The biggest non-event event: today's bid for statehood.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Talk about meaningless and anti climactic. This was the biggest non-event event. All that it did was it revived Mahmoud Abbas and his party as legitimate players in the Palestinian equation. It was about anything but statehood or the people.
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Talk about meaningless and anti climactic. This was the biggest non-event event. All that it did was it revived Mahmoud Abbas and his party as legitimate players in the Palestinian equation. It was anything but about statehood or the people.

well, the state of israel sure is making a mountain of your molehill.

cheer up. of those that voted, israael got what? six percent?
Talk about meaningless and anti climactic. This was the biggest non-event event. All that it did was it revived Mahmoud Abbas and his party as legitimate players in the Palestinian equation. It was anything but about statehood or the people.

well, the state of israel sure is making a mountain of your molehill.

cheer up. of those that voted, israael got what? six percent?
Meh, much ado about nothing. You can go back to picking your ass now.
not at all "anti-climactic" simpleton...more like a long-overdue curtain-drop on the scam that has played for decades. Send lots of Kleenex to the delicate Israelis....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Yeah? What did they acheive, will anything be changed tomorrow morning?

....oh absolutely---the sense of hope among people who've come to accept their role as victims under the Israeli jackboot...the initiative is transcendently optimistic if only for the first time in forty years the U.S./Israel alliance is being bypassed by other nations who will use their collective clout to insure that a viable Palestinian state emerges....I'm guessing that the goose-stepping Jew/Nazis will initiate some kind of violence and blame it on the Palestinians as an excuse to resume hostilities and undermine the state initiative---but it won't work because the world is sickeningly familiar with this routine---and it ain't gonna float......The Jewish Gestapo has a choice: they can either accept a Palestinian state---and everything it entails, or oppose the entire planet, and eventually start something they can't finish
Blah blah blah. Never seen someone write so much meaningless nonsense. The joker Abbas doesn't even represent the Gazans, and his party is at war with Hamas which is ruling Gaza. But, on the other hand, he shows up in the UN and declares statehood on behalf of people he doesn't even represent, not to mention is at war with their leadership? How funny is that? Like everything quintessentially Palestinian, this too is a FRAUD.
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The more things change the more they stay the same. Terrorists will be terrorists.

Israel started out as a terrorist's dream.

Now it's a state.

And the IRA are now legit as well..
Israel started out as a state for Jews in the ancient homeland of their ancestors, and it has succeeded beyond expectations, and despite all odds against it. The UN can pass another 1001 meaningless resolutions for which it is famous for, and it still won't change anything.
not at all "anti-climactic" simpleton...more like a long-overdue curtain-drop on the scam that has played for decades. Send lots of Kleenex to the delicate Israelis....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

You really are ignorant, aren't you? This is going to change nothing, and gives them no more status than the Vatican has.

'ignorant' you say???? Gee...aside from taking an elective minor in Middle Eastern studies in college...acitvely writing about the conflict for over ten years, and living in Israel for one year, I don't think I would characterize my perspective as 'ignorant'. But apparently symbolic extrapolation eludes you as much as the critical history involved...the initiative will change everything---hence the very reason that Israel and it dog-like U.S. sponsor are talking tough. Israel's great fear is that its decades of land-theft...illegal Jewish settlements, and policies of collective-punishment will be shut down like a bookie-joint in back of a church.....essentially the Jews who cheerlead this nightmare have forfeited the moral luxury of waving their crooked fingers at the Gentile and whining "holocaust'....the house of card will fold numbnuts...:D

If you stick your head up an elephant's ass does that make you an expert on whales?
The more things change the more they stay the same. Terrorists will be terrorists.

Israel started out as a terrorist's dream.

Now it's a state.

And the IRA are now legit as well..
Israel started out as a state for Jews in the ancient homeland of their ancestors, and it has succeeded beyond expectations, and despite all odds against it. The UN can pass another 1001 meaningless resolutions for which it is famous for, and it still won't change anything.

Oh gosh, really?

Read up on the Stern Gang, Igrun and the King David Hotel.

Israel went to Jewish terrorists because they scared the crap out of the Brits.
Israel started out as a state for Jews in the ancient homeland of their ancestors, and it has succeeded beyond expectations, and despite all odds against it. The UN can pass another 1001 meaningless resolutions for which it is famous for, and it still won't change anything.

Oh gosh, really?
Read up on the Stern Gang, Igrun and the King David Hotel.
Israel went to Jewish terrorists because they scared the crap out of the Brits.

