The battle for Palmyra is not over


Nov 14, 2012
The Syrian army is deploying hundreds of troops to retake the town of Palmyra. Tanks and other heavy weapons arrived to their reinforcement and the airforce is bombing the shit out of the terrorist rats. Hopefully, the town can be saved soon.

"It has been almost one week since the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has taken full control of the historical city of Palmyra (Tadmur) in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate; however, the Syrian Armed Forces have yet to launch a counter-assault on the terrorist group that shocked the region with their resurgence after a five month hiatus.

This changed on Sunday, when hundreds of soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s “Suqour Al-Sahra” (Desert Hawks) Brigade and the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) began the arduous task of retaking the ancient city of Palmyra, amid the large presence of ISIS combatants that have been recently reinforced by their fighters from the Ar-Raqqa Governorate.

While the majority of firefights have been in favor of ISIS, the arrival of necessary reinforcements from the Syrian Armed Forces should provide a boost to the entrenched soldiers of the SAA’s 18th Tank Battalion that have been under attack at the Palmyra Ruins and the Palmyra Aqueduct over the last five days.

In addition to the hundreds of soldiers that have been concentrated at the Palmyra front, the Syrian Armed Forces have deployed a convoy of tanks and heavy weaponry to counter ISIS’ large quantity of armored vehicles that are mounted with a variety of anti-aircraft machine guns and doshkas.

Recently, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) has stepped up their airstrikes at the city of Palmyra and the towns of ‘Arak and Al-Sikhanah in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate; unfortunately, this has not deterred or forestalled the ISIS militants from steadily advancing across the vast deserts of eastern Syrian and western Iraq.

The biggest threat ISIS’ poses to the Syrian Government – at the moment – is the possible disruption of their power grids that are situated near theAl-Sha’ar Mountains, which are located north of Palmyra; if they are recaptured by ISIS, the Syrian Government will be dealt its biggest blow in this war."

Syrian Army Deploys Hundreds of Soldiers to Retake Palmyra
ISIS slaughters hundreds of Palmyra residents

"Homs, SANA – Hundreds of residents of Palmyra city-also known as Tadmur-have been killed at the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which started an assault against city days ago.

Reliable local sources inside the city, that is home to the world’s most renowned historical sites, said ISIS terrorists slaughtered and mutilated at least 400 civilians, including children, women and elderly people.

Those were killed on charges of loyalty to the Syrian government and disobedience to the ISIS, according to the sources.

They said that dozens of the victims were state employees, citing the slaughtering of the chairwoman of the Nursing Department at Tadmur National Hospital along with all of her family’s members.

Thousands of other residents are besieged inside the city as ISIS has prevented them from leaving, according to the local sources, who also noted that the residents are having their properties seized by ISIS members.

Another appalling massacre was committed by ISIS in Tadmur, located in Homs’ eastern countryside, earlier this month when its members killed at least 30 of the residents of al-Ameriyeh village.

These and other ISIS atrocities are being perpetrated amid shameful international silence, with the Security Council only expressing “concern” without taking any practical deterrent measures on the ground."

ISIS slaughters hundreds of Palmyra residents
East Homs Erupts With Violence: ISIS Attacking Multiple Areas

"On Monday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) continued its large-scale offensive in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate, as the terrorist group targeted a number of sites controlled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) around the Al-Sha’ar Mountains and the outskirts of the ancient city of Palmyra.

ISIS began Monday by attacking the Syrian Arab Army’s 18th Tank Battalion at Jazal in the Al-Sha’ar Mountains, where they attempted to regain control of this village located near the Syrian Government’s strategic power grids and gas fields that provide electricity and gas to the residents of western Syria; this militant attack was later repelled after four hours of non-stop fighting.

West of the ancient city of Palmyra, the militants from ISIS attacked the National Defense Forces at Al-Qurayteen and Al-Farqalas, where they attempted to breach the latter’s frontline defenses in these predominately Christian villages located 35 km from the outskirts of the provincial capital of Homs.

However, ISIS’ attack was repelled, as the Syrian Armed Forces were given a big boost from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF), who relentlessly bombarded the enemy combatants that attempted to reinforce their entrenched comrades at the villages of Al-Qurayteen and Al-Farqalas.

