The Brave New World of Donald Trump’s Republican Party


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
The following article is the work of a henchman of Erick Erickson and the Never Trump movement being forwarded by supposed supporters of the Republican agenda. I have divided it into snippets be inserting my comments in red.

I am a long time conservative hawk. I find Mr. Scharoun's comments detrimental to the Republican cause and a sure-fire way to help the Democrats keep the White House for at least one more term.

By Dave Scharoun | March 24, 2016, 05:33pm | @DaveScharoun

In his quest to convince the Republican Party establishment and base of his viability as a general election candidate, Donald Trump has continually flaunted his ability to bring disaffected Democratic voters into his new, “fundamentally changed” Republican Party. He isn’t wrong. Trump has converted lifelong Democrats to his Republican campaign in an unprecedented fashion. As many as 20% of Democratic voters have pledged to support a Trump candidacy, and he has consistently fared best in states with open primaries. But I feel as if there is a question that both Trump and many of his supposedly conservative voters have failed to answer:

Since when has the mission of the Republican Party been to accommodate Democrats?

The mission of the Republican Establishment has long been to accommodate Democrats. The refusal of our current so-called "representatives of the people", both in the Republican Senate and the Republican House to use their majority power to restrain the liberal agenda illustrates the disgusting fact that Washington is controlled by big donors and lobbyists with piles of money to fling at the entrenched establishment in return for favorable acts of government.

Up to 70% of the people did not want ObamaCare...we got it!

The majority of voters do not want open borders or amnesty. We have Marco Rubio accommodating Chuck Schummer in co-authoring an amnesty bill.

Wake up, Dave! You seem to equate successful conversion with accommodation. The more Democrats we convert to voting Republican, the more our chances of winning the White House rise.

You and the Never Trump movement will do nothing more than keep the Democrats in control longer.

If you are looking for a reason that this mass migration of Democratic voters to Trump’s side was made possible, you need look no further then this current crop of Democratic candidates, who have taken the party’s long-standing use of divisive identity politics and turned them into overdrive.

Actually, it's the stand that Trump takes against job-stealing illegal immigration, weak national security, the weakening of our military and the loss of American jobs caused by the lopsided trade deals and job-killing tax structure that draws Democrats and Republicans to Trump.

Bernie Sanders has proclaimed that white people cannot understand what it’s like to live in poverty and yielded the microphone to Black Lives Matter activists at his own speaking engagement, who admonished the crowd of gathered faithful for being racist due to their whiteness. Hillary Clinton, likable and popular stateswoman she is, has needed to double down on the Sandinista sympathizer’s pandering in order to keep pace with the party’s increasingly far left base.

So Hillary is changing her political posture to win votes? This is the same claim you make against Trump.

She has waxed self-loathingly over her own white privilege and declared that old Bernie’s constant harping on Wall Street and big banks is misguided since, after all, it will not end racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-immigrant fervor (all of which she, apparently, is capable of ending.)

If anyone is in bed with the Wall Street banks, it's Hillary Clinton. We haven't seen the transcripts of her speeches yet, have we? Hillary took in big bucks just for speaking in private to the big banks. And good old Ted Cruz...his wife works for Goldman Sachs.

Hillary won't be ending sexism either. She's tried to destroy every woman that claimed her husband molested or raped them. Do you really want to help Hillary get elected by not voting for Trump?

And of course, both have declared their support for open borders and amnesty, insisting that the only immigration problem we face is that of the prejudice of white Americans who refuse to accommodate their new neighbors.

...and our open borders make it easier for terrorists to come here and kill people. Bernie and Hillary think we should welcome all potential voters to the country regardless of the effects of their presence.

And as the left engages in this arms race of empathy for downtrodden minorities, the white, working class males of the Democratic Party increasingly find themselves alienated.

Which is likely part of their reasoning behind jumping on the Trump Train. Not only do they feel alienated, they feel OUT OF WORK. Their jobs have either been given to illegal aliens or shipped overseas for tax purposes.

Enter Donald Trump and his new Republican platform. You see, it’s not the Democratic voters that will be changing for their new party, but the party that will be (in Trump’s own words) “fundamentally changing” for them. The party of stiff principles gives way to an aspiring autocrat with a bag full of promises.

Gone are the days of simply pushing for tighter border security and increased enforcement of standing immigration laws, replaced by the promise of a “big, beautiful wall.” One you can touch and feel. One that seems to arbitrarily increase in size ten feet at a time with each spoken slight against Trump, like a parent adding extra time to a child’s timeout. One that will improve the plight of “you” by getting rid of “them.”

The height of the wall is irrelevant. Trump's point is that the more opposition from Mexico regarding the wall, the stronger will be his resolve to build it.

Gone are the days of prosperity through non-intervention in the private sector, replaced by promises of employment for all through crippling free trade, strong-arming those damn Chinese, and holding American companies hostage that attempt to dodge the proclamations of the new emperor. Fixing health care through the free market is also now an antiquated idea, replaced by the markedly Democratic policy of government-funded health care for all.

Non-intervention in the private sector ended decades ago with regulation after regulation being applied to the private sector. Our trade agreements and ridiculous tax structure have caused trade deficits with most of the countries we trade with. We can't sell much in Japan, yet they ship cars here by the millions. The free market in health care insurance would benefit by Trump's plan to allow competition across state lines. Though free anything is a liberal tenant, those that are UNABLE to pay for it on their own should get it. It's called charity and compassion.

