The Anti Christ has been elected President,Barack 666 Obama!?

i thought he was shat out !!!


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I don't know. I was all for it. That's why he didn't have a birth certificate. Go figure....:eusa_whistle:

Who didn't have a birth certificate?

Barack Obama, of course. You see, me and the boys from Skull and Bones drew a pentagram on the floor and conjured him up. Then, when the birth certificate issue just wouldn't go away, we got on our computers and made up a long form that looked just like the real thing. The fact is, the POTUS never was born, but sprang full grown from the hubs of Hades, called forward by an ancient ritual known only to my buddies and me.

I knew that all along. I just wanted someone else to say it first.
oprah's not doing so good lately. she's the one that found the great messiah... oh oprah !!
I must warn all christian God loving Americans, that the Anti Christ may have been elected President of the United States of America. This man Barack Obama disrespected a minister and a Christian Church , that he was a member of. He has no repect for
relegious principals what so ever.!

I'm pretty sure you're right. We need to protect mystical chants and arcane text and our right to a "Supernatural Sunday". Glory Bee.
I must warn all christian God loving Americans, that the Anti Christ may have been elected President of the United States of America. This man Barack Obama disrespected a minister and a Christian Church , that he was a member of. He has no repect for
relegious principals what so ever.!

That's because RELIGION IS A CROCK OF SHIT IN A GIANT SHIT SOUP FOR ALL THE SHIT HEADS WHO BELIEVE IT! Thats me explaining it in simple terms.
oprah's not doing so good lately. she's the one that found the great messiah... oh oprah !!
But, but Obama's not a citizen!!! Wash has shown that this is true. This is the link that Wash posted to PROVE that Obama forged his own BC:

Obama Makes Stunning Admission About Forged Birth Certificate | America Matters

Seven signs that indicate that we're living during the Final Generation.

#7 Increase In Knowledge, Travel, Planes, & Cars

Sign #6 Terrorism, Violence, Evil, Falling Away From The Faith

Sign #5 Middle East Tension

Sign #4 The Spread of Nuclear Weapons

Sign #3 The Revived Roman Empire

Sign #2 Return of the Jews To Their Land

Mitt Romney and Corporations Complete the Coup and steal the White House Sign #1

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