The Anti-Semites Among Us

Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".
To say that Jews are the problem even if you can back it up like he did is just taboo in today's society. As soon as you say anything against jews, you're an anti-semite bigot. I don't know about the banking system, but jews are responsible for 9/11, Osama bin Laden even said so (go to youtube). But even saying so labels you an anti-semite, even if it's true!
Nothing army guy said was nazi or shit like that, if it's true, it's true. Simple as that.
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I can't recall ever hearing the sort of ugly hate that's been spoken on these boards IRL...ever. I get the feeling at times some people think they can vent on the Jews or on Israel because no one will "really" be offended. As if it has a certain cache'.

It's just bizarre to me. Ugly and bizarre. And for a US military veteran to say he sympathizes with the Nazis...Jesus H. Christ.
Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".

If you read the threads it's the conservatives that have been the bullwark against it.
Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".

BULLSHIT, the "cons" me included routinely attack them. You haven't been here long if you think this is the only thread on the subject.
Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".

BULLSHIT, the "cons" me included routinely attack them. You haven't been here long if you think this is the only thread on the subject.

And then you go to another thread and talk about how Islam is a blight on civilization that should be banned from the United States. You're a true freedom-lover! :clap2:
Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".

BULLSHIT, the "cons" me included routinely attack them. You haven't been here long if you think this is the only thread on the subject.

And then you go to another thread and talk about how Islam is a blight on civilization that should be banned from the United States. You're a true freedom-lover! :clap2:
You realise of course that once the left has finished with wiping out Christianity, it will go straight for Islam right? :lol:
Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".

BULLSHIT, the "cons" me included routinely attack them. You haven't been here long if you think this is the only thread on the subject.

And then you go to another thread and talk about how Islam is a blight on civilization that should be banned from the United States. You're a true freedom-lover! :clap2:

Islam is a threat to the rest of the world, pretty simple concept proven just about every day by Muslims.
BULLSHIT, the "cons" me included routinely attack them. You haven't been here long if you think this is the only thread on the subject.

And then you go to another thread and talk about how Islam is a blight on civilization that should be banned from the United States. You're a true freedom-lover! :clap2:

Islam is a threat to the rest of the world, pretty simple concept proven just about every day by Muslims.

Just like Hitler's scheming Jews, eh, Herr RGS?
And then you go to another thread and talk about how Islam is a blight on civilization that should be banned from the United States. You're a true freedom-lover! :clap2:

Islam is a threat to the rest of the world, pretty simple concept proven just about every day by Muslims.

Just like Hitler's scheming Jews, eh, Herr RGS?

Jews were not A) demanding to take over the Government with their religion, B) launching terror attacks against anyone they disagreed with, C) rioting and murdering other citizens over perceived slights, D) demanding everyone become a second class citizen to them.

Ohh and be so kind as to quote me where I said do anything other then outlaw Islam and prevent Muslims from entering the Country. Other wise your little comment makes absolutely no sense. You terrorist supporter.
Shameful. Made even worse that the cons in the thread can't even speak out against it and would rather not go against "on of their own".

BULLSHIT, the "cons" me included routinely attack them. You haven't been here long if you think this is the only thread on the subject.

And then you go to another thread and talk about how Islam is a blight on civilization that should be banned from the United States. You're a true freedom-lover! :clap2:

Loving freedom is totally compatible with banning islam, which is an anti-freedom religion if there ever was one.

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