Gone are the days of principle and conviction, replaced by a man who was for abortion, gun control, and even illegal immigration before he became adamantly against them, conveniently just around the time he began vying for the Republican nomination for president.

Regan was a liberal before he saw the light....and became the best President in decades.

Indeed, the story of the dynamic between the Republican and Democratic parties has long been one of principle against promise. With Trump, that era comes to an end, supplanted by an entirely new party with an entirely new base. Lifelong Democrats in constant pursuit of the candidate whose promises are most tantalizing and abundant find a home in this new Republican Party, led by a charismatic icon who repeatedly reminds them of his fatherly “love” for them.

And the principled conservative is left out in the cold.

You so-called principled conservatives are going to initiate the disappearance of the Republican party by aiding and abetting the liberal movement toward Marxism and Socialism. A scant few more terms in the White House is all it will take to reach the point of no return. We will follow Greece on the path to a failed nation of non-working voters.

I suggest you and Erick stop undermining the Republican Party.
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GOP elites basically have only two choices:
1. to give up their corrupt power and to let Trump win;
2. to cheat Trump, which will destroy the Republican party.
Until recently there were two parties: Republicans and Democrats; now we are witnessing their transformation into two new parties: Trump and anti-Trump parties.

By Robert Bridge, an American writer and journalist, working in Moscow:
The meteoric rise of Donald Trump, the Republican front runner who is giving the Establishment 3D nightmares, is the natural outcome of a political system that has been arrogantly ignoring the will of the American electorate for many years.

What started off as cheap comic fodder for late night television, and later ignored by the elite as an unfortunate yet containable nuisance, has now exploded on the scene as a destructive force of nature capable of blowing away the Establishment’s corporate-owned power structure. And then there’s the corporate-owned media, which, instead of impartially and dispassionately reporting on Trump’s rising star, is working on behalf of its owners to knock it out of the sky.

Pirro nails it with this answer to herself:The Republican establishment… are in bed with the Democrats. So if Hillary wins, nothing is lost for them. It’s business as usual. The lobbyists keep their offices on K Street, the pharmaceutical companies keep paying them… and the lawmakers get their re-election bribes - I mean, contributions.”

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, when asked to explain the elite’s refusal to support Trump, perhaps gave away a bit too much information when he said:“Well, because he’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable, he hasn’t been through the initiation rites, he didn’t belong to the secret society.”

Here is my personal reason for supporting Trump. Aside from his inspiring message of securing America’s border, ending US military adventures and reinvigorating the US economy, a Trump presidency will halt America’s slide towards family dynasties ruling the country like hereditary monarchies.

But there’s simply no way the Washington elite will willingly release their grip on the most powerful office in the world, even if such a thing would mean restoring some of America's former shine.

America faces its moment of Trump
What will the OP say about "the brave new world of John Kasich's republican party" should he get the nomination instead? I assume you're aware that the GOP is aware who will most assuredly win the general election against HillBilly?
The following article is the work of a henchman of Erick Erickson and the Never Trump movement being forwarded by supposed supporters of the Republican agenda. I have divided it into snippets be inserting my comments in red.

I am a long time conservative hawk. I find Mr. Scharoun's comments detrimental to the Republican cause and a sure-fire way to help the Democrats keep the White House for at least one more term.

By Dave Scharoun | March 24, 2016, 05:33pm | @DaveScharoun

In his quest to convince the Republican Party establishment and base of his viability as a general election candidate, Donald Trump has continually flaunted his ability to bring disaffected Democratic voters into his new, “fundamentally changed” Republican Party. He isn’t wrong. Trump has converted lifelong Democrats to his Republican campaign in an unprecedented fashion. As many as 20% of Democratic voters have pledged to support a Trump candidacy, and he has consistently fared best in states with open primaries. But I feel as if there is a question that both Trump and many of his supposedly conservative voters have failed to answer:

Since when has the mission of the Republican Party been to accommodate Democrats?

The mission of the Republican Establishment has long been to accommodate Democrats. The refusal of our current so-called "representatives of the people", both in the Republican Senate and the Republican House to use their majority power to restrain the liberal agenda illustrates the disgusting fact that Washington is controlled by big donors and lobbyists with piles of money to fling at the entrenched establishment in return for favorable acts of government.

Up to 70% of the people did not want ObamaCare...we got it!

The majority of voters do not want open borders or amnesty. We have Marco Rubio accommodating Chuck Schummer in co-authoring an amnesty bill.

Wake up, Dave! You seem to equate successful conversion with accommodation. The more Democrats we convert to voting Republican, the more our chances of winning the White House rise.

You and the Never Trump movement will do nothing more than keep the Democrats in control longer.

If you are looking for a reason that this mass migration of Democratic voters to Trump’s side was made possible, you need look no further then this current crop of Democratic candidates, who have taken the party’s long-standing use of divisive identity politics and turned them into overdrive.

Actually, it's the stand that Trump takes against job-stealing illegal immigration, weak national security, the weakening of our military and the loss of American jobs caused by the lopsided trade deals and job-killing tax structure that draws Democrats and Republicans to Trump.

Bernie Sanders has proclaimed that white people cannot understand what it’s like to live in poverty and yielded the microphone to Black Lives Matter activists at his own speaking engagement, who admonished the crowd of gathered faithful for being racist due to their whiteness. Hillary Clinton, likable and popular stateswoman she is, has needed to double down on the Sandinista sympathizer’s pandering in order to keep pace with the party’s increasingly far left base.

