The Bushies are back: Romney lists 37 holdovers from the George W. Bush admin.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Jordan Michael Smith

Missed the neocons? Don't worry: Mitt Romney's getting the band together again.

There was good reason for Republicans to cry foul over the Obama campaign’s advertisement highlighting the president’s killing of Osama bin Laden; the GOP has lost its decades-long edge on national security. According to a Washington Post poll, “By a margin of more than 2 to 1, Americans say the president’s handling of terrorism is a major reason to support rather than oppose his bid for reelection.”

Republicans lost their popularity on security issues for one reason: George W. Bush’s foreign policy was a disaster. And yet, the party’s nominee, Mitt Romney, has assembled a foreign-policy team composed almost exclusively of individuals with the same war-always mentality and ideology that served Bush — and the United States — so poorly. In some cases, the exact same men responsible for Bush’s catastrophic national security policies are advising Romney. The former Massachusetts governor could have included some of the pragmatists and realists from the George H.W. Bush administration. Instead, a Romney presidency seems like it would be Bush 43 all over again.

All told, Romney lists 37 holdovers from the George W. Bush administration — the very same administration he and all other Republican candidates barely referenced during their many debates because it was so discredited and toxic, even to the Republican base.

More: The Bushies are back -
It didn’t have to be this way. There are, in fact, people in Republican circles who are sensible on international affairs. The Cato Institute, in particular, has experts that could dramatically change the direction of American foreign policy. Men like Justin Logan and Christopher Preble were prescient on Iraq and a host of other issues. Similarly, the Center for the National Interest (formerly the Nixon Center) has a host of solid scholars, including ones like Dimitri Simes and Geoffrey Kemp, who have valuable government experience in the Nixon and Reagan administrations, respectively, and a history of perceptive analysis. Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, would have been another good pick.

So why aren’t guys like this being tapped? Why is the GOP sticking with a discredited foreign-policy approach rather that looking to its own past for wiser counsel? “Most of the realists and pragmatists have simply been driven out of the Republican Party,” says Stephen Walt, who writes a blog at Foreign Policy and teaches at Harvard. “The neoconservatives have been driving the agenda since Bush was elected and they remain well-entrenched.”

Another factor is that the Republican Party’s base remains strongly militaristic and reluctant to recognize limits on American power. Jon Huntsman’s failed presidential campaign illustrated that problem. The good news is that nobody seems to be calling for nation-building and occupying foreign countries in the mold of Iraq and Afghanistan. But that’s the only lesson that seems to have been learned from the last decade of foreign-policy debacles.

From the OP link.
As Iraq and Afghanistan wind down, the defense lobby needs a new 'problem' somewhere else to scare people into keeping the money flowing.

Remember when the Cold War ended? How long was it before we were meddling into the affairs of the Middle East?

Well, watch what happens...
That is some seriously scary shit.

You didn't like the Pre-Pelosi Era?

December 2007 Marks Record 52nd Consecutive Month Of Job Growth.
Publication: Business Wire
Date: Friday, January 4 2008

More Than 8.3 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003 In Longest Continuous Run Of Job Growth On Record

WASHINGTON -- Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures - 18,000 jobs created in December. Since August 2003, more than 8.3 million jobs have been created, with more than 1.3 million jobs created throughout 2007. Our economy has now added jobs for 52 straight months - the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. The unemployment rate remains low at 5 percent.' cators/economic-indicators/5848024-1.html
Would you agree, Lahkota, that since the moment the radical Leftists Pelosi and Reid took control of Congress, the economic prospects in America did a complete reversal and since that moment America has collapsed into complete disunity and despair?

In fact, you can set your watch by it.
Romney has consulted Robert Bork to help him pick the next Supreme Court Justice.

That alone is the reason to vote against the good Bishop.
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Would you agree, Lahkota, that since the moment the radical Leftists Pelosi and Reid took control of Congress, the economic prospects in America did a complete reversal and since that moment America has collapsed into complete disunity and despair?

In fact, you can set your watch by it.

I doubt he would agree with that...thinkprogress tells them different..

It was ALL Boooooooooosh's fault
Would you agree, Lahkota, that since the moment the radical Leftists Pelosi and Reid took control of Congress, the economic prospects in America did a complete reversal and since that moment America has collapsed into complete disunity and despair?

In fact, you can set your watch by it.

I doubt he would agree with that...thinkprogress tells them different..

It was ALL Boooooooooosh's fault

Pity. That loud sucking sound we hear is the life being drained out of America by radical Liberalism.

But millions of sheep such as Lahkota have their gubmint programs at stake.
So it IS just like that RNC rep said...Willard's administration would be Bush's, just "updated". The Neocons he's hiring should scare everyone. He's got a bunch of PNAC holdovers and other "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" dipshits.

Mitt Romney's Neocon War Cabinet

Lower taxes and keep beating the war drum...yeah, that would tackle that deficit wouldn't it?
So it IS just like that RNC rep said...Willard's administration would be Bush's, just "updated". The Neocons he's hiring should scare everyone. He's got a bunch of PNAC holdovers and other "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" dipshits.

Mitt Romney's Neocon War Cabinet

Lower taxes and keep beating the war drum...yeah, that would tackle that deficit wouldn't it?

We have seen the results of Pelosi-Reid-Obama.

6 years of epic suck.

As the Independent vote will realize, it is time to change contestants.
maybe you would have a point if the minority hadnt kept them from doing what they wanted.
How the fuck can you disgruntled brain cons keep up the ruse that Bush was the greatest president ever in the light of the facts that exsist?

Bush stood in front of the nation after nearly eight years of his leadership and had to announce the near death of our economy on his watch.
[ame=]President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube[/ame]
Cass Sunstein and Anita Dunn: Present and former Obama Administration members. Both are admirers of former Communist Party Chairman Mao tse Tung and both share the same favorite quote from him "All power emanantes from the barrel of a gun."
How could any freedom loving American tolerate people like this in positions so close to the center of power. These people should have been shot for treason, not helping to run the American Government. Yet Obama packed the halls of his Government with one Benedict Arnold after another Benedict Arnold.
Your party had the most control of any party for many long years.

You had the presidency the whole 8 years

You had congress for most of those eight years.

You crashed the fucking world economy.

You exploded our debt.

You Lied us into war.

You allowed us to be HIT on our watch in the wrost attack since pearl harbor.

You guys suck really badly and NO we will never forget it

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