The Anti-Hero and American Politics

Were the members of the CSA that were the target of this amendment, as we have been told over and over again, ever convicted in a trial?

There is a lot to unpack here.
Good point but there is no doubt that they did engage in insurrection.

With Trump it is less clear
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Good point but there is no doubt that they did engage in insurrection.

With a Trump it is less clear
Two levels of court. The body that is qualified and presumable have the legal training to make the determination in what constitutes insurrection judged he did.

Don't get me wrong. I'm dubious about it being a good idea to do this. But in my view part of having a country of laws means that the judicial branch needs to rule on the law not political expediency.
Good point but there is no doubt that they did engage in insurrection.

With a Trump it is less clear
...worst "insurrection" ever...
So tell me: What does it say about a country when a person like this is leading in the polls for President? Or that even 10% or 20% of that country adores him?

The connection I made in the OP between showbiz and politics was deliberate. Are we now nothing more than a shallow, rotted-out, celebrity-based society?

Who's next -- Kim Kardashian?
So, we see the alliance many of the Republicans have with the Progressive Socialists. Voters gave Republican candidates every opportunity for decades. No nation moves as far left as have and have a White House administration and building festivities that looks like a red-light district in seedy parts of towns. That in itself is incredible and we are so numbed to it. Perhaps there are Republican politicians who are left, center and right in their party. Makes no difference when the other side is far left to the left of their own party. A Republic we are not. This is why the cty of Democracy never ends. It puts in people who have other ideas and that is to end the Republic. Which has tatters and very few checks and balances left.
View attachment 875932...worst "insurrection" ever...
There is no doubt of what those creeps did on Jan 6 and while Trump did nothing to stop it, it would be hard to pin insurrection on him.

The seditious conspiracy convictions for dozens of those MAGA creeps WOULD disqualify them.
We do seem to specialize in short term thinking while ignoring possible long term effects.
the very definition of "reactionary"

i do not knows how tio svoucd a mit of chaos
SCOTUS will over turn for two reasons

They are a highly partisan body

The basis of this is shaky. Trump has not been found guilty of insurrection

The law that would disallow him to run is solid but Courts will find that it doesn’t apply without conviction
then robt e lee could have been the 19th president? well, that is what the court will decide, if only to continue full employment in their profession.
the very definition of "reactionary"

i do not knows how tio svoucd a mit of chaos

then robt e lee could have been the 19th president? well, that is what the court will decide, if only to continue full employment in their profession.
Lee would be barred because of his membership in an Army that was in rebellion
A Republic would not have what we are seeing. A Democracy means after the voting is done the people elected do as they please. The infection goes to the unelected also. The men and women in politics are so far from what the founding fathers spoke of and wrote in their documents, that they would go to war with them. If nothing else, Trump told you what the agendas are, and the Prog Socialists know it and we all know it and they still get support. If Prog voters cannot see what they are doing to Trump, then the dictatorial government that the Progs have enforced on people will be deserved when all politicians enforce the laws already passed.
Anything is better than the republican party constantly printing money to tax us with inflation.
There is no doubt of what those creeps did on Jan 6 and while Trump did nothing to stop it, it would be hard to pin insurrection on him.

The seditious conspiracy convictions for dozens of those MAGA creeps WOULD disqualify them.
Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested that the National Guard be there on J6 and Nancy Pelosi's Sgt. at Arms Irving denied their requests because of Nancy's policy. So why would Trump want the NG there if he was planning an insurrection?
The only one planning an insurrection on J6 was the FBI (Waffen SS)
"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early (J4) request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6"

If the NG was activated as Trump and Sund requested there would have been no riot on J6.
Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested that the National Guard be there on J6 and Nancy Pelosi's Sgt. at Arms Irving denied their requests because of Nancy's policy. So why would Trump want the NG there if he was planning an insurrection?
The only one planning an insurrection on J6 was the FBI (Waffen SS)
"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early (J4) request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6"

If the NG was activated as Trump and Sund requested there would have been no riot on J6.
Just stop with that debunked and stupid shit. If you insist on persisting start a thread on it
So tell me: What does it say about a country when a person like this is leading in the polls for President? Or that even 10% or 20% of that country adores him?

The connection I made in the OP between showbiz and politics was deliberate. Are we now nothing more than a shallow, rotted-out, celebrity-based society?

Who's next -- Kim Kardashian?
For all intents and purposes, why not Kim Kardashian? This is where we are, currently. :dunno:
View attachment 875932...worst "insurrection" ever...
-The people in this photograph had as it's stated goal to stop the certification of the election results.

-They didn't come up with that goal by themselves. Donald J. Trump asked them to do this.

-In order to get to the position were this photo was taken. Several police roadblocks where breached. A hundred and forty police officers were hurt in the process. Several people died in the incident, directly or indirectly.