So Hillary is changing her political posture to win votes? This is the same claim you make against Trump.

She has waxed self-loathingly over her own white privilege and declared that old Bernie’s constant harping on Wall Street and big banks is misguided since, after all, it will not end racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-immigrant fervor (all of which she, apparently, is capable of ending.)

If anyone is in bed with the Wall Street banks, it's Hillary Clinton. We haven't seen the transcripts of her speeches yet, have we? Hillary took in big bucks just for speaking in private to the big banks. And good old Ted Cruz...his wife works for Goldman Sachs.

Hillary won't be ending sexism either. She's tried to destroy every woman that claimed her husband molested or raped them. Do you really want to help Hillary get elected by not voting for Trump?

And of course, both have declared their support for open borders and amnesty, insisting that the only immigration problem we face is that of the prejudice of white Americans who refuse to accommodate their new neighbors.

...and our open borders make it easier for terrorists to come here and kill people. Bernie and Hillary think we should welcome all potential voters to the country regardless of the effects of their presence.

And as the left engages in this arms race of empathy for downtrodden minorities, the white, working class males of the Democratic Party increasingly find themselves alienated.

Which is likely part of their reasoning behind jumping on the Trump Train. Not only do they feel alienated, they feel OUT OF WORK. Their jobs have either been given to illegal aliens or shipped overseas for tax purposes.

Enter Donald Trump and his new Republican platform. You see, it’s not the Democratic voters that will be changing for their new party, but the party that will be (in Trump’s own words) “fundamentally changing” for them. The party of stiff principles gives way to an aspiring autocrat with a bag full of promises.

Gone are the days of simply pushing for tighter border security and increased enforcement of standing immigration laws, replaced by the promise of a “big, beautiful wall.” One you can touch and feel. One that seems to arbitrarily increase in size ten feet at a time with each spoken slight against Trump, like a parent adding extra time to a child’s timeout. One that will improve the plight of “you” by getting rid of “them.”

The height of the wall is irrelevant. Trump's point is that the more opposition from Mexico regarding the wall, the stronger will be his resolve to build it.

Gone are the days of prosperity through non-intervention in the private sector, replaced by promises of employment for all through crippling free trade, strong-arming those damn Chinese, and holding American companies hostage that attempt to dodge the proclamations of the new emperor. Fixing health care through the free market is also now an antiquated idea, replaced by the markedly Democratic policy of government-funded health care for all.

Non-intervention in the private sector ended decades ago with regulation after regulation being applied to the private sector. Our trade agreements and ridiculous tax structure have caused trade deficits with most of the countries we trade with. We can't sell much in Japan, yet they ship cars here by the millions. The free market in health care insurance would benefit by Trump's plan to allow competition across state lines. Though free anything is a liberal tenant, those that are UNABLE to pay for it on their own should get it. It's called charity and compassion.

Gone are the days of principle and conviction, replaced by a man who was for abortion, gun control, and even illegal immigration before he became adamantly against them, conveniently just around the time he began vying for the Republican nomination for president.

Regan was a liberal before he saw the light....and became the best President in decades.

Indeed, the story of the dynamic between the Republican and Democratic parties has long been one of principle against promise. With Trump, that era comes to an end, supplanted by an entirely new party with an entirely new base. Lifelong Democrats in constant pursuit of the candidate whose promises are most tantalizing and abundant find a home in this new Republican Party, led by a charismatic icon who repeatedly reminds them of his fatherly “love” for them.

And the principled conservative is left out in the cold.

You so-called principled conservatives are going to initiate the disappearance of the Republican party by aiding and abetting the liberal movement toward Marxism and Socialism. A scant few more terms in the White House is all it will take to reach the point of no return. We will follow Greece on the path to a failed nation of non-working voters.

I suggest you and Erick stop undermining the Republican Party.

there really is not much difference between progressives on the right or the left
What will the OP say about "the brave new world of John Kasich's republican party" should he get the nomination instead? I assume you're aware that the GOP is aware who will most assuredly win the general election against HillBilly?
If the procedures remain fair, Trump will be the nominee. If Kasich if nominated, he will lose to Hillary and she will NEVER be indicted for the felonies she has committed.
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

there really is not much difference between progressives on the right or the left
True. That is because the entrenched (established) Washington insiders promote whatever the power brokers and big donors want...regardless of which party they claim to be in. Trump will answer to none of them. That is why there is so much opposition broadcast against him.

Look at who owns the mainstream media. Maybe you'll understand.
Sounds like majority of voters don't want to wake up in the middle of terrorist strikes, or participate in government health wrecking care.
Can't blame them. Take a look at Sweden and Germany, that is what you get if you vote for a vagina. Economy in shambles and freedom of speech shattered.
Sounds like majority of voters don't want to wake up in the middle of terrorist strikes, or participate in government health wrecking care.
Can't blame them. Take a look at Sweden and Germany, that is what you get if you vote for a vagina. Economy in shambles and freedom of speech shattered.
This video is going viral in Europe, but the #NeverTrump folks who refuse to listen to common sense will hate it.
A new Trump video about insane European refugee policy.