The Syrian Air Force did not stop there: the SAAF launched a total of 79 airstrikes on Monday, targeting the towns of Jabab Ahmad, Al-Shandakhiyah, ‘Umm Suhreej, Al-Taybeh, and ‘Ayn Bardeh in the Al-Badiyah area; this is likely the beginning of the SAAF’s bombardments, as the prevalence and intensity of these airstrikes will increase in the coming days.

With ISIS concentrating their militants near the Tiyas Airbase in east Homs, the Syrian Arab Army’s 550th Brigade and the 18th Tank Battalion are preparing for a counter-assault at the ancient city of Palmyra, where they are currently positioned one kilometer away from the city’s walls."

East Homs Erupts With Violence ISIS Attacking Multiple Areas
The Syrian Army Finally Ousts ISIS from the Al-Sha’ar Mountains


"One year after the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) captured Jabal Al-Sha’ar (Poet Mountains) and the gas wells situated across this mountainous terrain in east Homs, the Syrian Arab Army’s 18th Tank Battalion – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – were able to oust the terrorist group from their positions and take complete control of this area.

The Syrian Armed Forces were able to secure Jabal Al-Sha’ar after a failed offensive by ISIS that later resulted in the latter group’s exposure to the numerous airstrikes launched by the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) at Wells 101 and 103 in the northwestern part of the mountains; this counter-assault left a large number of enemy combatants dead, including ‘Abdel-Rahman Zaid Al-Jassimi, Mohammad Rakan Al-Fawzi, Mohammad Mahmoud Qassem, and Yousif Radwan Ghaleb.

With Jabal Al-Sha’ar secured by the Syrian Armed Forces, ISIS’ attack on the village of Jazal was their last chance to forestall the SAA’s advance across this rugged territory; however, the combatants from ISIS were unsuccessful, as the Syrian Armed Forces recaptured all of their defensive points that ISIS took control of on Monday morning.

In addition to their counter-assault at Jabal Al-Sha’ar, the Syrian Armed Forces – led by SAA’s 550th Brigade – attacked the Asphalt Factory near the ancient city of Palmyra, where they attempted to breach ISIS’ frontline defenses before they were forced to withdraw due to the Syrian Air Force’s bombing campaign in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate.

The Syrian Air Force was relentless on Tuesday, as they launched over 80 airstrikes over the Modern District of Palmyra, the Third Army Station, the Desert and Development Building, Al-Sikhanah, Al-‘Arak, Al-Hayl Gas Fields, the Palmyra Airport, and Al-‘Amariyah; these airstrikes targeted the large agglomerations of ISIS fighters in east Homs."

The Syrian Army Finally Ousts ISIS from the Al-Sha ar Mountains
ISIS Attempts to Inch Closer to the City of Homs

"On Tuesday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) continued their large-scale offensive in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate, attacking a number of villages under the control of the Syrian Arab Army’s 91st Regiment and the National Defense Forces (NDF) near the southern Hama Governorate city of Al-Salamiyah.

ISIS began their assault at 7:30 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Tuesday morning by firing a barrage of mortar shells in the direction of the SAA’s 91st Regiment at the town of Farqalas; this was followed by the terrorist group storming the Syrian Armed Forces frontline defenses at the eastern outskirts of the town before they were repelled and forced to withdrawal towards the village of Jabab Hamid.

Following their withdrawal from the Farqalas outskirts, another ISIS contingent launched an assault on the villages of Al-Safeera and Al-Salihiyah, where they attempted to breach the National Defense Forces fortifications; however, the latter was given a boost from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF), who carried out a number of airstrikes that targeted the road from Al-Salamiyah to northern Homs.

Despite the Syrian Armed Forces success in repelling a number of ISIS attacks near the border of Hama, ISIS did capture the village of Al-Muqassem after fierce clashes with the former in the vicinity of the ancient city of Palmyra; this has expanded ISIS’ buffer-zone to 3km from the western outskirts of Palmyra.

With ISIS in control of Al-Muqassem, the Syrian Arab Army’s 550th Brigade launched a counter-assault at the Asphalt Factory near the city of Palmyra, killing 19 enemy combatants and destroying six armored vehicles before they were able to capture the western perimeter of this facility in the desert."

ISIS Attempts to Inch Closer to the City of Homs
Syrian Air Force Kills Over 140 ISIS Fighters in the Al-Raqqa Governorate

"The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) launched a series of strategic air raids in the Al-Raqqa Governorate on Tuesday, bombarding the Islamic State of Iraq Al-Sham’s (ISIS) strongholds at the provincial capital and the Tabaqa Airbase in order to prevent the latter from reinforcing their entrenched fighters in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate.

