The Benghazi hearings live

Oh, and since we have that one out of the way, why don't we tackle the answer as to why extra security was denied when it was requested? Can you get your handlers to help us with that one as well? Oh, and don't let them tell you it was a budget issue as I can give you the report where they stated it was not an issue at all, as well as the statement by Charlene Lamb.


You are funny.

Who denied extra security? Name please.

Here is a pdf for you of 121 pages showing you. Be sure to read through all of it. I am not certain if there might be more yet or not. Will look.
You only wish that were true...

It isn't?

Go ahead. Tell me what you took away from the hearings. Not a list of questions. Give me the fucking facts.

Fact. They couldn't derail the presidents' bid for a second term, so they've re-loaded their Fauxrageous Bullshit Cannon and are aiming it right at Mrs. Clinton.

Fact: Clinton and Obama lied to the American people and are guilty of criminal malfeasance.

Don't let a little thing like that stop your adoration of them, though.
It isn't?

Go ahead. Tell me what you took away from the hearings. Not a list of questions. Give me the fucking facts.

Does this answer your question thoroughly enough?
Today, 04:40 PM
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I did not get to listen to about the listen 15-20 minutes of the hearing but here are the points I took away from what I heard.

1. First, why is there continued stonewalling as to the clearance of information for one of the whistleblowers, so they were not able to testify today?

2. Who was responsible for telling the DS to back down in Tripoli and why as that is their primary role?

3. Why was Hicks told not to privately meet with the ARB board?

4. Why was the Direct Action Committee kept out of response meeting when they hda the direct knowledge of what happened and were there?

5. Why were not all witnesses directly involved interviewed?

6. Who ok'd temporary facilities not having to have the same level of security as well as enforcements as permanent facilities did?

7. Who told Col. Gibson's response team not to board the plane for Benghazi? Military heads still deny that order.

8. Defense attache stated there would be no military response, even before the situation was fully assessed and permission of the government of Libya to use airspace was never asked for. Why?

9. Why was Hicks never given a copy of his interview or a final report from the ARB as was reuired so he could confirm his testimony was represented to them properly? Why were others also denied a copy?

10. Video of Kennedy continued to push, just as Rice did, that the best info they had was that it was due to a video - not a terrorist attack for days.

11. What lost evidence was there due to Rice's continued denial of it being a terrorist attack, as it was claimed by the Libyan President, upsetting them and thus the FBI had to wait for that support from Libya for 17 days to be able to get to Benghazi? and the gov't also did not secure the area for us due to what they felt was a slap in the face.

12. Why was the First Response Team told not to respond even though they were the closest in Tripoli?

13. Why were 2 individuals reprimanded even though they were not allowed to review what the ARB stated their testimony actually was, which resulted in their reprimands?

14. Why was Hick's never interviewed by the FBI?

15. Why was that post continued to even be allowed due to the degree of conflict and past actual IED's that had hit continued to be manned?

You got all that from 15 - 20 minutes?

all but, 15-20 minutes. Sorry if I wasn't clear. And it turns out they had taken a break and I assumed they had quit for the day, and actually had missed about 2 more hours of it. Only realized it at the tail end, when they were asked, can't remember the words, exactly, but if they felt the government had their back and they all 3 stated, no, they felt they were on their own.
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Like the delayed release of the hostages, this was another manufactured October surprise ...but it failed to change the outcome of an election.

For the party who ignored the August 2011 memo, this is irony of the rankest vintage.

The Obama administration will have to answer more questions on this than Bush had to answer for 9/11, the greatest security lapse in world history. Yet Clinton had to testify in front of a Grand Jury about a blow job.

Get your popcorn people. The political party that truly owns Washington is getting to feed again.
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and here is a copy of the email showing the denial for the continued use of the DC-3 plane.


  • $dc-130.jpg
    28.4 KB · Views: 25
What team in Tripoli was told to stand down? Be specific.

American Special Forces soldiers were preparing to board the C-130 that would fly them on a mission to rescue Americans under attack by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11 last year, but they were stopped by a last-minute order from somebody higher up in the U.S. government, House investigators have learned.

“So Lieutenant Colonel Gibson, who is the SOCAFRICA commander, his team, you know, they were on their way to the vehicles to go to the airport to get on the C‑130 when he got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, you can’t go now, you don’t have authority to go now,” Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
If you really care to know, you can listen for yourself to the link. It's gets old doing all your work for you. -
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

About that first response team.