I don't know if Trump is legit or not but Bernie Sanders and Trump are the only two candidates that have talked about the parasitic entity that is the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank that has been charging us usury for credit extended from thin air. I know for a fact that Hillary is a Fabian socialist establishment insider with ties to the Bilderburg group and the CFR. She will continue to take this country towards the merger of the stated plan of a one world government that will erase our borders and we will no longer have a Constitution. It will be a totalitarian communistic feudal system with no middle class at all. People can scoff at this all they want but I have spent the last 4 years researching this. All day, every day...even at work I am listening to lectures and documentaries. I will jot down notes during the day and then do some vetting of the information to make sure that it is true. What I have found is that the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations) puts out papers that few even bother to read and they are very upfront as to what their goal is for America and they are one of the groups that help to select our candidates. The Rockefeller family (which is one of the shareholders of the Federal Reserve) was instrumental in setting up the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the U.N and they have no problem with admitting that their goal which is one world government. I can find you plenty of quotes to prove my point. Our borders are wide open but allegedly we have this phony war on terror. We have been played for chumps and frankly it pisses me off to no end. It sickens me to think that people will just blindly vote for that witch Hillary. She should be in jail just for the crimes that she and Bill committed when they were scamming the people in the stepping stone that was Arkansas. This country is in sooooo much trouble and it is hard for me to have any hope that we are going to pull out of this.
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Well, I can see why…can’t you?

I think if your in “the establishment” and have done fund raising for the GOP for 30 years, recruited candidates, recruited “Ground Troops” and the whole kit and caboodle….

You can support the supposed attempt to prevent Donald Trump from getting your party’s nomination and split the party or you can let him win the nomination and lose or (perhaps worse) let him win the nomination and sit by and watch a 4 year train wreck which may be worse for the party than the split.

If you can stick to the rules that are in place and Trump doesn’t get the nomination based on them, you’ll be fine as a Party eventually. Where are they going to go?
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Well, I can see why…can’t you?

I think if your in “the establishment” and have done fund raising for the GOP for 30 years, recruited candidates, recruited “Ground Troops” and the whole kit and caboodle….

You can support the supposed attempt to prevent Donald Trump from getting your party’s nomination and split the party or you can let him win the nomination and lose or (perhaps worse) let him win the nomination and sit by and watch a 4 year train wreck which may be worse for the party than the split.

If you can stick to the rules that are in place and Trump doesn’t get the nomination based on them, you’ll be fine as a Party eventually. Where are they going to go?
My guess is you're right. The "establishment" is stuck right now, so their only play may be to just let these people have their way and then claim the wreckage.

I mentioned in another thread that if the loudest voices in the party run the guy they want, they won't be able to complain if he loses. Probably. Maybe.

The wild card, though, is Hillary's campaign. If it implodes for some reason and gives up the election to this new party, the GOP establishment is screwed, big time.
The following article is the work of a henchman of Erick Erickson and the Never Trump movement being forwarded by supposed supporters of the Republican agenda. I have divided it into snippets be inserting my comments in red.

I am a long time conservative hawk. I find Mr. Scharoun's comments detrimental to the Republican cause and a sure-fire way to help the Democrats keep the White House for at least one more term.

By Dave Scharoun | March 24, 2016, 05:33pm | @DaveScharoun

In his quest to convince the Republican Party establishment and base of his viability as a general election candidate, Donald Trump has continually flaunted his ability to bring disaffected Democratic voters into his new, “fundamentally changed” Republican Party. He isn’t wrong. Trump has converted lifelong Democrats to his Republican campaign in an unprecedented fashion. As many as 20% of Democratic voters have pledged to support a Trump candidacy, and he has consistently fared best in states with open primaries. But I feel as if there is a question that both Trump and many of his supposedly conservative voters have failed to answer:

Since when has the mission of the Republican Party been to accommodate Democrats?

The mission of the Republican Establishment has long been to accommodate Democrats. The refusal of our current so-called "representatives of the people", both in the Republican Senate and the Republican House to use their majority power to restrain the liberal agenda illustrates the disgusting fact that Washington is controlled by big donors and lobbyists with piles of money to fling at the entrenched establishment in return for favorable acts of government.

Up to 70% of the people did not want ObamaCare...we got it!

The majority of voters do not want open borders or amnesty. We have Marco Rubio accommodating Chuck Schummer in co-authoring an amnesty bill.

Wake up, Dave! You seem to equate successful conversion with accommodation. The more Democrats we convert to voting Republican, the more our chances of winning the White House rise.

You and the Never Trump movement will do nothing more than keep the Democrats in control longer.

If you are looking for a reason that this mass migration of Democratic voters to Trump’s side was made possible, you need look no further then this current crop of Democratic candidates, who have taken the party’s long-standing use of divisive identity politics and turned them into overdrive.

Actually, it's the stand that Trump takes against job-stealing illegal immigration, weak national security, the weakening of our military and the loss of American jobs caused by the lopsided trade deals and job-killing tax structure that draws Democrats and Republicans to Trump.

Bernie Sanders has proclaimed that white people cannot understand what it’s like to live in poverty and yielded the microphone to Black Lives Matter activists at his own speaking engagement, who admonished the crowd of gathered faithful for being racist due to their whiteness. Hillary Clinton, likable and popular stateswoman she is, has needed to double down on the Sandinista sympathizer’s pandering in order to keep pace with the party’s increasingly far left base.

So Hillary is changing her political posture to win votes? This is the same claim you make against Trump.