According to ground activists from the Al-Raqqa Governorate, the Syrian Air Force’s airstrikes at the Tabaqa Airbase did the most damage to the militants from ISIS, as the death toll for the terrorist group exceeded well-over 140 enemy combatants (unconfirmed); this is the first time in eight days that the Syrian Air Force targeted the Tabaqa Airbase in western Al-Raqqa.

The purpose of these air raids in the Al-Raqqa Governorate is to deter the terrorist group from reinforcing and resupplying their combatants across the country, while also targeting the heart of ISIS’ self-proclaimed Caliphate that extends from eastern Aleppo to eastern Nineveh (Iraq).

With the entire province of Al-Raqqa under their control, ISIS has converted the former Tabaqa Airbase, Division 17 Base, and Brigade 93 Base into a base of their own, as they provide both housing and training to new recruits that answer their call to reign in the Caliphate over the lands of Al-Sham (the Levant) and Iraq."

Syrian Air Force Kills Over 140 ISIS Fighters in the Al-Raqqa Governorate
Prime Minister visits oil and gas fields, military outpost in Homs province


"Homs, SANA – Upon directives from President Bashar al-Assad, Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi (*who is a Sunni, btw) on Monday visited oil and gas fields in Homs’ eastern countryside, a military outpost, and a military airport near Palmyra.

During his visit to the oil and gas fields, al-Halaqi lauded the commitment of workers at oil fields to staying in their posts and to continuing their work, saying that President al-Assad is proud of the efforts these workers are exerting to preserve petroleum and gas facilities and increase their productivity.

The visit included sites in Hayyan and the southern central region gas plants, and the gas distribution center in al-Rayyan fields.

During his visit to an advanced military outpost in Palmyra and a military airport, the Prime Minister relayed greetings from President al-Assad to the soldiers and officers confronting terrorists, voicing confidence in achieving victory over terrorism in Palmyra, Jisr al-Shughour, and all of Syria."

Prime Minister visits oil and gas fields military outpost in Homs province

* addition is mine
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Syrian Army Remains Strong in Deir Ezzor Amid Rumors of Imminent Withdrawal

"Two days ago, rumors surfaced that the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard and the 137th Artillery Brigade in the Deir Ezzor Governorate were preparing to withdrawal from this province, due to the recent losses at the provincial capital and east Homs, resulting in the applied pressure by the SAA’s Central Command to bring back these contingents.

Al-Masdar News contacted a number of sources in the Deir Ezzor Governorate to get the bottom of these rumors and after speaking to members of the 104th Airborne Brigade, they have assured the network that these reports were in fact fabricated and possessed nothing factual, as the Syrian Armed Forces have actually recaptured the entire Industrial District (Al-Sina’a), while also declaring fire-control over Sakr Island.

Moreover, the Pro-Opposition “” alleged that their sources in Al-Jawra (likely “Al-Jafra”) and Al-Qusour have reported a manpower shortage in the Syrian Armed Forces because of the lack of “patrols” passing through their neighborhoods; this report perturbed Al-Masdar’s sources because the civilians that lived in the village of Al-Jafra have fled towards the provincial capital after the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) attack in October of 2014.

On Wednesday morning, the militants from ISIS attacked the Syrian Air Defenses and the SAA’s 104th Brigade at the eastern perimeter of the Deir Ezzor Military Airport; however, this assault by the terrorist group was repelled after they clashed with the Syrian Armed Forces for two hours.

Fierce firefights between ISIS and the Syrian Armed Forces were also reported at the Al-Rusafah, Al-‘Arfa, Al-Rashidiyah, Al-Kanamat, and Al-Haweeqa Quarters of the provincial capital, along with skirmishes at the villages of Al-Shoula, Al-Jafra, and Al-Muri’iyah."

Syrian Army Remains Strong in Deir Ezzor Amid Rumors of Imminent Withdrawal
Syrian Army Forestalls ISIS Advance North of Palmyra

"On Tuesday, the Syrian Arab Army’s 91st Regiment of the 1st Armored Division – in coordination with Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – has forestalled the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) progress in the northern part of the Homs Governorate after they captured the remaining gas wells at Jabal Al-Sha’ar (Poet Mountains).

