The Arab World: Waking From Its Sleep


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
The Arab world: Waking from its sleep
A quiet revolution has begun in the Arab world; it will be complete only when the last failed dictatorship is voted out
Jul 23rd 2009 | from the print edition

WHAT ails the Arabs? The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world. It makes depressing reading. The Arabs are a dynamic and inventive people whose long and proud history [pre-1492 of course] includes fabulous contributions to art, culture, science and, of course, religion. The score of modern Arab states, on the other hand, have been impressive mainly for their consistent record of failure.

They have, for a start, failed to make their people free: six Arab countries have an outright ban on political parties and the rest restrict them slyly. They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day. They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people. And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends.
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Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

The Arab world: Waking from its sleep
A quiet revolution has begun in the Arab world; it will be complete only when the last failed dictatorship is voted out
Jul 23rd 2009 | from the print edition

WHAT ails the Arabs? The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world. It makes depressing reading. The Arabs are a dynamic and inventive people whose long and proud history [pre-1492 of course] includes fabulous contributions to art, culture, science and, of course, religion. The score of modern Arab states, on the other hand, have been impressive mainly for their consistent record of failure.

They have, for a start, failed to make their people free: six Arab countries have an outright ban on political parties and the rest restrict them slyly. They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day. They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people. And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends.
more: Waking from its sleep | The Economist
Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

The Arab world: Waking from its sleep
A quiet revolution has begun in the Arab world; it will be complete only when the last failed dictatorship is voted out
Jul 23rd 2009 | from the print edition

WHAT ails the Arabs? The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world. It makes depressing reading. The Arabs are a dynamic and inventive people whose long and proud history [pre-1492 of course] includes fabulous contributions to art, culture, science and, of course, religion. The score of modern Arab states, on the other hand, have been impressive mainly for their consistent record of failure.

They have, for a start, failed to make their people free: six Arab countries have an outright ban on political parties and the rest restrict them slyly. They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day. They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people. And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends.
more: Waking from its sleep | The Economist

I like to believe that sort of cheering is tongue-in-cheek, MJ, but it still makes you look childish and ugly.
Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

The Arab world: Waking from its sleep
A quiet revolution has begun in the Arab world; it will be complete only when the last failed dictatorship is voted out
Jul 23rd 2009 | from the print edition

WHAT ails the Arabs? The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world. It makes depressing reading. The Arabs are a dynamic and inventive people whose long and proud history [pre-1492 of course] includes fabulous contributions to art, culture, science and, of course, religion. The score of modern Arab states, on the other hand, have been impressive mainly for their consistent record of failure.

They have, for a start, failed to make their people free: six Arab countries have an outright ban on political parties and the rest restrict them slyly. They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day. They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people. And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends.
more: Waking from its sleep | The Economist

I like to believe that sort of cheering is tongue-in-cheek, MJ, but it still makes you look childish and ugly.

I hate to admit it, but I will...deep down, I think we both support peace and prosperity in the ME...
Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

I like to believe that sort of cheering is tongue-in-cheek, MJ, but it still makes you look childish and ugly.

I hate to admit it, but I will...deep down, I think we both support peace and prosperity in the ME...

I certainly do and for obvious reasons but according to the article even peace and oil does not necessarily translate into prosperity in the Arab World.
"They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day."
Those UN reports spell out why.
Sorry but I don't support Arab terrorists.

Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

The Arab world: Waking from its sleep
A quiet revolution has begun in the Arab world; it will be complete only when the last failed dictatorship is voted out
Jul 23rd 2009 | from the print edition

WHAT ails the Arabs? The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world. It makes depressing reading. The Arabs are a dynamic and inventive people whose long and proud history [pre-1492 of course] includes fabulous contributions to art, culture, science and, of course, religion. The score of modern Arab states, on the other hand, have been impressive mainly for their consistent record of failure.

They have, for a start, failed to make their people free: six Arab countries have an outright ban on political parties and the rest restrict them slyly. They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day. They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people. And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends.
more: Waking from its sleep | The Economist

I like to believe that sort of cheering is tongue-in-cheek, MJ, but it still makes you look childish and ugly.
In contrast, Israel is a leader in technology, agriculture and science. Recently a report came out on the 200 best universities in the world. Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University in the Negev were on the list, but not one Arab university.
Sorry but I don't support Arab terrorists.

Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

I like to believe that sort of cheering is tongue-in-cheek, MJ, but it still makes you look childish and ugly.

Nor does any normal person but that doesn't justify laughing at the deaths of 50,000 dead people, not all or even most of whom were terrorists. Just tell me you meant it facetiously.
Relax Sayit, he wasn't laughing, he was just being sarcastic. Nobody on this forum is happy about the thousands of slain Syrians
In contrast, Israel is a leader in technology, agriculture and science. Recently a report came out on the 200 best universities in the world. Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University in the Negev were on the list, but not one Arab university.