"The Tripoli response team departs at about midnight and arrives at about 1:15 in Benghazi."

"The Tripoli team was -- basically had to stay at the Benghazi airport because they had no transport and no escort from the -- the Libyans."

About that second response team.

"In Tripoli, we had -- the defense attache had persuaded the Libyans to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and wanted to airlift -- we had -- since we had consolidated at the annex, and the Libyan government had now provided us with external security around our facilities, we wanted to send further reinforcements to Benghazi.

We determined that Lieutenant Gibson and his team of special forces troops should go. The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired. They were exhausted.

We wanted to make sure the airport was secure for their withdrawal. As Colonel Gibson and his three personnel were -- were getting in the cars, he stopped. And he called them off and said -- told me that he had not been authorized to go. The vehicles had to go because the flight needed to go to Tripoli -- I mean, to Benghazi. Lieutenant Colonel Gibson was furious. I had told him to go bring our people home. That's what he wanted to do -- paid me a very nice compliment. I won't repeat it here.

So the plane went. I think it landed in Benghazi around 7:30.

Read more: Transcript: Whistle-blower's account of Sept. 11 Libya terror attack | Fox News
It isn't?

Go ahead. Tell me what you took away from the hearings. Not a list of questions. Give me the fucking facts.

Fact. They couldn't derail the presidents' bid for a second term, so they've re-loaded their Fauxrageous Bullshit Cannon and are aiming it right at Mrs. Clinton.

Fact: Clinton and Obama lied to the American people and are guilty of criminal malfeasance.

Don't let a little thing like that stop your adoration of them, though.

I don't adore the rabid right. I kind of admire their tenacity and unanimity of purpose (they march in lockstep so well), but adore? No.
What team in Tripoli was told to stand down? Be specific.

American Special Forces soldiers were preparing to board the C-130 that would fly them on a mission to rescue Americans under attack by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11 last year, but they were stopped by a last-minute order from somebody higher up in the U.S. government, House investigators have learned.

“So Lieutenant Colonel Gibson, who is the SOCAFRICA commander, his team, you know, they were on their way to the vehicles to go to the airport to get on the C‑130 when he got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, you can’t go now, you don’t have authority to go now,” Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
If you really care to know, you can listen for yourself to the link. It's gets old doing all your work for you. -
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

About that first response team.

"The Tripoli response team departs at about midnight and arrives at about 1:15 in Benghazi."

"The Tripoli team was -- basically had to stay at the Benghazi airport because they had no transport and no escort from the -- the Libyans."

About that second response team.

"In Tripoli, we had -- the defense attache had persuaded the Libyans to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and wanted to airlift -- we had -- since we had consolidated at the annex, and the Libyan government had now provided us with external security around our facilities, we wanted to send further reinforcements to Benghazi.

We determined that Lieutenant Gibson and his team of special forces troops should go. The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired. They were exhausted.

We wanted to make sure the airport was secure for their withdrawal. As Colonel Gibson and his three personnel were -- were getting in the cars, he stopped. And he called them off and said -- told me that he had not been authorized to go. The vehicles had to go because the flight needed to go to Tripoli -- I mean, to Benghazi. Lieutenant Colonel Gibson was furious. I had told him to go bring our people home. That's what he wanted to do -- paid me a very nice compliment. I won't repeat it here.

So the plane went. I think it landed in Benghazi around 7:30.

Read more: Transcript: Whistle-blower's account of Sept. 11 Libya terror attack | Fox News

the plane went without our personnel- American personnel. It was just the Libyans.
Does this answer your question thoroughly enough?
Today, 04:40 PM
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I did not get to listen to about the listen 15-20 minutes of the hearing but here are the points I took away from what I heard.

1. First, why is there continued stonewalling as to the clearance of information for one of the whistleblowers, so they were not able to testify today?

2. Who was responsible for telling the DS to back down in Tripoli and why as that is their primary role?

3. Why was Hicks told not to privately meet with the ARB board?

4. Why was the Direct Action Committee kept out of response meeting when they hda the direct knowledge of what happened and were there?

5. Why were not all witnesses directly involved interviewed?

6. Who ok'd temporary facilities not having to have the same level of security as well as enforcements as permanent facilities did?

