The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!

Pretty sure it was a .22 that almost killed Reagan. And a ricochet at that.
I’m not a gun guy. But I do know from my own experience and work that the rounds that don’t go through and through sometimes careen around inside a gun-shot victim. Tearing up internal organs can be just as effective as a shot that removes your lungs clear out of your torso.
In broad strokes, I don’t want to be struck by any round fired from any gun.

Also, frankly, I don’t want to be struck by the rifle itself, either.

(I bruise more easily these days.)
An AR15 probably wouldn't hurt too bad. No mass.
Let's not get dragged down into a stupid argument of definitions. The peanut gallery and I already know where you want to take this one.
No way man, we are not going down that path.

You anti gun nuts don't know jackshit about firearms and it is pathetic to see you little turds embarrass yourself pretending that you do.

There are about 20 million AR-15s in the US. They are mainly used for recreational purposes. Some are used for hunting. They are available for self defense but only very rarely used for that. All of them are available for what the Constitution says they are needed for and that is "the security of a free state".

Rarely they are used in crimes. About 400 long guns are used for crimes in the US each year and AR-15s are a subset of that.

Go bark up another tree, Pussy.
I’m not a gun guy. But I do know from my own experience and work that the rounds that don’t go through and through sometimes careen around inside a gun-shot victim. Tearing up internal organs can be just as effective as a shot that removes your lungs clear out of your torso.
Yes, correct. Did you know that the bodies of the children killed by the Assault Rifle 15 were blown to pieces. Sit down before you read the rest..
They had to clean body parts off the walls and ceiling. I pray that they will take these Weapons of WAR away from these gunnutters.
It will be win win for all.
Not just kill people, but kill a lot of people in a short period of time!!!
AND... the 5.56x45 round fired by the AR15 DOES do significantly more trauma than a handgun round -- it's a RIFLE round.

So what?

AR15s are in common use for all of the traditionally lawful purposes of a firearm.
As such, they are "bearable arms"; as they are "bearable arms" they to not fall under the conjunctive "dangerous and unusual" exception.
As they are "bearable arms", the right of the people to own and use them for those purposes is protected from infringement by the 2nd Amendment.

Your whining and crying about "weapon of war", "designed to kill" and "more trauma than a hand gun" cannot be more irrelevant to the above.

The entire point of the 2nd is to make sure the people who would comprise the well-regulated militia have access to weapons suitable for service in same - that is, "weapons of war".

Looks like you need to ask for different talking points.
Knives are designed to cut and stab and kill people too.
You anti gun nuts don't know jackshit about firearms and it is pathetic to see you little turds embarrass yourself pretending that you do.

There are about 20 million AR-15s in the US. They are mainly used for recreational purposes. Some are used for hunting. They are available for self defense but only very rarely used for that. All of them are available for what the Constitution says they are needed for and that is "the security of a free state".

Rarely they are used in crimes. About 400 long guns are used for crimes in the US each year and AR-15s are a subset of that.

Go bark up another tree, Pussy.
20M Assaut Rifle 15's and 49.6M children K-12. Do the math. It's not looking good, is it?
Typical lying traitor pos.
If this is an attempt at trolling me, you are barking up the wrong tree gunnutter.
The subject is "The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!"
I have contributed numerous factual articles to this thread and pelted you gunnutters with facts and stats.
20M Assaut Rifle 15's and 49.6M children K-12. All the children will collectively breathe a sigh of relief.
How many more children must die from this Assault Rifle 15 weapon of war killing machine?
Not just kill people, but kill a lot of people in a short period of time!!!
AND... the 5.56x45 round fired by the AR15 DOES do significantly more trauma than a handgun round -- it's a RIFLE round.

So what?

AR15s are in common use for all of the traditionally lawful purposes of a firearm.
As such, they are "bearable arms"; as they are "bearable arms" they to not fall under the conjunctive "dangerous and unusual" exception.
As they are "bearable arms", the right of the people to own and use them for those purposes is protected from infringement by the 2nd Amendment.

Your whining and crying about "weapon of war", "designed to kill" and "more trauma than a hand gun" cannot be more irrelevant to the above.

The entire point of the 2nd is to make sure the people who would comprise the well-regulated militia have access to weapons suitable for service in same - that is, "weapons of war".

Looks like you need to ask for different talking points.
Exactly. So what?
If this is an attempt at trolling me, you are barking up the wrong tree gunnutter.
The subject is "The AR15 IS a weapon of war and IS designed to kill people!!!!!"
I have contributed numerous factual articles to this thread and pelted you gunnutters with facts and stats.
20M Assaut Rifle 15's and 49.6M children K-12. All the children will collectively breathe a sigh of relief.
How many more children must die from this Assault Rifle 15 weapon of war killing machine?
View attachment 778363
Fuck off, commie shitbag gun grabber.

This is America; Go Fuck Yourself.

Your commie gungrabby opinion is duly noted as the trash that it is.

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Yes, correct. Did you know that the bodies of the children killed by the Assault Rifle 15 were blown to pieces. Sit down before you read the rest..
They had to clean body parts off the walls and ceiling. I pray that they will take these Weapons of WAR away from these gunnutters.
It will be win win for all.
Guns can kill people. So can rocks.
Yes, correct. Did you know that the bodies of the children killed by the Assault Rifle 15 were blown to pieces. Sit down before you read the rest..
They had to clean body parts off the walls and ceiling. I pray that they will take these Weapons of WAR away from these gunnutters.
It will be win win for all.
No this is Not Fake News.

AR-15s Were Made to Explode Human Bodies.
In Uvalde, the Bodies Belonged to Children.

Parents awaiting word on their kids were asked by police to provide DNA samples to help identify the children.

I know for a fact
The Duke will beat his chest, and stomp, and scream and shout "Fake News , Fake News"

Peanut gallery, I have repeatedly told you these Gunnutters can not control their emotions

The Duke said
"Fuck off, commie shitbag gun grabber.
This is America; Go Fuck Yourself."

Peanut Gallery, should a raging gunnutter like this be allowed to own a gun?
Can not control his emotions. Acts similar to a child.

Sometimes you have to acknowledge the truth.
My question is when "The Duke", when?

Wait. Gunshot wounds can be gory?

Wow. Who knew?

If a person has his skull bashed with a large rock swung forcefully, that damage can be both fatal and gory, too.
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A recent video showed a bus striking the rear end of a small-sized family car at various speeds (actually several busses and several of the same style of small car). The cars’ front ends were nosed into a very solid wall.

At the low speeds, mostly just property damage.

At the higher speeds, a good chance of significant injury or of death.

At the highest speed, a two dimensional car. Speaking of gore, you’d need a spatula to remove the remains of the driver and any passengers.

Therefore, we should ban both high speeds universally and ban small cars. Yes. That seems to be the logic here.

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