She has waxed self-loathingly over her own white privilege and declared that old Bernie’s constant harping on Wall Street and big banks is misguided since, after all, it will not end racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-immigrant fervor (all of which she, apparently, is capable of ending.)

If anyone is in bed with the Wall Street banks, it's Hillary Clinton. We haven't seen the transcripts of her speeches yet, have we? Hillary took in big bucks just for speaking in private to the big banks. And good old Ted Cruz...his wife works for Goldman Sachs.

Hillary won't be ending sexism either. She's tried to destroy every woman that claimed her husband molested or raped them. Do you really want to help Hillary get elected by not voting for Trump?

And of course, both have declared their support for open borders and amnesty, insisting that the only immigration problem we face is that of the prejudice of white Americans who refuse to accommodate their new neighbors.

...and our open borders make it easier for terrorists to come here and kill people. Bernie and Hillary think we should welcome all potential voters to the country regardless of the effects of their presence.

And as the left engages in this arms race of empathy for downtrodden minorities, the white, working class males of the Democratic Party increasingly find themselves alienated.

Which is likely part of their reasoning behind jumping on the Trump Train. Not only do they feel alienated, they feel OUT OF WORK. Their jobs have either been given to illegal aliens or shipped overseas for tax purposes.

Enter Donald Trump and his new Republican platform. You see, it’s not the Democratic voters that will be changing for their new party, but the party that will be (in Trump’s own words) “fundamentally changing” for them. The party of stiff principles gives way to an aspiring autocrat with a bag full of promises.

Gone are the days of simply pushing for tighter border security and increased enforcement of standing immigration laws, replaced by the promise of a “big, beautiful wall.” One you can touch and feel. One that seems to arbitrarily increase in size ten feet at a time with each spoken slight against Trump, like a parent adding extra time to a child’s timeout. One that will improve the plight of “you” by getting rid of “them.”

The height of the wall is irrelevant. Trump's point is that the more opposition from Mexico regarding the wall, the stronger will be his resolve to build it.

Gone are the days of prosperity through non-intervention in the private sector, replaced by promises of employment for all through crippling free trade, strong-arming those damn Chinese, and holding American companies hostage that attempt to dodge the proclamations of the new emperor. Fixing health care through the free market is also now an antiquated idea, replaced by the markedly Democratic policy of government-funded health care for all.

Non-intervention in the private sector ended decades ago with regulation after regulation being applied to the private sector. Our trade agreements and ridiculous tax structure have caused trade deficits with most of the countries we trade with. We can't sell much in Japan, yet they ship cars here by the millions. The free market in health care insurance would benefit by Trump's plan to allow competition across state lines. Though free anything is a liberal tenant, those that are UNABLE to pay for it on their own should get it. It's called charity and compassion.

Gone are the days of principle and conviction, replaced by a man who was for abortion, gun control, and even illegal immigration before he became adamantly against them, conveniently just around the time he began vying for the Republican nomination for president.

Regan was a liberal before he saw the light....and became the best President in decades.

Indeed, the story of the dynamic between the Republican and Democratic parties has long been one of principle against promise. With Trump, that era comes to an end, supplanted by an entirely new party with an entirely new base. Lifelong Democrats in constant pursuit of the candidate whose promises are most tantalizing and abundant find a home in this new Republican Party, led by a charismatic icon who repeatedly reminds them of his fatherly “love” for them.

And the principled conservative is left out in the cold.

You so-called principled conservatives are going to initiate the disappearance of the Republican party by aiding and abetting the liberal movement toward Marxism and Socialism. A scant few more terms in the White House is all it will take to reach the point of no return. We will follow Greece on the path to a failed nation of non-working voters.

I suggest you and Erick stop undermining the Republican Party.

This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Mac, I find you saying that surprising. Look at what has transpired with the Democrats. They went from JFK to now. They don't even resemble the same political institution. The last Democrat who even resembled JFK was Clinton, and he is morphed into a far left winger for political expediency. Look at the trouble HRC has had to dispatch an avowed Socialist in Bernie. I mean seriously, are Obama and Bill Clinton even in the same party when looking at their governance records?

The GOP pretends to be stringent on its political formula, but I see it as an excuse. If the GOP is to claim that Trump is not far right enough for them, then the claim could easily be made, that HRC is to far right for the Democrats; and yet, nobody even whispers that in mixed company.

I find this whole Trump thing to be kind of comical. If the GOP can't get out its people to stop Trump, then what makes them think they can get them out to stop a Democrat! While I agree that more people are voting than ever before in the GOP primary, the increase is not enough to push Trump in if the GOP could muster their mythical forces. It seems they can't, and maybe that explains why the GOP keeps losing in national elections; their own people refuse to listen to them, because they don't trust them.

I am not a Trump apologist, nor an avid supporter of him. I will say though, that the premature crowning of HRC as President if he is the nominee, is very premature. Do I believe that 90% of African American are going to vote HRC? Yes I do. Do I believe that 80% of the Hispanic vote will too? Yes, I think so. But 80 or 90% of 100, is far less than 80 or 90% of 1000.

It is said that for Romney to have won the Presidency, he would have to have gotten almost 80% of the Hispanic vote. Never, ever, NEVER-EVER happen! It is also said, that instead of that, if he would have gotten 3 and 1/2 to 4%% MORE of the white vote, he would have won with the same numbers against him. Now we know that Trump has more than a few people supporting him that usually vote Democrat, which means each of those votes is worth 2. (1 they lost, and 1 we gained for a total of 2) Maybe that is why you consider it a hostile take over of the GOP, proven by the fact that Trump does much better in open primaries, instead of closed.

