The Belief That Life Was the Result of an Accident Is Unscientific


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
This is who we are. Just a pile of elements from the Periodic Table.

Same elements you will find all around you. When you die, those elements will continue to exist with no effect upon them. Carbon atoms will still be carbon atoms after you die.

No matter how accurate you are in combing all of the ratios of atoms in a living being, it is not going to become animated.


Atoms are not going to write Beethoven, they does not want to listen to Beethoven, nor does the pile of atoms care if it a living being lives or dies, because the elements have nothing to gain or lose either way. Atoms have no interest in talking to each other, laughing at funny cat videos, or even reading and responding on USMB. Atoms just do not care.

How anyone can delude themselves to believe atoms do have sentient life is beyond me.
Wait. Who exactly is it that believes atoms have sentient life?
it musta been a sky daddy

Apparently men who say that the sky daddy did not do it also say that it happened by accident....only.....they never observe it happening nor can they replicate it.

That's not science
Wait. Who exactly is it that believes atoms have sentient life?
Anyone who believes life is an accidental byproduct of an explosion long ago is saying atoms have sentient life.
no, theyre saying that atoms can lead to sentient life.

which they can
We know what ratio of elements we are.
Mix away and make yourself a new friend.
No, genetic cloning is already being done I dont think ill need to pick up the slack.

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