You are right to be proud of what Israel has accomplished in just 64 years but that doesn't help the hundreds of millions of Arab Middle Easterners who, as the UNHD Reports document, struggle under the yoke of failed gov'ts and leadership.
In contrast, Israel is a leader in technology, agriculture and science. Recently a report came out on the 200 best universities in the world. Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University in the Negev were on the list, but not one Arab university.

You are right to be proud of what Israel has accomplished in just 64 years but that doesn't help the hundreds of millions of Arab Middle Easterners who, as the UNHD Reports document, struggle under the yoke of failed gov'ts and leadership.

Most of the dictators, Sheiks and Kings, terrorize their own people like Mafia Dons...they are ruthless like Saddam,Gadafi, and the Arab Spring nascent Democracies will eliminate all of them and the radicals as they mature, and the people will vote their pocketbooks and peace will emerge...

Europe and America are prime examples...Its not going to happen in one generation. It takes time.
In contrast, Israel is a leader in technology, agriculture and science. Recently a report came out on the 200 best universities in the world. Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University in the Negev were on the list, but not one Arab university.

You are right to be proud of what Israel has accomplished in just 64 years but that doesn't help the hundreds of millions of Arab Middle Easterners who, as the UNHD Reports document, struggle under the yoke of failed gov'ts and leadership.

Most of the dictators, Sheiks and Kings, terrorize their own people like Mafia Dons...they are ruthless like Saddam,Gadafi, and the Arab Spring nascent Democracies will eliminate all of them and the radicals as they mature, and the people will vote their pocketbooks and peace will emerge...
Europe and America are prime examples...Its not going to happen in one generation. It takes time.

Peace and prosperity require FREEDOM and there is ample evidence that FREEDOM and Arab/Islamic culture just don't mix. In a long yet worthwhile read, Mark Lilla, Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University, explains:
You are right to be proud of what Israel has accomplished in just 64 years but that doesn't help the hundreds of millions of Arab Middle Easterners who, as the UNHD Reports document, struggle under the yoke of failed gov'ts and leadership.

Most of the dictators, Sheiks and Kings, terrorize their own people like Mafia Dons...they are ruthless like Saddam,Gadafi, and the Arab Spring nascent Democracies will eliminate all of them and the radicals as they mature, and the people will vote their pocketbooks and peace will emerge...
Europe and America are prime examples...Its not going to happen in one generation. It takes time.

Peace and prosperity require FREEDOM and there is ample evidence that FREEDOM and Arab/Islamic culture just don't mix. In a long yet worthwhile read, Mark Lilla, Professor of the Humanities at Columbia University, explains:

Freedom is inherent in Human Nature...Democracy fosters it matures it will also change Islamic Culture and their Religion. Islam has been asleep for 7 hundred years, back to where Christianity was with its Inquisitions...It took Christianity 7 hundred years to shed its dominance of Politics, however I believe that Islam will too moderate in a much faster pace because of the Internet and the world technologies...look at Japan and China how quickly they changed...I say 50-100 years it should happen in Asia.
Yes but you gotta love the Arab world for the Arab Spring. Now over 50,000 terrorists killed within their own countries. Over 30,000 dead in Syria alone. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

I like to believe that sort of cheering is tongue-in-cheek, MJ, but it still makes you look childish and ugly.

I hate to admit it, but I will...deep down, I think we both support peace and prosperity in the ME...

We all do. Weather we are pro Palestinian or pro Israeli, it does;t matter. I cant imagine there are too many people who don't support peace in the ME
The Arab world: Waking from its sleep
A quiet revolution has begun in the Arab world; it will be complete only when the last failed dictatorship is voted out
Jul 23rd 2009 | from the print edition

WHAT ails the Arabs? The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this week published the fifth in a series of hard-hitting reports on the state of the Arab world. It makes depressing reading. The Arabs are a dynamic and inventive people whose long and proud history [pre-1492 of course] includes fabulous contributions to art, culture, science and, of course, religion. The score of modern Arab states, on the other hand, have been impressive mainly for their consistent record of failure.

They have, for a start, failed to make their people free: six Arab countries have an outright ban on political parties and the rest restrict them slyly. They have failed to make their people rich: despite their oil, the UN reports that about two out of five people in the Arab world live on $2 or less a day. They have failed to keep their people safe: the report argues that overpowerful internal security forces often turn the Arab state into a menace to its own people. And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends.
" And they are about to fail their young people. The UNDP reckons the Arab world must create 50m new jobs by 2020 to accommodate a growing, youthful workforce—virtually impossible on present trends"

This is a key point..the poulation explosion and water shortage etc

That's going to be a huge problem even tho Arab fertility rates have halved in the last 20 years,.

probably just as big a prob as the culture etc

But I love your fellow feeling and optimistic human spirit and other posters too

Makes a nice change from all the flaming sterile insults elsewhere on most threads.
In contrast, Israel is a leader in technology, agriculture and science. Recently a report came out on the 200 best universities in the world. Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University in the Negev were on the list, but not one Arab university.
yes you are right about Israeli talent

but there are many abuses of this talent just as glaring

would take too long to list them all...............

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