The success at Jabal Al-Sha’ar on Tuesday played an integral role in the Syrian Armed Forces reversing ISIS’ territorial gains on Wednesday morning, as their advancement in northeast Homs resulted in the SAA’s 91st Regiment and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra advancing to the village of Jazal and the nearby Jazal Oil Fields located northwest of the ancient city of Palmyra.

With Jabal Al-Sha’ar and the southern road leading to these mountains under their control, the Syrian Armed Forces focused their attention on Jazal and the oil fields to the east of the village, where they were able to break-through ISIS’ frontline defenses and secure the northern flank of these two sites in northeast Homs.

According to a military source in the Homs Governorate: if the Syrian Armed Forces were to launch a counter-offensive to retake the ancient city of Palmyra, they will likely strike ISIS’ positions from the north, as the latter’s original offensive to capture the city began at the northern flank of Al-‘Amariyah and spread to the Qassoun mountains at the western flank.

Meanwhile, west of Jabal Al-Sha’ar, ISIS continued their offensive at the villages of Al-Sultaniyah, Hosh Al-Zibadi, Al-Mushayrafa Al-Shamliyah, and Al-Salihiyah, where they attempted to take control of the Syrian Armed Forces’ remaining positions on the border of the Hama Governorate; however, the latter was successful in repelling the militant advance at these areas.

Despite the Syrian Armed Forces’ success at Jabal Al-Sha’ar, the militants from ISIS remain on the offensive at three different points in the eastern part of the Homs Governorate: Qurateen (southern flank), Al-Farqalas (central flank), and Al-Salihiyah (northern flank)."

Syrian Army Forestalls ISIS Advance North of Palmyra
Syrian Army Regains Control of Palmyra-Homs Road

"On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 550th Artillery Brigade of the 1st Armored Division countered the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) offensive near the Tiyas Military Airbase to the east and the town of Al-Farqalas to west, killing a dozen enemy combatants before they were able to regain control of the strategic Palmyra-Homs Highway in eastern Homs.

The Palmyra-Homs Highway stretches for about 150km across the vast deserts of the Homs Governorate, providing the only pathway between these two historical cities; it is also important to remember that the scarcity of roads in eastern Homs makes it difficult to travel through because of the rugged terrain that encompasses the eastern part of this province.

Following ISIS’ repelled attack at the checkpoint outside of the town of Farqalas, the Syrian Armed Forces launched a counter-assault to push back the enemy combatants and then reinforce the Palmyra-Homs Highway between Farqalas and the Tiyas Military Airport; however, ISIS would not willingly retreat, resulting in a heated battle between the Syrian Armed Forces and this terrorist group for three hours.

Reports from east Homs confirmed that the loud explosion heard on Saturday morning in Farqalas was due to militants from ISIS detonating a bomb at the gas pipeline near the town; this attack did not harm anyone, but it did provide the terrorist group with enough confidence to try an unorganized assault outside of Farqalas.

In addition to the firefights on the Palmyra-Homs Highway, the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS continued their battle for control of the Jazal Gas Fields and the village itself; if the former can capture this part of Homs, they will have effectively put themselves in position to launch a counter-offensive at Palmyra.

Meanwhile, inside the ancient city of Palmyra, the militants from ISIS detonated a number of explosives at the Palmyra Central Prison, destroying the whole facility within a matter of seconds."

Syrian Army Regains Control of Palmyra-Homs Road
Meanwhile, ISIS has launched offensives at Deir Ezzor and Al-Hasakah, both provincial capitals. Since days, the battles are ongoing and ISIS´ gains were recaptured. The army stroke back in Deir Ezzor, breaking trough ISIS defends lines and inflicting causalities on the abhorrent group, including a BMP.
In Al-Hasakah, the army is supported by the newly formed “Qawat Al-Hamayeh Al-Jazeeri” (Gozarto Protection Forces), Qawat Al-Sootooro (Assyrian militia), Al-Ba’ath Battalions, and the National Defense Forces (NDF). ISIS didn´t reach the capital.

ISIS has no easy game in Syria. Unlike in Iraq, where the army is not in a good condition, an ISIS offensive does not spread chaos among the defenders. The zombies face their strongest enemy, when they attack the Syrian army.
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ISIS at the Gates of Al-Hasakah

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) began their large scale assault at the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah on Sunday after suffering an embarrassing defeat at the hands of the predominately Kurdish “People’s Defense Forces” (YPG) and the militias from the Syriac Military Council (Suturo) at the ‘Abdel-‘Aziz Mountains and Tel Tamer in the western countryside of the province.

