The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Did you ever wonder where The Democrat Party came up with the phrase "Blue Wave"?

Its a combination of things, but primarily they borrowed the idea from THE US INVASION in WWII of Normandy Beach where US troops; stormed Normandy with wave after wave of US Soldiers until we overwhelmed the German Army; established a foothold on Normandy Beach, set up a base of operation and marched towards their eventual objective of winning back control of all Nazi territories gained during the Nazi Blitzkrieg.

Knowing this, how does this actually translate to THE DNC BLUE WAVE?

One strategy, flooding our Court system with Activist Judges who do not respect The Constitution is too large a topic to get in to. The other facet of their strategy is perhaps a little easier to tackle and right now is forefront of most political discussions.

One of the largest components of THE BLUE WAVE strategy is the establishment of Sanctuary Cities and then from there Aid in the Facilitation of Illegal Immigration in to this country and in to those cities. We know this from official statements made by THE DNC.

Think of The American South West as Normandy Beach and you'll get The BIG PICTURE of what this component of The BLUE WAVE strategy is all about. California, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas are the Democrat Beach Heads. If they can get wave after wave of Illegal Immigrants to Flood in and Overwhelm these areas, grant them voting rights, then they can turn all of these states a Solid and Permanent Marxist Blue, and then continue onwards to push Their Agenda across America.

They really are not concerned about the cost to our already weakened Social Service Infrastructure, nor do they care about Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking that is becoming EPIDEMIC in THE US. There is enough Fentanyl right now in THE US to kill every US Citizen and all of it comes from Mexico usually transported there from The Middle East and Asia. They also do not care that Mexican Drug Cartels are allied with Al Queada, The Taliban and other hostile Islamic Radicals who ship Heroin and Opium from The Middle East to the Mexican Drug Cartels and then in to THE US on the back of Illegal Immigrant Mules.

None of this matters. The Only thing that matters is for them to continually press forward no matter how many of their candidates get mowed down at "The Beach". No matter how many of their legislative initiatives or lawsuits get defeated, THEY WILL STILL KEEP COMING! Trump and his agenda are only a minor set back for them. That's never going to stop them. They'll send their caravans, and their court challenges, and their crooked legislation at Lady Liberty every day regardless of who is president.

They have adopted this strategy of INVASION because they cannot get enough Americans to buy in to Marxist Socialism which is now the primary plank in the DNC Platform. Their strategy is one of replacement and DEMONIZATION of anyone who dares to point this out. If we won't vote the way they want us too, they threaten violence, and if that doesn't work, then they will continue to try to overwhelm The American Populous with Foreign Ideas, Foreign Voters, and like a Cancer they will Overwhelm the Host until it dies and then replace it with Their Idea of America, which is nothing but a gray and unimaginative, Freedom-less America without Borders Operating as a Mere COG in an Oppressive Globalist Machine.

My friends, you may not feel like you are in battle, but you are. This is an undeclared war for the Future of America, and for preserving our past and our freedoms. A Caravan is nothing but a visual symptom of an overall bigger strategy. If you are not fully aware of EXACTLY what THE DNC is talking about when they speak of THE BLUE WAVE then you will become a casualty of this war. It's an undeclared Civil War. It's The Resistance. It's running so called "Conservative-Moderate" Democrats who turn to radical liberals once they defeat their true Conservative GOP Opponent and take office.

This is not something new. The Democrat Party has embarked on this plan ever since they Lost their Battle to Stop Civil Rights from being granted to African Americans. They are Chameleons. They took The GOPs victory for CIVIL RIGHTS and with Propaganda, Lies, and Deception, turned what should have been a solid voter base for THE PARTY OF LINCOLN in to their PAWNS, and they are doing this now using Illegal Immigration, because the overwhelming majority of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who gain citizenship vote Straight GOP. An Illegal Immigrant "Replacement" will counter that and vote DNC.

Do not let them gain more of a foothold in American Politics. Force them to abandon this strategy with your votes. Force them to moderate their politics or face extinction. Force them back to the party of JFK, instead of letting them continue on as the Party of The KGB. If you do not get out and vote, then you betray all the battles the GOP has fought on behalf of Civil Rights, some of which we lost and won.

We lost the Battle against Andrew Jackson and his Trail of Tears. We had to tear a Nation in Two to win The Battle over Slavery against the Blue Rebel Dog Democrats. We won the Battle for Civil Rights for Black Americans against the vehement protests of the Mainline DNC. And right now we are in a battle over Immigration, which is being fought in the courts and the polling booth.

Choosing to sit out such a battle is no guarantee you will not be a casualty.

Failure to recognize we are in such a battle is folly at best.

Fight or be Subjugated are your only two choices.

What will you do when it is your turn to stand up and be counted?


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BTW, there are approximately 10,000 MS-13 gang members and affiliates in the US Right now, and all of them are Illegal Immigrants.

But like I have always said, if your daughter is missing, ask Nancy Pelosi where she is at.

We don't need no stinking papers!!!!



The Don Lemon Comment which Translates:

"Don't be a racist, I am a racist!"

....ranks right up there with LeftTard Protestors saying to Donald Trump in Pittsburgh:

"We Welcome Everyone, You are not Welcome Here!"

Just more proof that DemNazis and Schizophrenic!
If anyone is paying attention: The Democrat Party is issuing pre-emptive lawsuits in every state on two fronts.

  • Anything to do with the Midterm Elections and how votes are counted, especially "Absentee Ballots".
  • Anything to do with Voter ID, and Illegal Immigration.

I suspect that there is going to be a lot of attempts at Voter Fraud tomorrow in Democrat held - ran areas.

The DemNazis are also engaged in an all out Smear Campaign against, well, anyone who opposes them. But that is their usual M.O. so its to be expected.

Enjoy these Gems.

Top 10 most shocking midterm election ads: Sibling betrayal, racial slurs and more

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