And so, we must wait to see when the nominees are chosen, and if it is in fact Trump on the GOP side, his attack on HRC and what that does. I am positive he will nut be running ads to show how far left she is to galvinize the right, but instead, show how far right she is with her deals, to steal more Democrats and suppress that side of the vote while swinging more in his direction. He can do this, Cruz can NOT! We must always remember that almost 50% of the independents are former Democrats, and will listen to NOTHING the GOP establishment is telling them, or for that matter, the Democratic establishment either. Trump is closer to JFK than Obama ever was, and that appeals to centrists, if he can show Presidential character.

Unless something changes drastically, Trump will win Florida in the general. He will win Ohio. He will probably lose Utah and Iowa, but win Colorado. Forget the vote counts and look at the EV. The question is------------> can he steal Penn, or maybe get Gulliani to run with him, and is that enough to steal New York? Can he possibly steal Michigan, voting patterns say it is very possible. So the early demise of President Trump is over blown by what I see. I expect this to be sort of a blow out in popular vote, but very doable in the electoral college. This could very well be the 1st time that the population says one thing overwhelmingly, but the EVs say something else because of California.

I will get back with you after I get more data, but I am not even slightly concerned that this will not be a competitive race unless something extraordinary happens. I always laugh when someone tells me how polarizing a figure Trump is. Especially when I ask if Cruz is, and then HRC too. You see Mac, it is all about who shows, and who doesn't in November. When IC someone post that 20% of the GOP won't vote for Trump, I remind them that a bunch of Democrats won't vote for HRC either, and while the math is fuzzy, many Democrats that are voting will cast a ballot for Trump. Is that a hostile takeover if he wins? Some call it that, I like my word better, and that is COALITION-)
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Well, I can see why…can’t you?

I think if your in “the establishment” and have done fund raising for the GOP for 30 years, recruited candidates, recruited “Ground Troops” and the whole kit and caboodle….

You can support the supposed attempt to prevent Donald Trump from getting your party’s nomination and split the party or you can let him win the nomination and lose or (perhaps worse) let him win the nomination and sit by and watch a 4 year train wreck which may be worse for the party than the split.

If you can stick to the rules that are in place and Trump doesn’t get the nomination based on them, you’ll be fine as a Party eventually. Where are they going to go?
My guess is you're right. The "establishment" is stuck right now, so their only play may be to just let these people have their way and then claim the wreckage.

I mentioned in another thread that if the loudest voices in the party run the guy they want, they won't be able to complain if he loses. Probably. Maybe.

The wild card, though, is Hillary's campaign. If it implodes for some reason and gives up the election to this new party, the GOP establishment is screwed, big time.

Good point.
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Mac, I find you saying that surprising. Look at what has transpired with the Democrats. They went from JFK to now. They don't even resemble the same political institution. The last Democrat who even resembled JFK was Clinton, and he is morphed into a far left winger for political expediency. Look at the trouble HRC has had to dispatch an avowed Socialist in Bernie. I mean seriously, are Obama and Bill Clinton even in the same party when looking at their governance records?

The GOP pretends to be stringent on its political formula, but I see it as an excuse. If the GOP is to claim that Trump is not far right enough for them, then the claim could easily be made, that HRC is to far right for the Democrats; and yet, nobody even whispers that in mixed company.

I find this whole Trump thing to be kind of comical. If the GOP can't get out its people to stop Trump, then what makes them think they can get them out to stop a Democrat! While I agree that more people are voting than ever before in the GOP primary, the increase is not enough to push Trump in if the GOP could muster their mythical forces. It seems they can't, and maybe that explains why the GOP keeps losing in national elections; their own people refuse to listen to them, because they don't trust them.

I am not a Trump apologist, nor an avid supporter of him. I will say though, that the premature crowning of HRC as President if he is the nominee, is very premature. Do I believe that 90% of African American are going to vote HRC? Yes I do. Do I believe that 80% of the Hispanic vote will too? Yes, I think so. But 80 or 90% of 100, is far less than 80 or 90% of 1000.

It is said that for Romney to have won the Presidency, he would have to have gotten almost 80% of the Hispanic vote. Never, ever, NEVER-EVER happen! It is also said, that instead of that, if he would have gotten 3 and 1/2 to 4%% MORE of the white vote, he would have won with the same numbers against him. Now we know that Trump has more than a few people supporting him that usually vote Democrat, which means each of those votes is worth 2. (1 they lost, and 1 we gained for a total of 2) Maybe that is why you consider it a hostile take over of the GOP, proven by the fact that Trump does much better in open primaries, instead of closed.

And so, we must wait to see when the nominees are chosen, and if it is in fact Trump on the GOP side, his attack on HRC and what that does. I am positive he will nut be running ads to show how far left she is to galvinize the right, but instead, show how far right she is with her deals, to steal more Democrats and suppress that side of the vote while swinging more in his direction. He can do this, Cruz can NOT! We must always remember that almost 50% of the independents are former Democrats, and will listen to NOTHING the GOP establishment is telling them, or for that matter, the Democratic establishment either. Trump is closer to JFK than Obama ever was, and that appeals to centrists, if he can show Presidential character.