Following an up-and-down battle at the southern outskirts of Al-Hasakah City on Monday and Tuesday, ISIS sent a large wave of combatants towards the villages of Al-Dawoudiyah and Rad Shaqra, where they overwhelmed the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Al-Ba’ath Battalions with their sheer contingent size that outnumbered the Syrian Armed Forces by a 3/1 ratio (ISIS/NDF).

ISIS did not stop there: once the terrorist group was able to reach the Al-Adham Prison, ISIS launched six suicide bombers in the direction of the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at a number of sites within 5km from the Al-Hasakah gates, forcing the NDF and the Al-Ba’ath Battalions to withdraw towards the remaining checkpoints outside of the city.

With the Panorama Roundabout in their sights, ISIS capitalized on the National Defense Forces fractured fortifications at the Al-Hasakah Power Plant, where a suicide bomber left the southeastern perimeter of the facility exposed to the terrorist group’s relentless mortar shells and rockets.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 121st Artillery Regiment of the 17th Reserve Division and the Assyrian “Gozarto Protection Forces” (GPF) would arrive on the scene from the Al-Qamishli District after ISIS advanced as close as 1km from the Panorama Roundabout that leads into the provincial capital.

Firefights are still ongoing between the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS at the Al-Adhath Central Prison and about 700 meters from the Panorama Roundabout; these next few hours will be critical."

ISIS at the Gates of Al-Hasakah
Al-Hasakah isn´t Ramadi and the Syrian army isn´t the Iraqi army...

ISIS Fails to Enter Al-Hasakah City Despite Numerous Attempts

"For the fourth straight day in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) attempted to breach the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at the southern entrance of the provincial capital, as non-stop fighting between the two opposing parties engulfed the city’s gates and illuminated the night sky with mortar shells, rockets, and gunfire on Wednesday night.

ISIS launched another attempt to enter the provincial capital after they captured the Al-Hasakah Power Plant, and the villages of Al-Dawoudiyah and Rad Shaqra following their six suicide attacks; however, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Artillery Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division held tough near the Panorama Roundabout and the Guweiran District, repelling the terrorist group’s offensive before sunrise on Thursday morning.

As sunrise approached on Thursday morning, the exhausted militants from ISIS withdrew from the southern perimeter of the Guweiran District and the Panorama Roundabout; this withdrawal paved the way for the SAA’s 154th Brigade – in coordination with the NDF, the Al-Ba’ath Battalion, and the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia) to launch a counter-attack to recapture the Al-Hasakah Power Plant located just south of the city.

The Syrian Armed Forces were successful: their fierce assault on Thursday morning paid dividends for their embattled soldiers that were entrenched on this front, as the recapture of the Al-Hasakah Powerful Plant allowed them to reenter the villages of Al-Dawoudiyah and Rad Shaqra after being forced to withdrawal their forces due to a fractured frontline.

According to a military source in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the provincial capital is 100 percent under the control of the Syrian Armed Forces – he has denied any infiltration and asserted that ISIS social media activists have fabricated news.

Firefights are still ongoing at the villages of Al-Dawoudiyah, Rad Shaqra, Malabiyah, Jabal Al-Kawkab, and Al-Abyad, along with the Al-Adhath Central Prison."

ISIS Fails to Enter Al-Hasakah City Despite Numerous Attempts
Syrian Armed Forces Push Back ISIS from Al-Hasakah Outskirts: Two Villages Captured

The Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Artillery Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Al-Ba’ath Battalions, and the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia) – launched a counter-assault at the outskirts of southern Al-Hasakah in order to recapture the villages of Al-Watwatiyah and Al-Mishtal Al-Zura’yy from the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

For the Syrian Armed Forces, these two aforementioned villages (Al-Watwatiyah and Al-Mishtal Al-Zura’yy) were imperative to building a buffer-zone from the large presence of ISIS combatants lingering around the provincial capital’s southern outskirts; this was especially true after the SAA’s 154th Brigade recaptured the Al-Hasakah Power Plant and the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Center located near the city’s southern entrance at the Panorama Roundabout.

On Sunday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces stormed ISIS’ frontline defenses at the villages of Al-Watwatiyah and Al-Mishtal Al-Zura’yy, killing 18 enemy combatants and destroying a half dozen of the terrorist organization’s armored vehicles that were mounted with a variety of anti-aircraft machine guns and doshkas.

