The Bible vs Liberalism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.
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1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government. “ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.
Amen !

1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.

So why didn't God like vegetables? So God, who is all wise, committed dissention among families.

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.
Statist ogliarchs like Pelosi, Biden, Berne and AOC believe war communism is needed to prevent a relapse into freedom
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.

So why didn't God like vegetables? So God, who is all wise, committed dissention among families.

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.

You've linked to the OP, which is about the free will gifted to human beings, and you post

"So why didn't God like vegetables?"

I believe we now have conclusive evidence that you are, intellectually,.......a vegetable. out for the Jolly Green Giant, y'hear!

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.
5. Among the excuses from the Left, for poor behavior, is to simply claim that it is a medical or biological condition, that can’t be controlled.


The disease model is convenient to liberals because it spares them having to say negative things about poor communities. But this conception of addiction harms the very people we wish to help.”

“It is widely believed that addiction entails a loss of free will, even though this point is controversial among scholars. There is arguably a downside to this belief, in that addicts who believe they lack the free will to quit an addiction might therefore fail to quit an addiction.” Ordinary people associate addiction with loss of free will - ScienceDirect

An “addiction,” for Liberals, obviates free will.

And empowers government to step in, the growth of government that is the hallmark of Liberalism.
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.
Democrats feel that self-help only means taking care of your body.
Democrats feel that helping yourself means helping yourself to somebody else's cash and or property.
Democrats don't like anyone who dares to look out for themselves.....except when they make a generous donation to the Democrat Party.
Democrats want to tax the shit out of us.....except when it comes to their millionaire and billionaire friends.
Give a statement trashing Trump or Bush and you get a get out of jail free card.
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.
Great opening post. Item 2 reminded me of this:

Sorry, But Our Fight Against Liberal Fascism Has Only Just Begun
Commies want to completely replace the bible with their big government, not just choose one over the other. The bible represents a moral standard that they do not want to be compared to.
Commies want to completely replace the bible with their big government, not just choose one over the other. The bible represents a moral standard that they do not want to be compared to.

Absolutely, positively correct!

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

They live for the day they can put believers in's a Bernie worker saying just that, this very week:

"Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"
Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Commies want to completely replace the bible with their big government, not just choose one over the other. The bible represents a moral standard that they do not want to be compared to.

Absolutely, positively correct!

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

They live for the day they can put believers in's a Bernie worker saying just that, this very week:

"Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"
Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

And I doubt any usmb commies have condemned kyle jurek...
6. Government school grads ignore the wisdom of the Bible, and characterize it as superstition.

Superstition is “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance…”

Where is any such ‘superstition’ in this verse???

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”
Genesis 4:7

Appears to be wisdom rather than superstition, the sort of thing a wise parent imparts to their children.

Be very clear: the essence of that phrase is not a promise that each of us will master the emotions and desires within us…it is the order that we each overpower the wrong instincts….and that we have the ability to do so.

Not ‘we will master’ damaging instincts….that we ‘may’ do so.

That’s the gift of free will, of having choice….not granted to lower animals.
1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.

So why didn't God like vegetables? So God, who is all wise, committed dissention among families.

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.

You've linked to the OP, which is about the free will gifted to human beings, and you post

"So why didn't God like vegetables?"

I believe we now have conclusive evidence that you are, intellectually,.......a vegetable. out for the Jolly Green Giant, y'hear!

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.

You said this:
3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

You quoted a discussion about Abel and Cain, and quoted Dennis Prager.

So why is Prager on his 3rd wife, and why did Gingrich have an affair while going so hard against Clinton.

Also why do republicans belong to the cult of tramp.

Also tramp took away republican free will, and all the trampers are lost puppies and believes lies.
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1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government.
“ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence.

So why didn't God like vegetables? So God, who is all wise, committed dissention among families.

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.

You've linked to the OP, which is about the free will gifted to human beings, and you post

"So why didn't God like vegetables?"

