The Anti-Woman march on washington...aka "my pussy grabs back"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Truly the most pathetic exhibition we've been exposed to in quite some time. But I have to be grateful, because now I will have the image of screaming, hysterical middle aged women in pink pussy hats emblazoned on my brain forever. What a treat for me.


"If you’re baffled by a women’s march that excluded thousands of women and was run by an extremist Muslim, well then you “literally just can’t even,” which is basically, like, WHATEVER! This was not a women’s march with any kind of logic behind it. It was an anti-women march, and women participated because they fell for a steaming-hot pile of platitudes. These useful idiots were duped by Islamist Linda Sarsour, who is determined to normalize her extremist culture. It was one of the stupidest marches in the history of modern politics, and it says a lot about where we are as a country. In short, we are a bunch of spoiled ingrates who are so desperate to complain, we will demand rights we already have.

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Omg that is a hilarious article, and that site is amazing.

"Women at the march adorned one another with hijabs. They even put one on a man. Shepard Fairey created the poster for the event, which featured a Muslim woman in an American-flag hijab (yeah, right). The woman in the graphic is tarted up like a whore, which is yet another Islamic contradiction. As Michael Malice recently said, “You can tell that the Koran does not advise you to wear the Lancôme counter on your face.” What the hell has all this Muslim propaganda got to do with women’s rights? Are they marching for the girl in Pakistan who was recently burned alive by her mother for shaming the family? Are they marching for this new trend of Muslim women in Nigeria using babies as bombs? Did they express concern about Muslim women being banned from looking up while crossing the road? How about the Yazidi girls sold as sex slaves while these women were marching? No, they were marching because they support all women, especially Muslim women, but not those who are pro-life, which is all Muslim women. What a shitshow."
Truly the most pathetic exhibition we've been exposed to in quite some time. But I have to be grateful, because now I will have the image of screaming, hysterical middle aged women in pink pussy hats emblazoned on my brain forever. What a treat for me.

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"If you’re baffled by a women’s march that excluded thousands of women and was run by an extremist Muslim, well then you “literally just can’t even,” which is basically, like, WHATEVER! This was not a women’s march with any kind of logic behind it. It was an anti-women march, and women participated because they fell for a steaming-hot pile of platitudes. These useful idiots were duped by Islamist Linda Sarsour, who is determined to normalize her extremist culture. It was one of the stupidest marches in the history of modern politics, and it says a lot about where we are as a country. In short, we are a bunch of spoiled ingrates who are so desperate to complain, we will demand rights we already have.

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Yo, the so-called womans march, it reminded me of a "Jerry Springer Show," they all look like Skanks, and act like animals!


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