Following the fierce assault by the Syrian Armed Forces, the latter was able to impose full-control over Al-Watwatiyah and Al-Mishtal Al-Zura’yy after a series of clashes with ISIS on Sunday morning, resulting in the subsequent withdrawal of the terrorist group’s combatants from these villages located in the outskirts of the provincial capital.

As a result of the Syrian Armed Forces’ successful counter-offensive, the militants from ISIS are now facing the possibility of complete defeat at the provincial capital’s southern front, as the SAA and their allies have proven to be a tougher challenge than the terrorist organization previously anticipated and confronted at the ancient city of Palmyra in the province of Homs.

The remaining challenge for the Syrian Armed Forces will be the recapture of Al-Dawoudiyah, Al-Salihiyah, and Rad Shaqra; these villages are located at the southeastern outskirts of Al-Hasakah City and they were originally under the SAA’s control before this terrorist offensive in the province.

Syrian Armed Forces Push Back ISIS from Al-Hasakah Outskirts Two Villages Captured

Syrian Army Deals Another Blow to the ISIS Militants in Deir Ezzor

The provincial capital of the Deir Ezzor Governorate has been under a cruel nine month long siege that was imposed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) last September; however, despite the lack of food and necessities, the civilians of this eastern Syrian city have remained steadfast in their commitment to fending off the swarming militants from this terrorist organization.

Over 6,000 residents of the provincial capital of Deir Ezzor joined the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) last December and since then, these resistance fighters have fought on every front in the province, including the volatile battle at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport.

ISIS launched another assault at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport on Saturday morning, as the terrorist group attempted to infiltrate the frontline defenses of the Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the 17th Reserve Division and the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard at the eastern perimeter of the airbase.

The battle for the Deir Ezzor Military Airport consumed most of the morning for the Syrian Armed Forces entrenched inside the base, as the soldiers fended off over 200 enemy combatants from ISIS that attacked their defenses in unison; this assault was eventually repelled after the militants from the terrorist group were forced to withdrawal.

In addition to the fighting at the Deir Ezzor Military Airport, firefights were reported at the Al-Rasafa, Arfa, Al-Kanamat, Sheikh Yasseen, Al-Rashadiyah, and Al-Jubeileh Quarters of the provincial capital, along with clashes at the villages of Al-Muri’iyah, ‘Ayyash, and Al-Jafra.

Syrian Army Deals Another Blow to the ISIS Militants in Deir Ezzor

ISIS Suffers a Setback in Southeast Hama Amid East Homs Offensive

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) was rolling in the deserts of east Homs and the northern countryside of Aleppo, as both the Syrian Armed Forces and the Syrian Al-Qaeda organization “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and the Levantine Front (Jabhat Al-Shamiyah) struggled to forestall this terrorist offensive; however, despite massive gains in east Syria, ISIS has left their positions in east Hama exposed to the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) powerful counter-assault.

Following a month of inactivity, the Syrian Armed Forces responded to the increased presence of ISIS fighters near the strategic city of Al-Salamiyah in the eastern Hama Governorate; this resulted in a joint counter-offensive launched by the Syrian Arab Army and the National Defense Forces at the villages of Umm Taweenah, Zanouba, and Rasm Al-Qadisiyah on Saturday morning.

Not long after they launched their joint assault at the villages of Umm Taweenah, Zanouba, and Rasm Al-Qadisiyah, the Syrian Armed Forces (NDF and SAA) imposed full control over this area, killing 26 confirmed enemy combatants from ISIS, including Hussien Yousif Mohsen, Bashir Khaled Na’eem, Mohammad Za’id Al-Shamsi, Mohammad ‘Umar Al-‘Abdullah, Mohannad ‘Issa Mumdouh, and Rakan Mahmoud Al-Hosni.

It is not entirely clear what the Syrian Armed Forces’ objective is, but their recent assault on the northeastern Homs village of Jazal has made it imperative for the aforementioned to strengthen their frontlines amid ISIS’ spread across the entire desert terrain of the Homs Governorate.

ISIS Suffers a Setback in Southeast Hama Amid East Homs Offensive
Syrian Army Captures Strategic Gas Field in East Homs

"It has been a rocky two months for the Syrian Armed Forces in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, as the disheartening loss at the ancient city of Palmyra, followed by the abrupt loss of their final border-crossing into Iraq from Al-Tanif has dissipated the morale of the soldiers entrenched on this desert front.