Unless something changes drastically, Trump will win Florida in the general. He will win Ohio. He will probably lose Utah and Iowa, but win Colorado. Forget the vote counts and look at the EV. The question is------------> can he steal Penn, or maybe get Gulliani to run with him, and is that enough to steal New York? Can he possibly steal Michigan, voting patterns say it is very possible. So the early demise of President Trump is over blown by what I see. I expect this to be sort of a blow out in popular vote, but very doable in the electoral college. This could very well be the 1st time that the population says one thing overwhelmingly, but the EVs say something else because of California.

I will get back with you after I get more data, but I am not even slightly concerned that this will not be a competitive race unless something extraordinary happens. I always laugh when someone tells me how polarizing a figure Trump is. Especially when I ask if Cruz is, and then HRC too. You see Mac, it is all about who shows, and who doesn't in November. When IC someone post that 20% of the GOP won't vote for Trump, I remind them that a bunch of Democrats won't vote for HRC either, and while the math is fuzzy, many Democrats that are voting will cast a ballot for Trump. Is that a hostile takeover if he wins? Some call it that, I like my word better, and that is COALITION-)

He lost to John Kasich—who can’t stand him. Trump has a better chance of winning Michigan than Ohio and by that I mean he as no chance after the Republican Governor poisoned the people of Flint. I’m not sure he wins Florida either.
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Mac, I find you saying that surprising. Look at what has transpired with the Democrats. They went from JFK to now. They don't even resemble the same political institution. The last Democrat who even resembled JFK was Clinton, and he is morphed into a far left winger for political expediency. Look at the trouble HRC has had to dispatch an avowed Socialist in Bernie. I mean seriously, are Obama and Bill Clinton even in the same party when looking at their governance records?

The GOP pretends to be stringent on its political formula, but I see it as an excuse. If the GOP is to claim that Trump is not far right enough for them, then the claim could easily be made, that HRC is to far right for the Democrats; and yet, nobody even whispers that in mixed company.

I find this whole Trump thing to be kind of comical. If the GOP can't get out its people to stop Trump, then what makes them think they can get them out to stop a Democrat! While I agree that more people are voting than ever before in the GOP primary, the increase is not enough to push Trump in if the GOP could muster their mythical forces. It seems they can't, and maybe that explains why the GOP keeps losing in national elections; their own people refuse to listen to them, because they don't trust them.

I am not a Trump apologist, nor an avid supporter of him. I will say though, that the premature crowning of HRC as President if he is the nominee, is very premature. Do I believe that 90% of African American are going to vote HRC? Yes I do. Do I believe that 80% of the Hispanic vote will too? Yes, I think so. But 80 or 90% of 100, is far less than 80 or 90% of 1000.

It is said that for Romney to have won the Presidency, he would have to have gotten almost 80% of the Hispanic vote. Never, ever, NEVER-EVER happen! It is also said, that instead of that, if he would have gotten 3 and 1/2 to 4%% MORE of the white vote, he would have won with the same numbers against him. Now we know that Trump has more than a few people supporting him that usually vote Democrat, which means each of those votes is worth 2. (1 they lost, and 1 we gained for a total of 2) Maybe that is why you consider it a hostile take over of the GOP, proven by the fact that Trump does much better in open primaries, instead of closed.

And so, we must wait to see when the nominees are chosen, and if it is in fact Trump on the GOP side, his attack on HRC and what that does. I am positive he will nut be running ads to show how far left she is to galvinize the right, but instead, show how far right she is with her deals, to steal more Democrats and suppress that side of the vote while swinging more in his direction. He can do this, Cruz can NOT! We must always remember that almost 50% of the independents are former Democrats, and will listen to NOTHING the GOP establishment is telling them, or for that matter, the Democratic establishment either. Trump is closer to JFK than Obama ever was, and that appeals to centrists, if he can show Presidential character.

Unless something changes drastically, Trump will win Florida in the general. He will win Ohio. He will probably lose Utah and Iowa, but win Colorado. Forget the vote counts and look at the EV. The question is------------> can he steal Penn, or maybe get Gulliani to run with him, and is that enough to steal New York? Can he possibly steal Michigan, voting patterns say it is very possible. So the early demise of President Trump is over blown by what I see. I expect this to be sort of a blow out in popular vote, but very doable in the electoral college. This could very well be the 1st time that the population says one thing overwhelmingly, but the EVs say something else because of California.

I will get back with you after I get more data, but I am not even slightly concerned that this will not be a competitive race unless something extraordinary happens. I always laugh when someone tells me how polarizing a figure Trump is. Especially when I ask if Cruz is, and then HRC too. You see Mac, it is all about who shows, and who doesn't in November. When IC someone post that 20% of the GOP won't vote for Trump, I remind them that a bunch of Democrats won't vote for HRC either, and while the math is fuzzy, many Democrats that are voting will cast a ballot for Trump. Is that a hostile takeover if he wins? Some call it that, I like my word better, and that is COALITION-)

He lost to John Kasich—who can’t stand him. Trump has a better chance of winning Michigan than Ohio and by that I mean he as no chance after the Republican Governor poisoned the people of Flint. I’m not sure he wins Florida either.

Numbers say different, but you go with your gut feeling. I have absolutely no problem with that at all. As far as Michigan, numbers say he very well could. See, on the one hand you make him out to be a Trojan Horse liberal in the GOP, then on the other, you make him out to be a Republican who had something to do with the water, which he never voted on at all; or anything else for that matter.

