The Attack On The Culture Never Ends


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If they can get you to alter your focus, your attention, they can win the game.
That applies both to sports, and to politics.

Be sharp, and recognize that connected.

1. “Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you won't see that getting you to accept transgenerism opens the door to pedophilia.

2. The argument for transgenderism is based on the claims that it is about allowing folks to claim whatever sex they 'feel' that they are.
Some even claim a scientific basis.

There isn't.

".... no scientifically rigorous, large, prospective or sufficiently longitudinal evidence that transition of gender dysphoric children prevents suicide in the long term.

However, there is long-term research on the mental health of adults who transitioned with Gender Dysphoria. This reveals that despite initial relief of the dysphoria, one or more decades after transition, they often present with worse mental health than that of the general population, including a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater. This observation raises more questions than it answers, and should, therefore, give pediatric health professionals great pause -- at least those who value evidence-based medicine and are dedicated to “first do no harm”. Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians. If you don’t like the message, you can always shoot the messenger

3." If you can change your gender, why not your age?
And if so, what happens to the age of consent? Behind the ideology of transgenderism is the danger of paedophilia.

.... “transgenderism...[if]...., the words “male” and “female” no longer signify given, fixed states of body (sexes), and instead signify chosen, fluid states of mind—gender identities. ...., transgenderism is a mere possibility arising from the fact that our legal identity is now changeable. Anybody can be transgender.

... if male and female are states of mind, what’s the difference between them? The answer must be that the difference... is a state of mind.
With this point established, it can be applied to sexual maturity."
If you can change your gender, why not your age?
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Can I change my height? I want to identify as 6'4" and handsome. And, dammit, you had better go along with it!
That's what the NFL Kneeler are actually all about: it's an assault on the Culture. They're fighting to eliminate the Constitution and America and bring about the kind of a government that, if you protest, will execute you with an antiaircraft gun and then use a main battle tank to grind what whatever is left of you into the dirt.

It's not about the flag, or the military, it's about the culture
The “traditional values” crowd is in tears because they can’t exercise cruelty against their boogeyman groups like they are “traditionally” used to.
If they can get you to alter your focus, your attention, they can win the game.
That applies both to sports, and to politics.

Be sharp, and recognize that connected.

1. “Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you won't see that getting you to accept transgenerism opens the door to pedophilia.

2. The argument for transgenderism is based on the claims that it is about allowing folks to claim whatever sex they 'feel' that they are.
Some even claim a scientific basis.

There isn't.

".... no scientifically rigorous, large, prospective or sufficiently longitudinal evidence that transition of gender dysphoric children prevents suicide in the long term.

However, there is long-term research on the mental health of adults who transitioned with Gender Dysphoria. This reveals that despite initial relief of the dysphoria, one or more decades after transition, they often present with worse mental health than that of the general population, including a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater. This observation raises more questions than it answers, and should, therefore, give pediatric health professionals great pause -- at least those who value evidence-based medicine and are dedicated to “first do no harm”. Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians. If you don’t like the message, you can always shoot the messenger

3." If you can change your gender, why not your age?
And if so, what happens to the age of consent? Behind the ideology of transgenderism is the danger of paedophilia.

.... “transgenderism...[if]...., the words “male” and “female” no longer signify given, fixed states of body (sexes), and instead signify chosen, fluid states of mind—gender identities. ...., transgenderism is a mere possibility arising from the fact that our legal identity is now changeable. Anybody can be transgender.

... if male and female are states of mind, what’s the difference between them? The answer must be that the difference... is a state of mind.
With this point established, it can be applied to sexual maturity."
If you can change your gender, why not your age?
Why don't you be honest for a change and admit you hate people different than yourself..
You must really hate people with a high IQ.
4. " acceptance that male and female are states of mind necessitates an acceptance that adult-child difference cannot be anything other than a state of mind.

That’s the groundwork taken care of. Here come the inescapable final blows.

Suppose an eight-year old boy, Jimmy, wishes to “transition” from male to female. According to law, he can do so by way of self-declaration (i.e., without physical alteration). Why? Because in the same way I can change “I feel like a beer” to “I fancy a coffee” without doing anything physical, like putting the kettle on, Jimmy can change “male” to “female” without doing anything physical, such as having surgery.

With all this in mind, here's question three. Why is Jimmy limited to transitioning to a girl? Why is no boy-to-woman option available?"
If you can change your gender, why not your age?

" If you can change your gender, why not your age?
And if so, what happens to the age of consent? Behind the ideology of transgenderism is the danger of paedophilia."
If they can get you to alter your focus, your attention, they can win the game.
That applies both to sports, and to politics.

Be sharp, and recognize that connected.

1. “Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you won't see that getting you to accept transgenerism opens the door to pedophilia.

2. The argument for transgenderism is based on the claims that it is about allowing folks to claim whatever sex they 'feel' that they are.
Some even claim a scientific basis.

There isn't.

".... no scientifically rigorous, large, prospective or sufficiently longitudinal evidence that transition of gender dysphoric children prevents suicide in the long term.

However, there is long-term research on the mental health of adults who transitioned with Gender Dysphoria. This reveals that despite initial relief of the dysphoria, one or more decades after transition, they often present with worse mental health than that of the general population, including a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater. This observation raises more questions than it answers, and should, therefore, give pediatric health professionals great pause -- at least those who value evidence-based medicine and are dedicated to “first do no harm”. Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians. If you don’t like the message, you can always shoot the messenger

3." If you can change your gender, why not your age?
And if so, what happens to the age of consent? Behind the ideology of transgenderism is the danger of paedophilia.

