The best way to react to the Las Vegas shooting is not react at all...

I never see anyone arguing to abolish cars.

You also never see anyone arguing to abolish guns, but that requires deep thinking on your part, doesn't it?
Enforced current laws, no new frivolous laws are needed you stupid ass motherfucker... lol
And, yet, another deep thinker speaks up...
What laws would have stopped this shooting? Tell us please. Lol

Would you be talking about the mass murder in Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Virginia Tech, Columbine, Aurora, Co, San Bernadino, or Baton Rouge?
All of the new frivolous gun laws the politically correct ass wipes talk about would not have stopped any of those... fact
That's scary, to have no reaction to 60 mostly young people being killed. & the incredible grief that family friends & loved ones must be feeling.
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Right - O. Let's just sit on our butt's and wait for the major next massacre, in the meantime we'll stick our head's in the sand and pretend the 320 million guns in circulation in America have nothing to do with these mass killings!
What do you think would be the best way to handle this?

Clearly, Whiteplace violence. The brown gf holds certain info but she went global already. ISIS? Israeli Secret Intel Services?

Whites will self segregate , lock , load.
Democrats are getting at least a partial victory. Hotels are starting to search luggage and shopping bags airport style. Can pat downs be far behind?
What laws would have stopped this shooting? Tell us please. Lol
None whatsoever. The experience of other industrialised nations is irrelevant. You're helpless to do anything about mass gun murders. Helpless.
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Passing gun laws is worthless because criminals do not care!

Pointing a finger is human nature!!

You can restrict who come in your hotel and motel!!!
Lot of countries banned guns....guess what? No mass shootings, waaaaaay less deaths buy guns, even criminals cant get their hands on guns.
Problem in the U.S. the gun lobby is making too much money and it dictates what goes. In the mean time thousands are getting killed.
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Right - O. Let's just sit on our butt's and wait for the major next massacre, in the meantime we'll stick our head's in the sand and pretend the 320 million guns in circulation in America have nothing to do with these mass killings!

How many guns went up into that hotel room, broke open the windows and began shooting all by themselves?
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Passing gun laws is worthless because criminals do not care!

Pointing a finger is human nature!!

You can restrict who come in your hotel and motel!!!
Lot of countries banned guns....guess what? No mass shootings, waaaaaay less deaths buy guns, even criminals cant get their hands on guns.
Problem in the U.S. the gun lobby is making too much money and it dictates what goes. In the mean time thousands are getting killed.

No. We have the 2nd Amendment and they don't. When was the last time any of those countries had an overthrow of their government?

Ask the people of Venezuela if they would like the right to own guns.
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Right - O. Let's just sit on our butt's and wait for the major next massacre, in the meantime we'll stick our head in the sand and pretend the 320 million guns in circulation in have nothing to do with these mass killings!
I never see anyone arguing to abolish cars.

You also never see anyone arguing to abolish guns, but that requires deep thinking on your part, doesn't it?

You are not paying attention! Wake up!
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Passing gun laws is worthless because criminals do not care!

Pointing a finger is human nature!!

You can restrict who come in your hotel and motel!!!
Lot of countries banned guns....guess what? No mass shootings, waaaaaay less deaths buy guns, even criminals cant get their hands on guns.
Problem in the U.S. the gun lobby is making too much money and it dictates what goes. In the mean time thousands are getting killed.

No. We have the 2nd Amendment and they don't. When was the last time any of those countries had an overthrow of their government?

Ask the people of Venezuela if they would like the right to own guns.
Invalid can be armed to your teeth but you can't defeat an army or the government ask the Kurds, the lybians, the Yemenis, the eastern Ukranians, ect...
Enjoy watching breaking news, you apparently you donnt give a fuck till it hits close to you and then you will think seriously about it.
There are ALREADY gun laws that prohibit this mad fuck from modifying his rifles making them fully automatic. They will throw your ass in federal prison for a long time if you break that law. Did these laws stop the shooter? No.

The left use every tragedy like this to push for gun bans and restrictions on law abiding citizens. Its got nothing to do with criminals and psycho's who refuse to obey the law no matter how many laws are passed.

The left are using a tragedy like this to further their goal of banning gun ownership by law abiding citizens and demolishing the 2nd amendment.
...we SHOULD NOT....

...pass more gun laws...

...force hotels to search guests for guns....

...blame abstract political or religious forces...

...point fingers at each other.

Right - O. Let's just sit on our butt's and wait for the major next massacre, in the meantime we'll stick our head in the sand and pretend the 320 million guns in circulation in have nothing to do with these mass killings!
I never see anyone arguing to abolish cars.
Cars are regulated , have safety standards , and are registered .
I never see anyone arguing to abolish cars.

You also never see anyone arguing to abolish guns, but that requires deep thinking on your part, doesn't it?
Enforced current laws, no new frivolous laws are needed you stupid ass motherfucker... lol
And, yet, another deep thinker speaks up...
What laws would have stopped this shooting? Tell us please. Lol

Would you be talking about the mass murder in Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Virginia Tech, Columbine, Aurora, Co, San Bernadino, or Baton Rouge?

Your choice!
There are ALREADY gun laws that prohibit this mad fuck from modifying his rifles making them fully automatic. They will throw your ass in federal prison for a long time if you break that law. Did these laws stop the shooter? No.

The left use every tragedy like this to push for gun bans and restrictions on law abiding citizens. Its got nothing to do with criminals and psycho's who refuse to obey the law no matter how many laws are passed.

The left are using a tragedy like this to further their goal of banning gun ownership by law abiding citizens and demolishing the 2nd amendment.

Do the laws prevent the sale of automatic guns ? No

Do thy prevent the sale of kits to modify a semic automatic ? No

So don't tell us that the laws already exist.

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