7. Who told Col. Gibson's response team not to board the plane for Benghazi? Military heads still deny that order.

8. Defense attache stated there would be no military response, even before the situation was fully assessed and permission of the government of Libya to use airspace was never asked for. Why?

9. Why was Hicks never given a copy of his interview or a final report from the ARB as was reuired so he could confirm his testimony was represented to them properly? Why were others also denied a copy?

10. Video of Kennedy continued to push, just as Rice did, that the best info they had was that it was due to a video - not a terrorist attack for days.

11. What lost evidence was there due to Rice's continued denial of it being a terrorist attack, as it was claimed by the Libyan President, upsetting them and thus the FBI had to wait for that support from Libya for 17 days to be able to get to Benghazi? and the gov't also did not secure the area for us due to what they felt was a slap in the face.

12. Why was the First Response Team told not to respond even though they were the closest in Tripoli?

13. Why were 2 individuals reprimanded even though they were not allowed to review what the ARB stated their testimony actually was, which resulted in their reprimands?

14. Why was Hick's never interviewed by the FBI?

15. Why was that post continued to even be allowed due to the degree of conflict and past actual IED's that had hit continued to be manned?

You got all that from 15 - 20 minutes?

all but, 15-20 minutes. Sorry if I wasn't clear. And it turns out they had taken a break and I assumed they had quit for the day, and actually had missed about 2 more hours of it. Only realized it at the tale end, when they were asked, can't remember the words, exactly, but if they felt the government had their back and they all 3 stated, no, they felt they were on their own.

Okay thanks for the clarificaton. I was disappointed in all both cable neteworks that covered it, but I have to give the best coverage to Fox (it almost hurts my finger to type that!). CNN cut to their bullshit anchors first, but soon enough Fox broke for comercials. So I turned off the TV and pulled it up on my spare laptop while I worked for the rest of the day.
You got all that from 15 - 20 minutes?

all but, 15-20 minutes. Sorry if I wasn't clear. And it turns out they had taken a break and I assumed they had quit for the day, and actually had missed about 2 more hours of it. Only realized it at the tale end, when they were asked, can't remember the words, exactly, but if they felt the government had their back and they all 3 stated, no, they felt they were on their own.

Okay thanks for the clarificaton. I was disappointed in all both cable neteworks that covered it, but I have to give the best coverage to Fox (it almost hurts my finger to type that!). CNN cut to their bullshit anchors first, but soon enough Fox broke for comercials. So I turned off the TV and pulled it up on my spare laptop while I worked for the rest of the day.

Yeah, I always watch any hearings I am interested in online whether through the department conducting the hearing or through c-span. That way I don't have to deal with all the added noise of the commentators as well.
American Special Forces soldiers were preparing to board the C-130 that would fly them on a mission to rescue Americans under attack by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11 last year, but they were stopped by a last-minute order from somebody higher up in the U.S. government, House investigators have learned.

“So Lieutenant Colonel Gibson, who is the SOCAFRICA commander, his team, you know, they were on their way to the vehicles to go to the airport to get on the C‑130 when he got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, you can’t go now, you don’t have authority to go now,” Gregory Hicks, deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee
If you really care to know, you can listen for yourself to the link. It's gets old doing all your work for you. -
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

About that first response team.

"The Tripoli response team departs at about midnight and arrives at about 1:15 in Benghazi."

"The Tripoli team was -- basically had to stay at the Benghazi airport because they had no transport and no escort from the -- the Libyans."

About that second response team.

"In Tripoli, we had -- the defense attache had persuaded the Libyans to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and wanted to airlift -- we had -- since we had consolidated at the annex, and the Libyan government had now provided us with external security around our facilities, we wanted to send further reinforcements to Benghazi.

We determined that Lieutenant Gibson and his team of special forces troops should go. The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired. They were exhausted.

We wanted to make sure the airport was secure for their withdrawal. As Colonel Gibson and his three personnel were -- were getting in the cars, he stopped. And he called them off and said -- told me that he had not been authorized to go. The vehicles had to go because the flight needed to go to Tripoli -- I mean, to Benghazi. Lieutenant Colonel Gibson was furious. I had told him to go bring our people home. That's what he wanted to do -- paid me a very nice compliment. I won't repeat it here.

So the plane went. I think it landed in Benghazi around 7:30.