Furthering their progress in east Homs, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) attacked the Syrian Armed Forces at the Jazal Gas Fields from their positions at the nearby town of Jazal, resulting in the withdrawal of all Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) soldiers from the latter after a series of intense firefights that engulfed most of the morning on Tuesday.

Following their retreat to the southern outskirts of the Al-Sha’ar Mountains, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) – launched a counter-assault at the town of Jazal and the Jazal Gas Field, killing over 25 enemy combatants from ISIS, while also seizing a small cache of weapons in the process.

Not long after the Syrian Armed Forces reentered Jazal and the Jazal Gas Field, the militants from ISIS were forced to withdrawal after their fractured frontline positions collapsed; this led to the Syrian Armed Forces taking full control of the town and gas field, along with surrounding oil wells that are no longer functional.

If the Syrian Armed Forces were to launch a counter-offensive into the ancient city of Palmyra, the town of Jazal will likely be the location they use; however, there are currently no plans to retake this city at the moment."

Syrian Army Captures Strategic Gas Field in East Homs
Syrian Army Captures Tal Ghatfan Amid Intense Clashes in East Hama


"As the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) face-off against the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, these units that make-up the majority of the Syrian Armed Forces have quietly expanded their control over a number of sites at the Al-Salamiyah outskirts, amid a frenzy of intense clashes engulfing this area of the Hama Governorate.

On Thursday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces withstood a powerful assault by the militants of ISIS at Al-Dilaak, where the terrorist organization attempted to infiltrate into this village from the hill at Tal Ghatfan; this attack was later repelled by the National Defense Forces after the arrival of soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 18th Tank Division, resulting in a subsequent counter-offensive to recapture this territory in the Al-Salamiyah District.

The Syrian Armed Forces were successful in their counter-offensive to rid the ISIS militants from the outskirts of Al-Dilaak, as the latter terrorist organization was forced to withdrawal their militants from the frontlines at Al-Dilaak and Tal Ghatfan; thus, conceding this strategic hill overlooking the village from the eastern perimeter.

In addition to their success at Tal Ghatfan and Al-Dilaak, the Syrian Armed Forces encountered a large ISIS contingent at the outskirts of Al-Sitahayan, resulting in the death of over 30 enemy combatants from this terrorist organization and the destruction of 6 of their armored vehicles that were mounted with both doshkas and anti-aircraft machine guns."

Syrian Army Captures Tal Ghatfan Amid Intense Clashes in East Hama
Syrian Army Attacked by ISIS and Al-Qaeda on Two Different Fronts in Hama

"On Sunday morning, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) were surprised by a powerful assault from the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and their ally “Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham” (Hawks of the Levant Brigade) at the towns of Al-Lataminah, Al-Bawaydah, and Ma’rkabah in the northern countryside of the Hama Governorate.

The militants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham attempted to break-through the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at Al-Bawaydah and Ma’rkabah, where they achieved initial success before reinforcements from the National Defense Forces poured into these towns and helped drive back the enemy combatants towards the border of the Idlib Governorate.

Meanwhile, at Al-Lataminah and Kafr Zita in northern Hama, the besieged militants of Jabhat Al-Nusra and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham countered the Syrian Arab Army’s 106th Brigade of the Republican Guard, attacking the aforementioned at the southeastern perimeter of both of these towns on Sunday morning; however, the assault proved ineffective as the Republican Guard repelled the attack and restored security around their positions.

To coincide with Al-Qaeda’s attack on northern Hama, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another assault on the National Defense Forces’ frontline fortifications at the town of Al-Dilaak in east Hama, resulting in a series of fierce clashes near the strategic hill of Tal Ghatwan before the militants from this terrorist group withdrew their combatants as nightfall approached.

With the northern and eastern Hama fronts intensifying, the Syrian Armed Forces have increased the number of reinforcements to their frontlines in Al-Salamiyah and Kafr Zita; these NDF reinforcements derive from the cities of Masyaf, Mhardeh and Sqaylabiyah in western Hama."

Syrian Army Attacked by ISIS and Al-Qaeda on Two Different Fronts in Hama
Syrian Army Progressing Towards Palmyra in East Homs

"On Friday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division – in coordination with the SAA’s “Qawat Al-Nimr” (Tiger Forces) and “Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra” (Desert Hawks Brigade) – carried out a powerful assault on the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) defensive positions around the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate, killing scores of enemy combatants before they were able to recapture a number of points from the aforementioned.