.... “transgenderism...[if]...., the words “male” and “female” no longer signify given, fixed states of body (sexes), and instead signify chosen, fluid states of mind—gender identities. ...., transgenderism is a mere possibility arising from the fact that our legal identity is now changeable. Anybody can be transgender.

... if male and female are states of mind, what’s the difference between them? The answer must be that the difference... is a state of mind.
With this point established, it can be applied to sexual maturity."
If you can change your gender, why not your age?
Nice girls bear True Witness to us and don't let us miss our turn, simply for the sake of morals, even in modern times.
If they can get you to alter your focus, your attention, they can win the game.
That applies both to sports, and to politics.

Be sharp, and recognize that connected.

1. “Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you won't see that getting you to accept transgenerism opens the door to pedophilia.

2. The argument for transgenderism is based on the claims that it is about allowing folks to claim whatever sex they 'feel' that they are.
Some even claim a scientific basis.

There isn't.

".... no scientifically rigorous, large, prospective or sufficiently longitudinal evidence that transition of gender dysphoric children prevents suicide in the long term.

However, there is long-term research on the mental health of adults who transitioned with Gender Dysphoria. This reveals that despite initial relief of the dysphoria, one or more decades after transition, they often present with worse mental health than that of the general population, including a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater. This observation raises more questions than it answers, and should, therefore, give pediatric health professionals great pause -- at least those who value evidence-based medicine and are dedicated to “first do no harm”. Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians. If you don’t like the message, you can always shoot the messenger

3." If you can change your gender, why not your age?
And if so, what happens to the age of consent? Behind the ideology of transgenderism is the danger of paedophilia.

.... “transgenderism...[if]...., the words “male” and “female” no longer signify given, fixed states of body (sexes), and instead signify chosen, fluid states of mind—gender identities. ...., transgenderism is a mere possibility arising from the fact that our legal identity is now changeable. Anybody can be transgender.

... if male and female are states of mind, what’s the difference between them? The answer must be that the difference... is a state of mind.
With this point established, it can be applied to sexual maturity."
If you can change your gender, why not your age?
Why don't you be honest for a change and admit you hate people different than yourself..
You must really hate people with a high IQ. couldn't find a single thing in the thread to dispute?

It appears that you're a pacifist out of necessity in a battle of wits.
The “traditional values” crowd is in tears because they can’t exercise cruelty against their boogeyman groups like they are “traditionally” used to.

Link or lie.
You can’t stop gay people from marrying, black people from sitting at the counter, and countless other cruelties. If you could, you’d link to it instead of playing the victim.
The “traditional values” crowd is in tears because they can’t exercise cruelty against their boogeyman groups like they are “traditionally” used to.

Link or lie.
You can’t stop gay people from marrying, black people from sitting at the counter, and countless other cruelties. If you could, you’d link to it instead of playing the victim.

Still no link to prove your post?

So, you were lying, huh?
5. " How are “adult” and “child” presently demarcated in law? Well, with sexual maturity being the definitional difference between the two categories, it follows that the legal boundary separating them is located within the realm of sexual activity. In short, law recognises children as children by forbidding sexual activity in the absence of sexual maturity.

And if that is where law’s bright line is located, adult-child difference is legally collapsed by erasing that line. That is the stark barrel we are staring down.

Adults and children are to be done away with in law by making one of two declarations. Either everybody is effectively declared a child, in which case nobody will be permitted to perform sexual acts, or everybody is effectively declared an adult, in which case...

Which of the two do you think it will be?"
If you can change your gender, why not your age?

Do you imagine that the Left will shy away from declaring sex with children legal?

Do you?

How long ago did you believer that no movement would demand that adult men would be sent into bathrooms with little girls?

There is no morality on the Left.
If people want to change gender so what ? That's freedom. It's all superficial changes anyway .

Why do you hate freedom ?
I prefer my girl friends be twenty-one or older :p

When are women going to start to become Honest women and simply go up to guys and inform them, "I love to break in the new guy", and "I love to practice over and over and over again", just for fun And for practice.
The “traditional values” crowd is in tears because they can’t exercise cruelty against their boogeyman groups like they are “traditionally” used to.

Link or lie.
You can’t stop gay people from marrying, black people from sitting at the counter, and countless other cruelties. If you could, you’d link to it instead of playing the victim.

Still no link to prove your post?

So, you were lying, huh?

Just because you link to nonsense doesn't make your nonsense legitimate.
If people want to change gender so what ? That's freedom. It's all superficial changes anyway .

Why do you hate freedom ?

Perhaps you should attempt to read beyond the title alone, before you go on to make a fool of yourself.

Your question is answered specifically in the OP.
The “traditional values” crowd is in tears because they can’t exercise cruelty against their boogeyman groups like they are “traditionally” used to.

Link or lie.
You can’t stop gay people from marrying, black people from sitting at the counter, and countless other cruelties. If you could, you’d link to it instead of playing the victim.

Still no link to prove your post?

So, you were lying, huh?

Just because you link to nonsense doesn't make your nonsense legitimate.

Where is the nonsense?

Or.....are you irked because the issue clearly indicates what low-lives individuals of your political stripe are.

Is that the case?

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