The Arab people want to fight


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
The following was reported on the BBC News on June 5, 1967 [excerpted]:

...The attack follows a build-up of Arab military forces along the Israeli border.
The Arab states had been preparing to go to war against Israel with Egypt, Jordan and Syria being aided by Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Algeria.
On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared:
"Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

BBC ON THIS DAY | Front Page
The following was reported on the BBC News on June 5, 1967 [excerpted]:

...The attack follows a build-up of Arab military forces along the Israeli border.
The Arab states had been preparing to go to war against Israel with Egypt, Jordan and Syria being aided by Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Algeria.
On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared:
"Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

BBC ON THIS DAY | Front Page

The Arab People and its combined armies of roughly 100,000 ill equiped troops did not have the means to attack and overrun the 110,000 Israeli defenders massed on its borders...That is a military fact...Israel's and Zionism's intent always was and still is all of Jerusalem and greater Israel to the Jordan...All your lies along with your friends will never change the truth.

The Arab People will never give up the fight until Israel is exausted or an acceptable peace.
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The following was reported on the BBC News on June 5, 1967 [excerpted]:

...The attack follows a build-up of Arab military forces along the Israeli border.
The Arab states had been preparing to go to war against Israel with Egypt, Jordan and Syria being aided by Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Algeria.
On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared:
"Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

BBC ON THIS DAY | Front Page

The Arab People and its combined armies of roughly 100,000 ill equiped troops did not have the means to attack and overrun the 110,000 Israeli defenders massed on its borders...That is a military fact...Israel's and Zionism's intent always was and still is all of Jerusalem and greater Israel to the Jordan...All your lies along with your friends will never change the truth.

The Arab People will never give up the fight until Israel is exausted or an acceptable peace.

Lies? You offer nothing which disputes the facts I have posted and do you really expect this board to believe that Israel was about to launch a ground assault against the many Arab armies massed on it's borders? Try to remember it was Egypt that expelled the UN peacekeepers from their Sinai border with Israel in order to have an unobstructed path into Israel.
Nasser, as noted above, made no bones about the intent of those Arab armies.
Why do you need to now lie for him?
The following was reported on the BBC News on June 5, 1967 [excerpted]:

...The attack follows a build-up of Arab military forces along the Israeli border.
The Arab states had been preparing to go to war against Israel with Egypt, Jordan and Syria being aided by Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Algeria.
On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared:
"Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

BBC ON THIS DAY | Front Page

The Arab People and its combined armies of roughly 100,000 ill equiped troops did not have the means to attack and overrun the 110,000 Israeli defenders massed on its borders...That is a military fact...Israel's and Zionism's intent always was and still is all of Jerusalem and greater Israel to the Jordan...All your lies along with your friends will never change the truth.

The Arab People will never give up the fight until Israel is exausted or an acceptable peace.

Lies? You offer nothing which disputes the facts I have posted and do you really expect this board to believe that Israel was about to launch a ground assault against the many Arab armies massed on it's borders? Try to remember it was Egypt that expelled the UN peacekeepers from their Sinai border with Israel in order to have an unobstructed path into Israel.
Nasser, as noted above, made no bones about the intent of those Arab armies.
Why do you need to now lie for him?
Do you understand how humiliating it was for tiny Israel with a population of 5 million to defeat 6 Arab nations fully supported with state of the art weapons from Russia (they were in fact Russian satellite client states) with a population of 400 million? Keep in mind, up to the late 60's, the US did not militarily support Israel at all. By then it had fought and won 5 major wars against groups of Arab nations. So now that the Arabs / Muslims have realized their armies are worthless even with the odds stacked overwhelmingly in their favor, they have turned exclusively towards terror and mass murder of women and children. Bunch of bloodsucking animals. Ain't that the truth.
If they are all in such a tight group, why not nuke 'em and get the majority of them all at once?
In fact the Arab leaders went on national TV and radio and announced they had defeated the Jews. Meanwhile, back at the ranch I mean desert, Arab soldiers were surrendering to Israelis and kissing their Zionist boots begging for mercy. Heh heh heh!
If they are all in such a tight group, why not nuke 'em and get the majority of them all at once?
Not necessary. They will self destruct, they always do. Look at them now. They are killing each other and themselves like there is no tomorrow. All the while the world yawns and says, "what do you expect from Muslims? Let us know when we can point our fingers at some Jews though. In fact we are telling you in advance, it's all the Jews fault!" Ha ha ha!
The Arab People and its combined armies of roughly 100,000 ill equiped troops did not have the means to attack and overrun the 110,000 Israeli defenders massed on its borders...
Aren't we tired of the arab loser image, yet?! Dear arabs, get a life and a job!
1967: Israel launches attack on Egypt
Israeli forces have launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt and destroyed nearly 400 Egypt-based military aircraft.

Fighting broke out on the Israel-Egypt border but then quickly spread to involve other neighbouring Arab states with ground and air troops becoming embroiled in battle.

Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol said in a statement that the Egyptian Air Force had taken a great beating and Jordanian and Syrian air forces had been largely destroyed.
BBC ON THIS DAY | 5 | 1967: Israel launches attack on Egypt
1967: Israel launches attack on Egypt
Israeli forces have launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt and destroyed nearly 400 Egypt-based military aircraft.

Fighting broke out on the Israel-Egypt border but then quickly spread to involve other neighbouring Arab states with ground and air troops becoming embroiled in battle.

Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol said in a statement that the Egyptian Air Force had taken a great beating and Jordanian and Syrian air forces had been largely destroyed.
BBC ON THIS DAY | 5 | 1967: Israel launches attack on Egypt
The Blockade
On May 22, Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel's only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

In 1956, the United States gave Israel assurances that it recognized the Jewish State's right of access to the Straits of Tiran. In 1957, at the UN, 17 maritime powers declared that Israel had a right to transit the Strait. Moreover, the blockade violated the Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, which was adopted by the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea on April 27, 1958.(8)

President Johnson expressed the belief that the blockade was illegal and unsuccessfully tried to organize an international flotilla to test it. At the same time, he advised the Israelis not to take any military action. After the war, he acknowledged the closure of the Strait of Tiran was the casus belli (June 19, 1967):

If a single act of folly was more responsible for this explosion than any other it was the arbitrary and dangerous announced decision that the Strait of Tiran would be closed. The right of innocent maritime passage must be preserved for all nations.(9)


Nasser was aware of the pressure he was exerting to force Israel’s hand, and challenged Israel to fight almost daily. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defiantly: "The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war."(10)

Nasser challenged Israel to fight almost daily. "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight," he said on May 27.(11) The following day, he added: "We will not accept any...coexistence with Israel...Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel....The war with Israel is in effect since 1948."(12)

King Hussein of Jordan signed a defense pact with Egypt on May 30. Nasser then announced:

The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations.(13)

President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined in the war of words: "The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear -- to wipe Israel off the map."(14) On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

The Arab rhetoric was matched by the mobilization of Arab forces. Approximately 465,000 troops, more than 2,800 tanks, and 800 aircraft ringed Israel.(15)

The Stunning Victory

While most IDF units were fighting the Egyptians and Jordanians, a small, heroic group of soldiers were left to defend the northern border against the Syrians. It was not until the Jordanians and Egyptians were subdued that reinforcements could be sent to the Golan Heights, where Syrian gunners commanding the strategic high ground made it exceedingly difficult and costly for Israeli forces to penetrate. Finally, on June 9, after two days of heavy air bombardment, Israeli forces succeeded in breaking through the Syrian lines.

After just six days of fighting, Israeli forces were in a position to march on Cairo, Damascus, and Amman. HA HA HA!
By this time, the principal objectives of capturing the Sinai and the Golan Heights had been accomplished, and Israeli political leaders had no desire to fight in the Arab capitals. Furthermore, the Soviet Union had become increasingly alarmed by the Israeli advances and was threatening to intervene. At this point, U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk advised the Israelis “in the strongest possible terms” to accept a cease-fire. On June 10, Israel did just that.

The victory came at a very high cost. In storming the Golan Heights, Israel suffered 115 dead-roughly the number of Americans killed during Operation Desert Storm. Altogether, Israel lost twice as many men — 777 dead and 2,586 wounded-in proportion to her total population as the U.S. lost in eight years of fighting in Vietnam.(23) Also, despite the incredible success of the air campaign, the Israeli Air Force lost 46 of its 200 fighters.(24) The death toll on the Arab side was 15,000 Egyptians, 2,500 Syrians, and 800 Jordanians.

By the end of the war, Israel had conquered enough territory to more than triple the size of the area it controlled, from 8,000 to 26,000 square miles. The victory enabled Israel to unify Jerusalem. Israeli forces had also captured the Sinai, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank.
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I think that zionist gloating about winning the war is like Hitler boasting that he won the war right after he took Poland. Or even like George Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished" a week into the Iraq war.

I think that zionist gloating about winning the war is like Hitler boasting that he won the war right after he took Poland. Or even like George Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished" a week into the Iraq war.


Then Bush still won it later........

Just saying. :cool:

Sorry, but we're still fighting and dying in Iraq.
I think that zionist gloating about winning the war is like Hitler boasting that he won the war right after he took Poland. Or even like George Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished" a week into the Iraq war.

If only the US military industry didn't absolutely depend on Zionism, to start up the trouble, leading to profiteering. But Zionism is reliable, that way.
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I think that zionist gloating about winning the war is like Hitler boasting that he won the war right after he took Poland. Or even like George Bush declaring "Mission Accomplished" a week into the Iraq war.

If only the US military industry didn't absolutely depend on Zionism, to start up the trouble, leading to profiteering. But Zionism is reliable, that way.
What trouble, bigot?

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