You have a "clean slate" like Obama had, running against the weak record of HRC. Doesn't mean he will win, just that all the warts of HRC are going to be hung out to dry like dirty laundry this election. We shall see what the American people think!
This is being dressed up in a variety of ways, but at its core this is the attempted usurpation of a major political party by an outside group.

This hybrid populist/nationalist movement doesn't want to start from scratch with an alternate party. They know they need the GOP's existing massive infrastructure, so they're trying to take over the party in a new form, and they seem to be confident they can convince more traditional Republicans to follow along.

I guess I can understand the approach, but expecting traditional Republicans to buy into people like Trump is a risky proposition.

Mac, I find you saying that surprising. Look at what has transpired with the Democrats. They went from JFK to now. They don't even resemble the same political institution. The last Democrat who even resembled JFK was Clinton, and he is morphed into a far left winger for political expediency. Look at the trouble HRC has had to dispatch an avowed Socialist in Bernie. I mean seriously, are Obama and Bill Clinton even in the same party when looking at their governance records?

The GOP pretends to be stringent on its political formula, but I see it as an excuse. If the GOP is to claim that Trump is not far right enough for them, then the claim could easily be made, that HRC is to far right for the Democrats; and yet, nobody even whispers that in mixed company.

I find this whole Trump thing to be kind of comical. If the GOP can't get out its people to stop Trump, then what makes them think they can get them out to stop a Democrat! While I agree that more people are voting than ever before in the GOP primary, the increase is not enough to push Trump in if the GOP could muster their mythical forces. It seems they can't, and maybe that explains why the GOP keeps losing in national elections; their own people refuse to listen to them, because they don't trust them.

I am not a Trump apologist, nor an avid supporter of him. I will say though, that the premature crowning of HRC as President if he is the nominee, is very premature. Do I believe that 90% of African American are going to vote HRC? Yes I do. Do I believe that 80% of the Hispanic vote will too? Yes, I think so. But 80 or 90% of 100, is far less than 80 or 90% of 1000.

It is said that for Romney to have won the Presidency, he would have to have gotten almost 80% of the Hispanic vote. Never, ever, NEVER-EVER happen! It is also said, that instead of that, if he would have gotten 3 and 1/2 to 4%% MORE of the white vote, he would have won with the same numbers against him. Now we know that Trump has more than a few people supporting him that usually vote Democrat, which means each of those votes is worth 2. (1 they lost, and 1 we gained for a total of 2) Maybe that is why you consider it a hostile take over of the GOP, proven by the fact that Trump does much better in open primaries, instead of closed.

And so, we must wait to see when the nominees are chosen, and if it is in fact Trump on the GOP side, his attack on HRC and what that does. I am positive he will nut be running ads to show how far left she is to galvinize the right, but instead, show how far right she is with her deals, to steal more Democrats and suppress that side of the vote while swinging more in his direction. He can do this, Cruz can NOT! We must always remember that almost 50% of the independents are former Democrats, and will listen to NOTHING the GOP establishment is telling them, or for that matter, the Democratic establishment either. Trump is closer to JFK than Obama ever was, and that appeals to centrists, if he can show Presidential character.

Unless something changes drastically, Trump will win Florida in the general. He will win Ohio. He will probably lose Utah and Iowa, but win Colorado. Forget the vote counts and look at the EV. The question is------------> can he steal Penn, or maybe get Gulliani to run with him, and is that enough to steal New York? Can he possibly steal Michigan, voting patterns say it is very possible. So the early demise of President Trump is over blown by what I see. I expect this to be sort of a blow out in popular vote, but very doable in the electoral college. This could very well be the 1st time that the population says one thing overwhelmingly, but the EVs say something else because of California.

I will get back with you after I get more data, but I am not even slightly concerned that this will not be a competitive race unless something extraordinary happens. I always laugh when someone tells me how polarizing a figure Trump is. Especially when I ask if Cruz is, and then HRC too. You see Mac, it is all about who shows, and who doesn't in November. When IC someone post that 20% of the GOP won't vote for Trump, I remind them that a bunch of Democrats won't vote for HRC either, and while the math is fuzzy, many Democrats that are voting will cast a ballot for Trump. Is that a hostile takeover if he wins? Some call it that, I like my word better, and that is COALITION-)
Well, the Democrats are another story, and indeed they have moved Left. My argument, though, is that they have been given room to do so by the behavior of the GOP, but THAT is yet ANOTHER story.

I also agree that Hillary is not a done deal. She's obviously a flawed candidate and there are a few things that could happen between now and November that could derail her campaign. So the group to which you refer could certainly end up voting for the GOP candidate and/or against her specifically.

My point is more about the wrestling match going on within the GOP. This new populist/nationalist movement within the GOP sprang up essentially overnight, seemingly when Trump made those comments about the border. There is a clear fight for control of the party right now, and my point is that the populist/nationalist element is the invader, not the invaded.

I appreciate your thoughtful, civil response, by the way. Not enough of that here.
The GOP elites must go.
They don't get it that the cold war has ended and they need to get rid of that mindset.
Screw them all , both parties has already sold us citizens out and voting for Trump, we don't know yet what would happen. but we DO KNOW what voting for Hillary would bring us. and it's another FOUR years of suffering like the past eight under Obama.

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