The Bible


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Lefties quote the Bible and Jesus all the time. The Bible is acknowledged to be the most printed book of all time and people down through the ages have spent lifetimes studying and discussing it. We have reality shows all over cable TV researching Biblical events. The American left seems to be of the opinion that the murder of American soldiers is justified because the US Military allegedly burned a couple of copies of the Koran but a kid can't carry a Bible to school without risking expulsion. The situation is seriously like Germany in the 1930's. Kids have to sneak around and pretend not to be Christians and if they are caught talking about a (Christian) God in school they risk being punished for their beliefs. Surely this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they put freedom of religion on the first Amendment to the Constitution.
Leftys quote the bible to point out the hypocrisy of many right wing bible thumpers.

Would not do much good to quote Aurther Clarke to illustrate your hypocrisy now would it?
Lefties quote the Bible and Jesus all the time. The Bible is acknowledged to be the most printed book of all time and people down through the ages have spent lifetimes studying and discussing it. We have reality shows all over cable TV researching Biblical events. The American left seems to be of the opinion that the murder of American soldiers is justified because the US Military allegedly burned a couple of copies of the Koran but a kid can't carry a Bible to school without risking expulsion. The situation is seriously like Germany in the 1930's. Kids have to sneak around and pretend not to be Christians and if they are caught talking about a (Christian) God in school they risk being punished for their beliefs. Surely this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they put freedom of religion on the first Amendment to the Constitution.

Clearly you have no idea this makes no sense, otherwise you wouldn’t have posted it.
Lefties quote the Bible and Jesus all the time. The Bible is acknowledged to be the most printed book of all time and people down through the ages have spent lifetimes studying and discussing it. We have reality shows all over cable TV researching Biblical events. The American left seems to be of the opinion that the murder of American soldiers is justified because the US Military allegedly burned a couple of copies of the Koran but a kid can't carry a Bible to school without risking expulsion. The situation is seriously like Germany in the 1930's. Kids have to sneak around and pretend not to be Christians and if they are caught talking about a (Christian) God in school they risk being punished for their beliefs. Surely this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they put freedom of religion on the first Amendment to the Constitution.

Used to be able to challenge somebody to at least a duel when there was a serious difference of opinion. Foolish of the founders to believe customs like that would not outlive their Constitution. I doubt the FF's envisioned the 7DA's And the Mormans or the 700 Club with crazy Pat Robertson. ...Or a fundamentalist fuckwit like Ricky S making the final cut for an election for POTUS.

You stupid fundamentalists ARE lucky that Germany and Japan didn't win WWII..and believe me..if they had made an A-Bomb before us we would have lost and England would be a barren Island that glows in the dark.

You idiots don't know how lucky you are just being told to keep your sky fairy bullshit to yourselves and out of our faces.
Leftys quote the bible to point out the hypocrisy of many right wing bible thumpers.

Would not do much good to quote Aurther Clarke to illustrate your hypocrisy now would it?

Correction, lefties always use the bible to try to make some bogus political statement.

Like "Jesus wasn't against homosexual marriages" or some crap.
Lefties quote the Bible and Jesus all the time. The Bible is acknowledged to be the most printed book of all time and people down through the ages have spent lifetimes studying and discussing it. We have reality shows all over cable TV researching Biblical events. The American left seems to be of the opinion that the murder of American soldiers is justified because the US Military allegedly burned a couple of copies of the Koran but a kid can't carry a Bible to school without risking expulsion. The situation is seriously like Germany in the 1930's. Kids have to sneak around and pretend not to be Christians and if they are caught talking about a (Christian) God in school they risk being punished for their beliefs. Surely this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they put freedom of religion on the first Amendment to the Constitution.

Used to be able to challenge somebody to at least a duel when there was a serious difference of opinion. Foolish of the founders to believe customs like that would not outlive their Constitution. I doubt the FF's envisioned the 7DA's And the Mormans or the 700 Club with crazy Pat Robertson. ...Or a fundamentalist fuckwit like Ricky S making the final cut for an election for POTUS.

You stupid fundamentalists ARE lucky that Germany and Japan didn't win WWII..and believe me..if they had made an A-Bomb before us we would have lost and England would be a barren Island that glows in the dark.

You idiots don't know how lucky you are just being told to keep your sky fairy bullshit to yourselves and out of our faces.