Read more: Transcript: Whistle-blower's account of Sept. 11 Libya terror attack | Fox News

the plane went without our personnel- American personnel. It was just the Libyans.

The unanswered question, Why were they not authorized? Could it be that the Lybians told the command that the airport that they were going to secure was already secured by Lybian forces? (That is mere speculation on my part. Maybe I missed the answer.) Also who was it that could have authorized them?
About that first response team.

"The Tripoli response team departs at about midnight and arrives at about 1:15 in Benghazi."

"The Tripoli team was -- basically had to stay at the Benghazi airport because they had no transport and no escort from the -- the Libyans."

About that second response team.

"In Tripoli, we had -- the defense attache had persuaded the Libyans to fly their C-130 to Benghazi and wanted to airlift -- we had -- since we had consolidated at the annex, and the Libyan government had now provided us with external security around our facilities, we wanted to send further reinforcements to Benghazi.

We determined that Lieutenant Gibson and his team of special forces troops should go. The people in Benghazi had been fighting all night. They were tired. They were exhausted.

We wanted to make sure the airport was secure for their withdrawal. As Colonel Gibson and his three personnel were -- were getting in the cars, he stopped. And he called them off and said -- told me that he had not been authorized to go. The vehicles had to go because the flight needed to go to Tripoli -- I mean, to Benghazi. Lieutenant Colonel Gibson was furious. I had told him to go bring our people home. That's what he wanted to do -- paid me a very nice compliment. I won't repeat it here.

So the plane went. I think it landed in Benghazi around 7:30.

Read more: Transcript: Whistle-blower's account of Sept. 11 Libya terror attack | Fox News

the plane went without our personnel- American personnel. It was just the Libyans.

The unanswered question, Why were they not authorized? Could it be that the Lybians told the command that the airport that they were going to secure was already secured by Lybian forces? (That is mere speculation on my part. Maybe I missed the answer.) Also who was it that could have authorized them?

AFricom is could have authorized it. I seemed to remember Under Secretary Kennedy maybe being mentioned.

The 2nd team was wanting to go help relieve the other team there as they had spoken with them.
the plane went without our personnel- American personnel. It was just the Libyans.

The unanswered question, Why were they not authorized? Could it be that the Lybians told the command that the airport that they were going to secure was already secured by Lybian forces? (That is mere speculation on my part. Maybe I missed the answer.) Also who was it that could have authorized them?

AFricom is could have authorized it. I seemed to remember Under Secretary Kennedy maybe being mentioned.

The 2nd team was wanting to go help relieve the other team there as they had spoken with them.

I seem to recall it came out that it was a Lybian C-130 and they did not give the authorization. I also seem to recall one of the Representative clarifying the point that they were gong to help with the evacuation at the Benghazi airport.

I can't find a transcript yet but I'll look for one tomorrow.
The unanswered question, Why were they not authorized? Could it be that the Lybians told the command that the airport that they were going to secure was already secured by Lybian forces? (That is mere speculation on my part. Maybe I missed the answer.) Also who was it that could have authorized them?

AFricom is could have authorized it. I seemed to remember Under Secretary Kennedy maybe being mentioned.

The 2nd team was wanting to go help relieve the other team there as they had spoken with them.

I seem to recall it came out that it was a Lybian C-130 and they did not give the authorization. I also seem to recall one of the Representative clarifying the point that they were gong to help with the evacuation at the Benghazi airport.

I can't find a transcript yet but I'll look for one tomorrow.

actually the Pentagon first denied they were ever told to stand down, yet tonight suddenly they state they left them there to secure Tripoli when they had other security forces there and they did not try to leave until Tripoli had been secured.
And it was General Ham that is over AFRICOM, not Kennedy.

Pentagon Denies Fox News Benghazi Report - John Hudson - The Atlantic Wire

Then this excuse also was given =
Benghazi had been attacked.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the team was reviewing security at U.S. embassies throughout the Middle East and was not prepared for a combat assault mission, being armed with only 9mm sidearms.

They also noted that the situation at Benghazi remained unclear and there were concerns the Embassy in Tripoli also could become a target.

Official: US Special Forces team wasn't allowed to fly to Benghazi during attack - Open Channel

Seems this was Panetta's reason as well -
Panetta on Benghazi attack: 'Could not put forces at risk' ? CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

and this -
A Pentagon spokesman said he would review the Hicks testimony. “We have repeatedly stated that while Department officials started taking action immediately after learning that an attack was underway at the American facility there, our forces were unable to reach it in time to intervene to stop the attacks,” Pentagon spokesman George Little said in an e-mail Monday night.