I believe we now have conclusive evidence that you are, intellectually,.......a vegetable. out for the Jolly Green Giant, y'hear!

everyone knows Prager's life is not to be followed.

You said this:
3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

You quoted a discussion about Abel and Cain, and quoted Dennis Prager.

So why is Prager on his 3rd wife, and why did Gingrich have an affair while going so hard against Clinton.

Also why do republicans belong to the cult of tramp.

Also tramp took away republican free will, and all the trampers are lost puppies and believes lies.

"You said this:
3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager"

Seems you had no way to deny the wisdom therein, so you've attempted to change the subject.

I won't allow it.

Speak to what you've linked to.
“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

You have a problem with that?
Commies want to completely replace the bible with their big government, not just choose one over the other. The bible represents a moral standard that they do not want to be compared to.

no, they want nothing to do with the forged 4th century book of deception -


that tramps on innocents for their vial rewards.
Commies want to completely replace the bible with their big government, not just choose one over the other. The bible represents a moral standard that they do not want to be compared to.

no, they want nothing to do with the forged 4th century book of deception -

View attachment 301275

that tramps on innocents for their vial rewards.

Why that picture of Democrats marching???

And why have you avoided the OP that brought you slithering in?


1.The Bible, to the amusement of secularists, points out that human beings have free will, and can use it to better themselves, and the world.

For Leftists, one need not strive to better oneself, after all the great god, government, will take care of you from cradle to grave. And…make no mistake: government is their god.

2. “Even if one does not consider the liberal administrations of the recent past fascist, Mr. Goldberg is correct to see the liberalism of today to be state worship, which built upon the original statist liberalism of the Wilson administration. Mr. Goldberg has, unlike the leftists who yell the term, made the strongest possible case that Americans today live in a soft form of fascism, a statist liberal society whose citizens are unaware of the roots of ideas they hold.” America's 'Fascist Moment' A review of Liberal Fascism

3. Now let’s get to the lesson in Genesis 4:7

“Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

“The statement “yet you can be its master” is one of the Torah’s most important statements. It means we have moral free will. That we can rule over our desire to do wrong is the most empowering idea in life. The only way we can end bad behavior….actions that are either destructive to others or to ourselves—is to first recognize that we “can be its master.” Dennis Prager

We on the Right refer to it as ‘personal responsibility.’

Liberals have a very different view,…put your faith in government. “ We try and discourage people from self help." – Former MASS A.G. Coakley

4. The corollary to free will is discipline, self-control.
“That many parents work harder to instill self-esteem than self-control in their children is a moral tragedy. And, ironically, no self-esteem can equal the self-esteem that derives from self-control.” Prager

Included in Genesis 4:7… be its master …is the recognition of God’s special accommodations toward mankind:
Generous to a to speak.
It is deeply important to understand the two most human gifts, intelligence and free will. the heart of religion....and by religion I mean the Judeo-Christian faith..... free will.

And that free will is animated by, and requires the application of the gift of intelligence. were unable to find anything to dispute?

Does anything think that Trump took away free will of the republicans in the House and Senate, I do.

If you say something anti tramp, or do any investigations against tramp you will get investigated or slammed on twitter from tramp.

Only democrats are immune from the strong control of tramp.
The Bible is the word.... No doubt. America has veered away from it and we have replaced it with the $. Jesus was about helping the least among us, and we know what the Bible says about trying to become wealthy. Luckily all it takes is belief in Jesus and our sons are forgiven. Wealthy evangelists are the most guilty of all.
Does anything think that Trump took away free will of the republicans in the House and Senate, I do.

If you say something anti tramp, or do any investigations against tramp you will get investigated or slammed on twitter from tramp.

Only democrats are immune from the strong control of tramp.

"Does anything think that Trump took away free will of the republicans in the House and Senate, I do."

You should try to avoid certain phrases....such as "I think," as it brings quite a bit of amusement to folks who have read your attempts at posting.

That sentence of yours is a perfect example.

Just tryin' to be helpful.

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