If you want to argue that because some of them looked funny it couldn't possibly have been serious. I can only point out that some of the most consequential events in history were done by funny looking people.
Just stop with that debunked and stupid shit. If you insist on persisting start a thread on it
You type LIES and I post the TRUTH with LINKS. Here it is again, from Huffington Post, a Leftist anti-Trump link.

Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested that the National Guard be there on J6 and Nancy Pelosi's Sgt. at Arms Irving denied their requests because of Nancy's policy. So why would Trump want the NG there if he was planning an insurrection?
The only one planning an insurrection on J6 was the FBI (Waffen SS)

"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early (J4) request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6"

If the NG was activated as Trump and Sund requested there would have been no riot on J6.
-The people in this photograph had as it's stated goal to stop the certification of the election results.
-They didn't come up with that goal by themselves. Donald J. Trump asked them to do this.
-In order to get to the position were this photo was taken. Several police roadblocks where breached. A hundred and forty police officers were hurt in the process. Several people died in the incident, directly or indirectly.

If you want to argue that because some of them looked funny it couldn't possibly have been serious. I can only point out that some of the most consequential events in history were done by funny looking people.
You really want to compare the J6 riot to the BLM riots?

You type LIES and I post the TRUTH with LINKS. Here it is again, from Huffington Post, a Leftist anti-Trump link.

Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested that the National Guard be there on J6 and Nancy Pelosi's Sgt. at Arms Irving denied their requests because of Nancy's policy. So why would Trump want the NG there if he was planning an insurrection?
The only one planning an insurrection on J6 was the FBI (Waffen SS)

"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early (J4) request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6"

If the NG was activated as Trump and Sund requested there would have been no riot on J6.
Start a thread on this. It doesn’t belong here ya fucking troll

Continue and be reported
What did they make up? Does the 14th not really exist?

The 14th was designed for an actual insurrection, that included a detailed declaration of secession/insurrection, signed by the men in question, setup of a separate government run by the men in question, and fighting to keep that government established.

Not a protest that delayed a vote by 8 hours.
Good point but there is no doubt that they did engage in insurrection.

With Trump it is less clear
In the big picture, I don't think that Trump is what he's being made out to be. I don't think he's a Nazi or a Fascist or whatever terms are being tossed around.

What I do believe is that his closest enablers more likely are. So the Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon types. They're playing him like a cheap fiddle, and they know they can get away with it as long as they prop him up verbally. Just keep telling him how wonderful he is and he'll do whatever you say.

He's just their tool. He's just an empty child in desperate need of validation and adoration. The real villains are the people around him, and the people who enable him.

And back to the OP, about celebrity -- he's a character, playing a role for his directors. And if being the Bad Guy, the Anti-Hero, does the trick, then that's what he'll be. It provides him with what he desperately needs.
Start a thread on this. It doesn’t belong here ya fucking troll

Continue and be reported
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH.....,someone is triggered!!! Here it is again. THE TRUTH, WITH A LINK...

I proved that Trump did NOT engage in any "insurrection" because HE and Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested the National Guard to be there on J6. Two requests that were BOTH DENIED by Sgt. at Arms Irving, Nancy Pelosi's direct report, because of HER POLICY.

"Former House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving said optics played a role in his decision to decline an early (J4) request from the U.S. Capitol Police for National Guard assistance in protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6"

If the NG was activated as Trump and Sund requested there would have been no riot on J6.
In the big picture, I don't think that Trump is what he's being made out to be. I don't think he's a Nazi or a Fascist or whatever terms are being tossed around.

What I do believe is that his closest enablers more likely are. So the Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon types. They're playing him like a cheap fiddle, and they know they can get away with it as long as they prop him up verbally. Just keep telling him how wonderful he is and he'll do whatever you say.

He's just their tool. He's just an empty child in desperate need of validation and adoration. The real villains are the people around him, and the people who enable him.

And back to the OP, about celebrity -- he's a character, playing a role for his directors. And if being the Bad Guy, the Anti-Hero, does the trick, then that's what he'll be. It provides him with what he desperately needs.
Trump is dangerous for America because he IS such an empty vessel.

He is surrounded people who influence his every action who could NEVER get elected because they are horrible people.

And Trump doesn’t care how horrible those people are.
In the big picture, I don't think that Trump is what he's being made out to be. I don't think he's a Nazi or a Fascist or whatever terms are being tossed around.

What I do believe is that his closest enablers more likely are. So the Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon types. They're playing him like a cheap fiddle, and they know they can get away with it as long as they prop him up verbally. Just keep telling him how wonderful he is and he'll do whatever you say.

He's just their tool. He's just an empty child in desperate need of validation and adoration. The real villains are the people around him, and the people who enable him.

And back to the OP, about celebrity -- he's a character, playing a role for his directors. And if being the Bad Guy, the Anti-Hero, does the trick, then that's what he'll be. It provides him with what he desperately needs.
i am not as follower of trump's 'rasslin' career, but the role of "heel" is familiar to the rally crowds, most of whom think the wwe is real l;ife.

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