‘The blinkers have been removed’: American voters are changing their minds on Netanyahu and Israel

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
One of many points left unaddressed in that amateurish opinion piece is the fact that those homeless Gazans are a direct result of Hamas waging war using civilians as cover.

Did you know that there are credible reports claiming 20% of the Iranian supplied rockets malfunctioned and fell into Gaza, killing Gaza civilians?

The fumbling, incompetent heroes of the self-hating left are very selective about the content of their opinions,

Most Gazans were't born in Gaza, They were forced out of East Jeruslem, the West Bank and the Negev.. Its pretty crowded.
Forced out? Like, at the point of a gun?


The spin is so pathetic.

Let Israel either completely destroy Gaza or be destroyed. It matters not, as long as we get the fuck out of the way.

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
And once again you are wrong.
A small band of idiots, having no idea what they are "standing" for... think they support Hamas.

As noted on another thread, "Queers for Palestine" was a small band of idiots proclaiming support.
Too stupid to know that as late as 2016 Hamas was still executing gays by firing squad.
Do you not find that wrong?

Do you have a lnk about HAMAS killing gays?

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
One of many points left unaddressed in that amateurish opinion piece is the fact that those homeless Gazans are a direct result of Hamas waging war using civilians as cover.

Did you know that there are credible reports claiming 20% of the Iranian supplied rockets malfunctioned and fell into Gaza, killing Gaza civilians?

The fumbling, incompetent heroes of the self-hating left are very selective about the content of their opinions,

Most Gazans were't born in Gaza, They were forced out of East Jeruslem, the West Bank and the Negev.. Its pretty crowded.
Forced out? Like, at the point of a gun?


The spin is so pathetic.

Let Israel either completely destroy Gaza or be destroyed. It matters not, as long as we get the fuck out of the way.

Yes.. Israel continues to take homes, farmland and destroy 10s of thousands of olive trees. Most Gazans are refugees.

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
Fantasy for a sick fvck Leftist Antisemite.
AIPAC will call the shots- never fear- the District of Criminal inhabitants knows who butters its bread-
Antisemires always lack moral reasoning. Fat little Welshmen, doubly so, apparently

Hamas lists the genocide of Jews as one of their missions -- it says they wish to "kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees". Following through on this promise, they lob missiles indiscriminately hoping to murder any Jew they can murder. It is only because they lack the capability that they do not murder any more than they do.

Israel never does this. They could absolutely destroy the so-called "Palestinians", but they never just send a rocket trying to kill whoever they can kill like Hamas. Instead, they target the actual rocket positions, instead. It is cause and effect, here. Hamas trying to murder Jews is the cause, and Israel taking out the rockets trying to kill them is the effect. If Hamas didn't fire rockets, Israel would not respond yet mental midgets like the fat little Welshmen ignore that. He ignores the fact that Hamas is motivated by the desire to murder and Israel responds due to the need to protect, and there is a reason for that.

The reason lies in the antisemitism. Despite the way these wretched, hateful creatures dress up their verbiage with the typical Marxist crap about so-called "oppressors" and call Jews "zionist entity" and prattle on about "occupiers" their solidarity with Hamas stems from their shared desire for dead Jews.
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Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
...again, you prove to know nothing about the US...you keep making a fool of yourself
It is possible for reasonable people to debate some of Israel's actions with respect to some indigenous Arabs since 1947, however, it is not possible for reasonable people to disagree about Hamas. It is a terrorist organization that is EVIL, by any rational, civilized definition. Hamas has no political legitimacy even within its own controlled territory. Nor does the P.A.
I'm not defending terrorist acts by any means but explain why the indigenous people of Palestine have no right to defend themselves from a military occupation? The right to defend yourself, your family and your property is considered a natural right. Why is that not applicable to the Palestinians?

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
And once again you are wrong.
A small band of idiots, having no idea what they are "standing" for... think they support Hamas.

As noted on another thread, "Queers for Palestine" was a small band of idiots proclaiming support.
Too stupid to know that as late as 2016 Hamas was still executing gays by firing squad.
Do you not find that wrong?

Do you have a lnk about HAMAS killing gays?

Sure.... look up Mahmoud Ishtiw
It is possible for reasonable people to debate some of Israel's actions with respect to some indigenous Arabs since 1947, however, it is not possible for reasonable people to disagree about Hamas. It is a terrorist organization that is EVIL, by any rational, civilized definition. Hamas has no political legitimacy even within its own controlled territory. Nor does the P.A.
I'm not defending terrorist acts by any means but explain why the indigenous people of Palestine have no right to defend themselves from a military occupation? The right to defend yourself, your family and your property is considered a natural right. Why is that not applicable to the Palestinians?
The fact that you consider the intentional murder of Jews as an act taken to "defend themselves" says all we need to know about you.

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
it’s sad that dnc/iranian propaganda against the jewish people has taken hold among low informed, impressionable young people.

but that’s the targets of most hate groups

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
...again, you prove to know nothing about the US...you keep making a fool of yourself
I am just quoting Americans. Are they not proper Americans ?

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
...again, you prove to know nothing about the US...you keep making a fool of yourself
I am just quoting Americans. Are they not proper Americans ?
thank you--you prove my point

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
...again, you prove to know nothing about the US...you keep making a fool of yourself
I am just quoting Americans. Are they not proper Americans ?
thank you--you prove my point
Well who are the proper Americans that I should be listening to ?

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
...again, you prove to know nothing about the US...you keep making a fool of yourself
I am just quoting Americans. Are they not proper Americans ?
thank you--you prove my point
Well who are the proper Americans that I should be listening to ?
..you should be doing research and NOT listening to the MSM = that is the most stupid thing anyone can do

Yet it’s not just in the halls of power that Netanyahu’s embrace of the GOP has been a losing bet. Support for Israel, long a political article of faith in the US Jewish community, has been tempered by a concern for human rights among American Jews, particularly those in the younger generation who did not appreciate the way he treated the Obama administration.

Logan Bayroff, a spokesperson for the liberal pro-Israel group J Street, said Netanyahu’s 2015 speech was a “huge inflection point”. He explained that groups like J Street were able to successfully make the case to US officials that Netanyahu did not actually speak for all Israelis, and that there were “a number of voices in Israel, and in the Israeli security establishment in particular, who thought the [Iran nuclear] deal was good and good for Israel… and that Democrats and Americans don’t have to go along with things just because he said so.”

Mr Bayroff sounds like the voice of reason. These right wing extremists need to be isolated so that saner voices can be heard, However Trump still needs the support of the Christian second coming crowd to get elected. His upcoming convictions may hamper that dread event.
One of many points left unaddressed in that amateurish opinion piece is the fact that those homeless Gazans are a direct result of Hamas waging war using civilians as cover.

Did you know that there are credible reports claiming 20% of the Iranian supplied rockets malfunctioned and fell into Gaza, killing Gaza civilians?

The fumbling, incompetent heroes of the self-hating left are very selective about the content of their opinions,

Most Gazans were't born in Gaza, They were forced out of East Jeruslem, the West Bank and the Negev.. Its pretty crowded.
I’m not so sure the data supports that.


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