Talk about bat-shit crazy.... :cuckoo:
Do you realize that the Christians of this nation is not a left or right only thing?
76% of this nation is Christian.
Do you realize that the Christians of this nation is not a left or right only thing?
76% of this nation is Christian.

Well the atheist left seems to spend a great deal of energy to attack Christianity every chance it gets.
Leftys quote the bible to point out the hypocrisy of many right wing bible thumpers.

Would not do much good to quote Aurther Clarke to illustrate your hypocrisy now would it?

Correction, lefties always use the bible to try to make some bogus political statement.

Like "Jesus wasn't against homosexual marriages" or some crap.
Jesus addressed gay marriage? Don't think so. He did a address HATE HOWEVER:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Lefties quote the Bible and Jesus all the time. The Bible is acknowledged to be the most printed book of all time and people down through the ages have spent lifetimes studying and discussing it. We have reality shows all over cable TV researching Biblical events. The American left seems to be of the opinion that the murder of American soldiers is justified because the US Military allegedly burned a couple of copies of the Koran but a kid can't carry a Bible to school without risking expulsion. The situation is seriously like Germany in the 1930's. Kids have to sneak around and pretend not to be Christians and if they are caught talking about a (Christian) God in school they risk being punished for their beliefs. Surely this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they put freedom of religion on the first Amendment to the Constitution.

Used to be able to challenge somebody to at least a duel when there was a serious difference of opinion. Foolish of the founders to believe customs like that would not outlive their Constitution. I doubt the FF's envisioned the 7DA's And the Mormans or the 700 Club with crazy Pat Robertson. ...Or a fundamentalist fuckwit like Ricky S making the final cut for an election for POTUS.

You stupid fundamentalists ARE lucky that Germany and Japan didn't win WWII..and believe me..if they had made an A-Bomb before us we would have lost and England would be a barren Island that glows in the dark.

You idiots don't know how lucky you are just being told to keep your sky fairy bullshit to yourselves and out of our faces.

Talk about bat-shit crazy.... :cuckoo:

Crazier than the bable?...probably not.
Lefties quote the Bible and Jesus all the time. The Bible is acknowledged to be the most printed book of all time and people down through the ages have spent lifetimes studying and discussing it. We have reality shows all over cable TV researching Biblical events. The American left seems to be of the opinion that the murder of American soldiers is justified because the US Military allegedly burned a couple of copies of the Koran but a kid can't carry a Bible to school without risking expulsion. The situation is seriously like Germany in the 1930's. Kids have to sneak around and pretend not to be Christians and if they are caught talking about a (Christian) God in school they risk being punished for their beliefs. Surely this isn't what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they put freedom of religion on the first Amendment to the Constitution.

Do you have a link to support that claim?

Here's my liberal opinion on it.
Leftys quote the bible to point out the hypocrisy of many right wing bible thumpers.

Would not do much good to quote Aurther Clarke to illustrate your hypocrisy now would it?

It's fine that the left wants to discuss the Bible and point out hypocrisy. The Bible has always been a source of comfort to some and controversy to others. It's an important source of study on both an evangelical and intellectual level. How are you going to point out hypocrisy unless you read the book? Is it healthy for a modern country to ban the Bible and forbid kids to discuss it even on their own time?
I have read the bible thru a couple of times and heard it preached for 16 years.

I'm not asking you to believe in it or even respect it. I don't care. All I am suggesting is that the Bible be considered a legitimate subject for discussion and be allowed in schools.
I have read the bible thru a couple of times and heard it preached for 16 years.

I'm not asking you to believe in it or even respect it. I don't care. All I am suggesting is that the Bible be considered a legitimate subject for discussion and be allowed in schools.

Only if they also allow and discuss the Koran and other religious texts.
And only in a class on religious theology, which would be an optional class.

yes I am all for people learning about all religions. Not brainwashed but learning.
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From what I hear the Koran and everything from Zen and Yoga to witchcraft is not only tolerated but promoted in schools. That's fine as long as the Bible gets a fair shake.
From what I hear the Koran and everything from Zen and Yoga to witchcraft is not only tolerated but promoted in schools. That's fine as long as the Bible gets a fair shake.

You are wacko who will pathologically lie to promote your beliefs.

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