him as an adviser.

The case against reelection
By Charles Krauthammer, Published: August 9

There are two ways to run against Barack Obama: stewardship or ideology. You can run against his record or you can run against his ideas.

The stewardship case is pretty straightforward: the worst recovery in U.S. history, 42 consecutive months of 8-plus percent unemployment, declining economic growth — all achieved at a price of an additional $5 trillion of accumulated debt.

The ideological case is also simple. Just play in toto (and therefore in context) Obama’s Roanoke riff telling small-business owners: “You didn’t build that.” Real credit for your success belongs not to you — you think you did well because of your smarts and sweat? he asked mockingly — but to government that built the infrastructure without which you would have nothing.

Play it. Then ask: Is that the governing philosophy you want for this nation?

First, the $831 billion stimulus that was going to “reinvest” in America and bring unemployment below 6 percent. We know about the unemployment. And the investment? Obama loves to cite great federal projects such as the Hoover Dam and the interstate highway system. Fine. Name one thing of any note created by Obama’s Niagara of borrowed money. A modernized electric grid? Ports dredged to receive the larger ships soon to traverse a widened Panama Canal? Nothing of the sort. Solyndra, anyone?

The case against reelection - The Washington Post
Good points. The Chuckster should probably be running Romney's compaign.
The federal government didn't build infrastructure.... 90% of it already existed and was built by communities using communal funds and communal labor..

The federal government can take zero credit for any of our municipal infrastructure...

The federal government should stick to its job - defending us from foreign threats... Once the federal government starts sticking their dick in the mix all of a sudden we start to have problems both socially and economically...
The federal government didn't build infrastructure.... 90% of it already existed and was built by communities using communal funds and communal labor..

The federal government can take zero credit for any of our municipal infrastructure...

The federal government should stick to its job - defending us from foreign threats... Once the federal government starts sticking their dick in the mix all of a sudden we start to have problems both socially and economically...

Not so Nick.. The Obama stimulus built a turtle crossing down in Florida and it only cost $3.4 million dollars. :D

Turtle Crossing Stimulus Project Not Shovel Ready. As a Result, Many Turtles Are. - Hit & Run :
The federal government didn't build infrastructure.... 90% of it already existed and was built by communities using communal funds and communal labor..

The federal government can take zero credit for any of our municipal infrastructure...

The federal government should stick to its job - defending us from foreign threats... Once the federal government starts sticking their dick in the mix all of a sudden we start to have problems both socially and economically...

Not so Nick.. The Obama stimulus built a turtle crossing down in Florida and it only cost $3.4 million dollars. :D

Turtle Crossing Stimulus Project Not Shovel Ready. As a Result, Many Turtles Are. - Hit & Run :

:lmao: Well... we can all go into business now. I just don't know how this country would've lasted another minute without Barack Obama and all this new infrastructure.
The federal government is a bloated exercise of waste, incompetency, inefficiency, and unaccountability. The less it attempts to do the better.

Milton Friedman had it right: Put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert and in five years there'd be a shortage of sand.
The federal government can take zero credit for any of our municipal infrastructure...

Let me guess: your town participates in the Community Development Block Grant program.


That's called welfare..........

You ever seen a housing project????

Another project supported by progressives that failed..
or you could vote republican so they can crash the economy yet again like they did last time they were given power
"Milton Friedman had it right: Put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert and in five years there'd be a shortage of sand."

By that reasoning, it should be in charge of poverty.
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
The federal government didn't build infrastructure.... 90% of it already existed and was built by communities using communal funds and communal labor..

The federal government can take zero credit for any of our municipal infrastructure...

The federal government should stick to its job - defending us from foreign threats... Once the federal government starts sticking their dick in the mix all of a sudden we start to have problems both socially and economically...

Not so Nick.. The Obama stimulus built a turtle crossing down in Florida and it only cost $3.4 million dollars. :D

Turtle Crossing Stimulus Project Not Shovel Ready. As a Result, Many Turtles Are. - Hit & Run :

:lmao: Well... we can all go into business now. I just don't know how this country would've lasted another minute without Barack Obama and all this new infrastructure.

The reason why Obama's stimulus is a total failure is quite simple - one cannot take water out of one end of the pool and dump it in the other end - that would require time and energy to do such...

It costs a dollar to spend a dollar.... Not to mention using the inflated salaries of labor unions doesn't help....

Funny that Obamafuck doesn't realize that...

By the time a dollar is pumped back into the economy it's worth about 50 cents - thats exactly why they're getting started on running the printing press again - and they still haven't figured it out. So Obama and his pals are either massive idiots or nefarious tyrants.

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