The arguments from Trump supporters are pretty unsurprising In regards to defending his innocence


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Nuance? Diplomatic? Objective?

Nope, none of those words describe their arguments which is pretty expected.

1) Trump did nothing illegal! (he obviously did, but either way, the constitution says he can still be impeached)

2) Adam Schiff is dumb!

3) He had a perfect phone call!

4) Fake news!

5) So what?

6) Biden had something to do with Ukraine therefore Trump is innocent!

7) He won the election in 2016! Get over it, sore losers!

8) But HILLARY!!!
Be fair, they don't really defend his innocence. Pretty much everyone knows/accepts he did all he is accused of, it's just the Republican senators and Individual1's base don't care. Oh, they'll put up a half hearted defence but that's just a matter of form, they know they have the votes of the jurors and that's all they care about.
Be fair, they don't really defend his innocence. Pretty much everyone knows/accepts he did all he is accused of, it's just the Republican senators and Individual1's base don't care. Oh, they'll put up a half hearted defence but that's just a matter of form, they know they have the votes of the jurors and that's all they care about.[/QUOTE

"half hearted defence"? Trumps "defence" team destroyed the entire impeachment in under 2 hours.
They pounded the table for form's sake and to give senators talking points for their votes to acquit. But everyone knows/accepts Individual1 did all of which he is accused. No worries, not my IMPOTUS.
Media:Trump tore the tag off a mattress in 2016

Voters:I don’t care

Media:So you don’t deny he tore the tag off?

Voters:I don’t care if he did or he didn’t and I don’t watch your network.

Headline:Trump voters refuse to defend actions!
Be fair, they don't really defend his innocence. Pretty much everyone knows/accepts he did all he is accused of, it's just the Republican senators and Individual1's base don't care. Oh, they'll put up a half hearted defence but that's just a matter of form, they know they have the votes of the jurors and that's all they care about.

And dont you forget it buddy.
Article-1 is dead because hearsay witnesses are not allowed in the senate, and Trump did nothing illegal or impeachable, period.
Article-2 is dead because the USSC said that Trump does have due process rights and access to the courts, and that is NOT "Obstruction of the House".

The best argument from Trump voters is:
we'll settle this issue in November, after the Barr-Durham investigation is complete and Sanders is their chosen nominee.
It is not the one being Impeached who should be expelled from office - it is the one trying to do so to the President.

Schiff admitted leaking classified to hurt the President - Espionage.

Schiff falsely, intentionally claimed for 2 years he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President before having to admit he had none - Sedition.

Schiff manufactured the whole whistle blower scam...then attempted to present a self-authored fictional transcript of the phone call as evidence....

Screw kicking him out of office - he should be in GITMO.

Don’t see anything half-hearted. The things he is charged with are not actual crimes, so the strategy looks like it is to show that what he did is expected as a matter of course, that there is legal and procedural precedent for him to do those things, and really just answer two questions:

Is charge 1 valid, and is it grounds for removing him from office?

Is charge 2 valid, and is it grounds for removing him from office?

People keep coming back and saying he is corrupt and that should be enough, but again, to remove him from office, it needs to be a “high crime or misdemeanor.” Somehow it is a hard sell to voters that having a different opinion from Schiff or Pelosi is a high crime or a misdemeanor. After all, if I raised charges against you for making a right turn on red when it is state law and not explicitly posted that such a move is illegal in my state, might your defense was that you live just over the border in a state where that was indeed legal and that you normally can, but could not here and it was real close to that border, wouldn’t it be a surprise if you ended up doing jail time? Especially if many people break that law daily and the day you were caught it was the day the cop was especially grouchy?
This is in that category, where the processes were reasonable and precedented, and not illegal, though one of the charges might carry a penalty, jail time or removal from office are extreme.

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Nuance? Diplomatic? Objective?

Nope, none of those words describe their arguments which is pretty expected.

1) Trump did nothing illegal! (he obviously did, but either way, the constitution says he can still be impeached)

2) Adam Schiff is dumb!

3) He had a perfect phone call!

4) Fake news!

5) So what?

6) Biden had something to do with Ukraine therefore Trump is innocent!

7) He won the election in 2016! Get over it, sore losers!

8) But HILLARY!!!

I cannot buy into these arguments containing absolutely nothing substantial, when the person on trial has deliberately blocked the testimony of witnesses and the production of documents that, according to these very same arguments, would exonerate him. What this boils down to is that he and his minions are contending that he is an absolute monarch, not merely the head of one of the three branches of government, which relies on a system of checks and balances.
Billy, the trump voters continue to prove you can't fix stupid.

The righties shouldn't complain about this observation, after all, they hate political correctness, and are infamous for saying, "Fvck your feelings." So,if they want to dish it out, they must take it without whining.

Be fair, they don't really defend his innocence. Pretty much everyone knows/accepts he did all he is accused of, it's just the Republican senators and Individual1's base don't care. Oh, they'll put up a half hearted defence but that's just a matter of form, they know they have the votes of the jurors and that's all they care about.

The Ukraine debacle was a massive money laundering scheme set up by the prior administration. Trump's procedural efforts
were disorganized and probably should have been run through the DOJ to avoid the appearance of electioneering. His instincts however were correct! THAT is what the Senators are going to look at.

Be fair, they don't really defend his innocence. Pretty much everyone knows/accepts he did all he is accused of, it's just the Republican senators and Individual1's base don't care. Oh, they'll put up a half hearted defence but that's just a matter of form, they know they have the votes of the jurors and that's all they care about.

The Ukraine debacle was a massive money laundering scheme set up by the prior administration. Trump's procedural efforts
were disorganized and probably should have been run through the DOJ to avoid the appearance of electioneering. His instincts however were correct! THAT is what the Senators are going to look at.


European leaders and the IMF wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor, Shokin, out before trump was elected because he was not investigating corruption. This business about the Bidens is pure horseshit.
Nuance? Diplomatic? Objective?

Nope, none of those words describe their arguments which is pretty expected.

1) Trump did nothing illegal! (he obviously did, but either way, the constitution says he can still be impeached)

2) Adam Schiff is dumb!

3) He had a perfect phone call!

4) Fake news!

5) So what?

6) Biden had something to do with Ukraine therefore Trump is innocent!

7) He won the election in 2016! Get over it, sore losers!

8) But HILLARY!!!
just like Collusion--hahahahahahah
Billy, the trump voters continue to prove you can't fix stupid.

The righties shouldn't complain about this observation, after all, they hate political correctness, and are infamous for saying, "Fvck your feelings." So,if they want to dish it out, they must take it without whining.

that proves he committed a crime----hahahahhahahahahahh
Billy, the trump voters continue to prove you can't fix stupid.

The righties shouldn't complain about this observation, after all, they hate political correctness, and are infamous for saying, "Fvck your feelings." So,if they want to dish it out, they must take it without whining.

everyone should hate political correctness--it's wrong
They pounded the table for form's sake and to give senators talking points for their votes to acquit. But everyone knows/accepts Individual1 did all of which he is accused. No worries, not my IMPOTUS.

Speak for yourself troll...
Everyone knows Trump was justified in shutting down the money laundering.


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