The biggest POS in Congress - Luis Gutierrez - will not seek re-election


Apr 22, 2007
This guy is a first class scumbag. He is nothing short of a treasonous bastard. He sells out the American people for illegal aliens, esp and including dangerous violent criminal illegals. His law firm specializes in protecting illegals charges with DUIs, violent crimes, domestic abuse and crimes against minors to keep them in this country. Scumbag.

He has gone on record to say America does not belong to Americans and his first and only priority is to illegal aliens. He is a member of La Raza and fully support the formation of the Nation of Aztlan!

Even Democrats should applaud this scumbag stepping down.

He deserves to be in jail!

Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Democrat, won’t seek re-election, reports

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He’s gonna run for mayor of Chicago’ :

Damn that is a scary thought!

Chicago is fucked no matter who runs it. Actually IL is fucked. Heck we have a Republican Governor and we still got a huge income tax increase and maintain the highest property and sales tax in the country. Not to mention he signed the sanctuary state legislation. I would rather have him run Chicago then be in the Fed.

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