Special ops halted from responding to Benghazi attacks, U.S. diplomat says - The Washington Post

So, first they deny, then multiple reasons as to why they actually did give the order come out, depending on who you have being interviewed.

They had a medic within that 4 that could have helped with injured, even if they had arrived after the last atatck. The order to stand down was given before even the seond attack, from what I have heard. A flight in a c-130 would take about an hour and 15 minutes to get there from Tripoli.
The administration lied about it being spontaneous and being caused by a video. The continued the lies after they knew the truth.

They did not send help because they were afraid of the political damage that a terrorist attack might do to the campaign.

political corruption at its worst.
The administration lied about it being spontaneous and being caused by a video. The continued the lies after they knew the truth.

They did not send help because they were afraid of the political damage that a terrorist attack might do to the campaign.

political corruption at its worst.

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck the United States Mission without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as members of a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.

So tell me, how long after Presdent Obama won his relection bid did it take for them to come clean that it was a really a terrorist attack?
The administration lied about it being spontaneous and being caused by a video. The continued the lies after they knew the truth.

They did not send help because they were afraid of the political damage that a terrorist attack might do to the campaign.

political corruption at its worst.

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck the United States Mission without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as members of a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.

So tell me, how long after Presdent Obama won his relection bid did it take for them to come clean that it was a really a terrorist attack?

Do you really believe that? how many hits did the video have on youtube before 9/11? How may arabs are watching youtube daily? how many libyans have computer and internet access?

your entire argument is nothing but partisan BS.
The administration lied about it being spontaneous and being caused by a video. The continued the lies after they knew the truth.

They did not send help because they were afraid of the political damage that a terrorist attack might do to the campaign.

political corruption at its worst.

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck the United States Mission without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as members of a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.

So tell me, how long after Presdent Obama won his relection bid did it take for them to come clean that it was a really a terrorist attack?

Do you really believe that? how many hits did the video have on youtube before 9/11? How may arabs are watching youtube daily? how many libyans have computer and internet access?

your entire argument is nothing but partisan BS.

I believe that is what the New York Times reported.

What I'm saying is that one has to be dumb as dirt to truly think they lied, or used the talking points developed for the talk shows on the Sunday following the attacks to covered up that it was a terrorist attack because of the upcoming election.
The administration lied about it being spontaneous and being caused by a video. The continued the lies after they knew the truth.

They did not send help because they were afraid of the political damage that a terrorist attack might do to the campaign.

political corruption at its worst.

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck the United States Mission without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as members of a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence.

So tell me, how long after Presdent Obama won his relection bid did it take for them to come clean that it was a really a terrorist attack?

Do you really believe that? how many hits did the video have on youtube before 9/11? How may arabs are watching youtube daily? how many libyans have computer and internet access?

your entire argument is nothing but partisan BS.

exactly, the video had been posted way back in June.
Hmmm...this bit is not good for Hillary:

1:19 pm Rep. James Langford (R-OK) asks Hicks and Nordstrom whether security was adequate at Benghazi. Answer from Nordstrom: No. They did not meet the minimum standards. Nordstrom testifies that only the Secretary of State can grant waivers for facilities that do not meet the minimum standards. That’s BIG.

The PJ Tatler » Benghazi Hearings Live Blog
She did it to herself with nobody else's help! If she ran for President everything would be put on hold while Lady MacBeth takes a powder, which she took in front of a Federal Grand Jury; and in front of God and everybody when she held up someone's sign (smirking like a Cheshire Cat) at Ground Zero that said, "Bush Gnu," when Bush didn't know; and jabbered to her neighbor the whole time President Bush was giving his first inaugural address.

She's an immature, spoiled brat who couldn't take four more years of screwing up, being Secretary of State, always fearing someone would take something she said or did and rub her face in it as she did to President Bush every minute of every hour of every day of every week, of every month, of every year with nastiness and venom that has never been seen in America before or since. She does the wrong thing, then covers it with a lie that gets uncovered and covered with another, ad nauseam. Lady Macbeth was a flower girl next to Hillary Clinton, the smut slut of the Clinton Spin Room according to George Stephanopoulos' book, All Too Human.
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