The Syrian Armed Forces began their assault at the southern flank of Jazal, where they conducted a clean-up operation around this rugged town and its nearby gas fields to the west after the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) pounded the militants from ISIS with relentless airstrikes that specifically targeted their ground movements and supply routes on Friday morning.

Following their success at the town of Jazal, the Syrian Armed Forces advanced their frontlines to the Western Groves of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, where they were able to overpower the militants of ISIS with a intense infantry assault; this paved the way for the Syrian Arab Army’s 550th Brigade and the National Defense Forces (NDF) to capture the Western Groves after a two hour firefight with ISIS.

With the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces advancing from the western and northern flanks, the militants from ISIS have moved to the defensive for the first time in two months at the city of Palmyra; if they are unable to forestall the Syrian Armed Forces’ progression, they will eventually face heavy resistance at Mount Qasoun to the west and Al-‘Amariyah to the north of the city."

Syrian Army Progressing Towards Palmyra in East Homs
Syrian Army Within 9km of the Ancient City of Palmyra

"In late April of 2015, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) seized the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur), along with the vast majority of oil pipelines in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate after a surprise offensive in both Syria and Iraq caught the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) off guard.

For over one month, the militants from ISIS pushed west towards the provincial capital of the Homs Governorate, leaving many Syrians fearful of a potential attack by the terrorist group at this densely populated city; however, the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces (NDF) were able to forestall this advance near the Tiyas Airbase.

ISIS’ failure to capture the Homs Governorate’ most imperative airport (Tiyas Airbase) has paid dividends to the Syrian Armed Forces, who have in-turn, launched a counter-assault from their positions at Jabal Al-Sha’ar (Poet Mountains).

With support from the Syrian Arab Army’s “Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra” (Desert Hawks Brigade), the Tiger Forces (Qawat Al-Nimr) have arrived just-in time to push south from the town of Jazal to the ISIS-occupied city of Palmyra; this was confirmed after pictures of Colonel Suheil Al-Hassan and members of the Tiger Forces surfaced on Sunday morning.

After they arrived in the town of Jazal, the Tiger Forces did not waste any time going on the offensive at the Jazal Gas Fields, capturing the western flank of the Jazal Mountains after intense clashes with the enemy combatants from ISIS on Sunday afternoon.

As a result of their success at the Jabal Mountains, the Syrian Armed Forces have advanced south towards the city of Palmyra, leaving only 9km of desert land between their positions and ISIS’ frontline defenses at the Al-‘Amariyah village.

If the Syrian Armed Forces can force the remaining ISIS fighters to retreat from the outskirts of Jazal, they can effectively attack the aforementioned terrorist group at the northern outskirts of Palmyra."

Syrian Army Within 9km of the Ancient City of Palmyra
Tiger Forces Capture Another Oil Field in East Homs

"The Syrian Arab Army’s “Tiger Forces” (Qawat Al-Nimr) are on the move at Jabal Al-Jazal, as they have not only secured the aforementioned mountains and its oil fields, but also, the main road leading from Jabal Al-Sha’ar (Poet Mountains) to the town of Jazal; this has paved the way for the Syrian Armed Forces to make a major push south towards the ancient city of Palmyra in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate.

On Tuesday morning, the SAA’s Tiger Forces – in coordination with the 67th Brigade of the 18th Tank Division and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) went on the offensive at the Tamer Al-Nifti Oil Fields, where they encountered a large contingent from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) at the northwestern perimeter of this area.

Following a series of intense firefights outside of the Tamer Al-Nifti Oil Fields, the Syrian Armed Forces successfully breached ISIS’ frontline defenses, resulting in their capture of all the oil wells located less than 10km northwest of the ancient city of Palmyra.

According to a military source, the Syrian Armed Forces suffered 8 casualties during their assault; meanwhile, ISIS reportedly lost 29 militants, including the following identified members: Bassem Afif Nasser, Sharif Ghassan Abu Waleed, Qusay Mohammad Yasseen, Mohammad Thabit Al-Hosni, Mohammad ‘Abdullah Al-Razan, and Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Ghannam.

In addition to their capture of the Tamer Al-Nifti Oil Fields, the Syrian Armed Forces pushed almost 1km south on the Jazal-Palmyra Road after engaging an ISIS contingent at the outskirts of Jabal Al-Jazal."

Tiger Forces Capture Another Oil Field in East Homs

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