The Borgias


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I am so looking forward to The Borgias tomorrow night!

So, this thread is set for Review Time.
I love costume drama and intrigue. I suspect this will be over the top good.
Havent heard about this one. Is it a Starz tv thing? Ill have to google it.
Ok, so does everybody know the story of the borgias? I watched an excellent show on Lucretia...I think it was a biography production....Evil Women? It really was good (and no it doesn't appear she was particularly evil but she did have that reputation. Her children and the people in the town where she lived for years loved her).

This is very promising.
I just googled. Read wiki, then went to see showtimes previews. I cant watch it on tv cuz I dont have showtime or the other premium channels. I have to wait for it to come out on dvd via netflix. So Ill be keeping an eyeball on this thread to see what yall think.
Ok, so does everybody know the story of the borgias? I watched an excellent show on Lucretia...I think it was a biography production....Evil Women? It really was good (and no it doesn't appear she was particularly evil but she did have that reputation. Her children and the people in the town where she lived for years loved her).

This is very promising.

Google it and click wiki. Gives all the gory details of them. All I can say
Lots of murders!

I was just reading up on the Borgias...maybe it was Dynasties on hulu.....Lucretia and the boys are the bastard children of the pope, they lived openly with him. She was used as a pawn by them and had at least one husband killed by them. One of her brothers was killed and dumped in a canal...I don't remember what happened to the other. I think he might have either been murdered or executed as well.
Sounds like Good Clean Wholesome Fun for the Whole Family!
The wiki article I read said Lucretia wasnt as she has been portrayed...they think. Her affiliation tied her to their actions but she herself was innocent. also stated she and her father were on a balcony watching her brother (I think it was her brother) killed villagers as sport.

This guy was a Pope. Makes ya wonder, doesnt it? Which is why I have a problem with "organized" religion. I wonder how many popes were popes because of what they did to BECOME pope.


And Jeremy Irons isn't too bad, either, on a ethereal level.

though he does sort of creep me out..but he should, if he's playing the Borgia patriarch.
He's very adept at chewing up the scenery, which is exactly the requirement in this type of drama.
House of Borgia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historian Johann Burchard, contemporary of Alexander VI, who lived in the Vatican, states about Cesare:
One day he went so far as to have the square of St Peter enclosed by a palisade, into which he ordered some prisoners - men, women and children - to be brought. He then had them bound, hand and foot, and being armed and mounted on a fiery charger, commenced a horrible attack upon them. Some he shot, and others he cut down with his sword, trampling them under his horse's feet. In less than half-an-hour, he wheeled around alone in a puddle of blood, among the dead bodies of his victims, while his Holiness and Madam Lucrezia, from a balcony, enjoyed the sight of that horrid scene.

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