The Best Feature of USMB is...


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
...that it is the only message board in the world on which Xotoxi regularly posts.

I will accept cash in lieu of thanks or rep.
That's enough cash for you for now. Don't go using it all up in one place.
I do ♥ xotoxi posts, I'll admit it. They're like delicious nuggets of caramel....well, okay, bad analogy.

Lemme get back to you about my secret vice, LOL.

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The best feature of the USMB message board is any post by Masquerade. It makes my plumbing system come to life just reading it.
the ergonomic handle on the banhammer.

it practically swings itself. :thup:

I forgot to mention (this is called sucking up) that one of the best features of the USMB message board is del's avatar. It rocks. It's the best avatar on the whole damned board.
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the ergonomic handle on the banhammer.

it practically swings itself. :thup:

Did you realize that the banhammer handle is federally mandated to be ergonomically designed to help prevent carpal tunnel in the wielder?

I didn't realize it either until I read the sentence that I just wrote.
...that it is the only message board in the world on which Xotoxi regularly posts.

I will accept cash in lieu of thanks or rep.

Actually, when I saw this thread the first thing I thought of was rdean. You might post here regularly, but rdean is what makes this board really entertaining.

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