The Big One was one of Americas shortest wars

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Afg has overtaken Vietnam as Americas Longest War

What did we do right in the Big One
Guys like Clark Gable (overage) and Jimmy Stewart (who first got rejected for service - was 130 lbs at 6'3 " ) doingservice -both of who did bombing missions over Europe...

That s why..
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Those were the days: surrender on USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay VJ DAY - surrrender in Rheims schoolhouse VE DAy - took less than 3 years

short war
Will we ever see iconic photo of navy saillor kissing stranger in NY Time squre on VJ Day ???

probablyy not
Guys like Clark Gable (overage) and Jimmy Stewart (who first got rejected for service - was 130 lbs at 6'3 " ) doingservice -both of who did bombing missions over Europe...

That s why..

I'm not really a big Mike Savage fan but this is a good video pointing out the Hollywood actors of today as opposed to the patriots of yesterday

"What did we do right in the Big One"

Well first off, it was properly declared, as the constitution stipulates...
I am watching Victory At Sea America kicks ass

"World War 2 began for the US after PH"
lists hundreds or carrieres , destroyres ,battleships, cruisers subs etc

"This was the greatest navy thatever sailed the seas - yha think?????????? (world Book)
Ain't that the truth .

Have Victory At Sea.

Slam dunk win in 3 years.
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