That's really the funniest part of this sick comedy: the people who are constantly whining "terrorist" owe their dirty little state to coordinated acts of pure terrorism....every Israeli PM was either a terrorist themselves, or the direct kin of terrorists...Begin...Sharon...Rabin...Shamir....every one of them a child-killing, card-carrying terrorist...but like everything else Jews do---when they do it its it!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'm all outta cheese, Princess, but I do have some music for your whine:
:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
That's really the funniest part of this sick comedy: the people who are constantly whining "terrorist" owe their dirty little state to coordinated acts of pure terrorism....every Israeli PM was either a terrorist themselves, or the direct kin of terrorists...Begin...Sharon...Rabin...Shamir....every one of them a child-killing, card-carrying terrorist...but like everything else Jews do---when they do it its it!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'm all outta cheese, Princess, but I do have some music for your whine:
:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

thanks dude...I would expect no less from a terrorist sympathizer...Sayit, seeing that you and I go back a few years...any harm in me asking your gender????
If you and Sayit go back a few years, what was your name in the States? Skitt? Oh, that's right,you don't know who this Skitt feller is. Pardon moi.
That's really the funniest part of this sick comedy: the people who are constantly whining "terrorist" owe their dirty little state to coordinated acts of pure terrorism....every Israeli PM was either a terrorist themselves, or the direct kin of terrorists...Begin...Sharon...Rabin...Shamir....every one of them a child-killing, card-carrying terrorist...but like everything else Jews do---when they do it its it!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'm all outta cheese, Princess, but I do have some music for your whine:
:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:[/QUOTE

thanks dude...I would expect no less from a terrorist sympathizer...Sayit, seeing that you and I go back a few years...any harm in me asking your gender????

No harm at all, Princess. :D
Israel started out as a terrorist's dream.

Now it's a state.

And the IRA are now legit as well..
Israel started out as a state for Jews in the ancient homeland of their ancestors, and it has succeeded beyond expectations, and despite all odds against it. The UN can pass another 1001 meaningless resolutions for which it is famous for, and it still won't change anything.

Oh gosh, really?

Read up on the Stern Gang, Igrun and the King David Hotel.

Israel went to Jewish terrorists because they scared the crap out of the Brits.
Dude there was no Israel back then. You need a history refresher. The Stern gang and the Irgun were created in response to Arab massacres of Jews such as the 1929 Hebron Massacre. But that's good, you are proving that the Jews fought and won the land from the British. The land was never owned by Arabs.
Israel started out as a terrorist's dream.

Now it's a state.

And the IRA are now legit as well..
Israel started out as a state for Jews in the ancient homeland of their ancestors, and it has succeeded beyond expectations, and despite all odds against it. The UN can pass another 1001 meaningless resolutions for which it is famous for, and it still won't change anything.

scuse me here Goober...but don't you think you should temper "succeeded beyond expectations" with a modest nod to those trillions in U.S. taxpayer dollars that mysterious found their way to this Jewish state....Christ what a bitch it must've been trying to maintain occupied territory with only the shadow of the world's most formidable military behind your every criminal action, and enough money to purchase half the fkg world....god the rugged independence of you people is remarkable!!!!!!---first you choose an enemy that is both politically disenfranchised and relatively defenseless, then you proceed---in true bully style---to beat the living shit out of them for 65 years as if this demonstrated your collective manhood...where was all this piss-n-vinegar when the Nazis were shouting "boo"?---that was your fight Shem, but for the most part you obediently folded....turned upon one another, and even gave the goose-steppers a number of compliant and ambitious Kapos...yeah...I'm impressed
That response made absolutely no sense. Not that any of your other responses do either. Maybe if I had software that would translate anti Semitic gibberish.
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Congratulations to the Pals defeating the Israelis, Americans and Canadians at the UN in a crushing and historic 138 to 9 vote.
Israel started out as a state for Jews in the ancient homeland of their ancestors, and it has succeeded beyond expectations, and despite all odds against it. The UN can pass another 1001 meaningless resolutions for which it is famous for, and it still won't change anything.

Oh gosh, really?

Read up on the Stern Gang, Igrun and the King David Hotel.

Israel went to Jewish terrorists because they scared the crap out of the Brits.
Dude there was no Israel back then. You need a history refresher. The Stern gang and the Irgun were created in response to Arab massacres of Jews such as the 1929 Hebron Massacre. But that's good, you are proving that the Jews fought and won the land from the British. The land was never owned by Arabs.

there was no massacre of jews in al-khalil in 1929. i do recall some europeans who happened to be jewish being killed. it was kind of a "reap what you sow" moment.

israel has actually failed beyond all expectations. it has become a fish in a tree. of those who voted, 94% of the nations of the world took a giant piss on israel. they have been at war for 60+ years and they owe their entire existence as some pitiful stray dog to the fact that the USA took her under her wing because of the cold war. israel is pathetic and pitiful and they cannot even carry their own weight

the really sad part is that america is going down the tubes with her, thanks to the desire of american jews to have some ridiculous playground on the mediterranean..

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