The Anniversary Of Our Fav Present!

Not being as anti-Constitution as his cuz FDR, I'd replace him on Rushmore with Reagan.....if Gutzon Borglum was still around.

I'd replace him with FDR

Gee....a guy with a communist as your avi, why didn't you skip the middleman and ask for Stalin to be put on Rushmore???

I'm not exactly big on Stalin, but FDR was a great American. Possibly the greatest American. Coming in after a steady stream of ineffective right-wingers, FDR truly made America great again with the New Deal.

A truly visionary President. It is a shame Truman ended up on the ticket

Not being as anti-Constitution as his cuz FDR, I'd replace him on Rushmore with Reagan.....if Gutzon Borglum was still around.

I'd replace him with FDR

Gee....a guy with a communist as your avi, why didn't you skip the middleman and ask for Stalin to be put on Rushmore???

I'm not exactly big on Stalin, but but FDR was a great American. Possibly the greatest American. Coming in after a steady stream of ineffective right-wingers, FDR truly made America great again with the New Deal.

A truly visionary President. It is a shame Truman ended up on the ticket

FDR truly made America great again with the New Deal.

A truly visionary President. It is a shame Truman ended up on the ticket

1. What sort of 'American' would choose communist Henry Wallace as their icon, their avi???
Clearly, you aren't much of an expert on what it is to be an American.

2." I'm not exactly big on Stalin, but FDR was a great American."
Roosevelt was.....Stalin was his paragon., FDR was not a "great American."

3. "Possibly the greatest American. Coming in after a steady stream of ineffective right-wingers."
Possibly the dumbest sentence of the must be a government school grad, huh?

Seems you never heard of this:
a. After the depression [1920-1921] the United States proceeded to enjoy the “Roaring Twenties,” arguably the most prosperous decade in the country’s history. Some of this prosperity was illusory—itself the result of subsequent Fed inflation—but nonetheless the 1920–1921 depression “purged the rottenness out of the system” and provided a solid framework for sustainable growth."

The conclusion seems obvious to anyone whose mind is not firmly locked into the Keynesian or monetarist framework: The free market works.
The Depression You’ve Never Heard Of: 1920-1921 | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

b. The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation’s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar “consumer society.” The Roaring Twenties - Facts & Summary -

c. The 1920s earned their moniker—the "Roaring Twenties"—through the decade's real and sustained prosperity, dizzying technological advancements, and lively culture. The decade marked the flourishing of the modern mass-production, mass-consumption economy, which delivered fantastic profits to investors while also raising the living standard of the urban middle- and working-class. Economy in The 1920s

d. A tide of economic and social change swept across the country in the 1920s. Nicknames for the decade, such as “the Jazz Age” or “the Roaring Twenties,” convey something of the excitement and the changes in social conventions that were taking place at the time. As the economy boomed, wages rose for most Americans and prices fell, resulting in a higher standard of living and a dramatic increase in consumer consumption.... The American economy's phenomenal growth rate during the '20s...." A New Society: Economic & Social Change

Have you ever considered acquiring an actual education?

4. "FDR truly made America great again with [Mussolini's plan] the New Deal."
Why do you hate the Constitution...?
I mean, beside being a dunce.
Last edited:
First of all, Wallace is no more a communist than Trump is a member of the Klan. As for the rest of you post, thank you for the unnecessary pedagogery. It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history.

Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era. Laissez-faire, Wall Street speculation, easy credit, and rich war reparations ended with something called "The Stock Market Crash of 1929" or Black Tuesday. This ushered in an era you and I agree was "great", the Great Depression. This depression continued in many countries until World War II.

In 1932, the Bonus Army descended upon Washington, not due to your amazing economic conditions during the Roaring Twenties, but because thousands of veterans were unable to find work. It wasn't until a "New Deal" was offered that provided a safety net for people who lose their life savings (FDIC, SEC) their income (Social Security), and their jobs (private enterprise wasn't hiring). Luckily, key components of this new deal endure to this day, as business has not learned lessons from the Roaring Twenties.

The right continues to issue forth new and creative demagogues, promising that if America gives them the power to let their friends at Goldman loose again, prosperity will return for all. At least we have FDR to thank when these safety nets are no doubt needed en masse again, because we all know Wall Street will leave America standing when the music stops.

FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans that we are in this together, and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis.

As for my education; I believe I have enough education to see through your revisionist history and blatant falsehoods, but thanks for your concern.
First of all, Wallace is no more a communist than Trump is a member of the Klan. As for the rest of you post, thank you for the unnecessary pedagogery. It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history.

Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era. Laissez-faire, Wall Street speculation, easy credit, and rich war reparations ended with something called "The Stock Market Crash of 1929" or Black Tuesday. This ushered in an era you and I agree was "great", the Great Depression. This depression continued in many countries until World War II.

In 1932, the Bonus Army descended upon Washington, not due to your amazing economic conditions during the Roaring Twenties, but because thousands of veterans were unable to find work. It wasn't until a "New Deal" was offered that provided a safety net for people who lose their life savings (FDIC, SEC) their income (Social Security), and their jobs (private enterprise wasn't hiring). Luckily, key components of this new deal endure to this day, as business has not learned lessons from the Roaring Twenties.

The right continues to issue forth new and creative demagogues, promising that if America gives them the power to let their friends at Goldman loose again, prosperity will return for all. At least we have FDR to thank when these safety nets are no doubt needed en masse again, because we all know Wall Street will leave America standing when the music stops.

FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans that we are in this together, and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis.

As for my education; I believe I have enough education to see through your revisionist history and blatant falsehoods, but thanks for your concern.

"First of all, Wallace is no more a communist.."


And, communist he was.

1. The very best that can be said of Wallace was that he, like you, was too stupid to know he was a communist.

"America's Worst Vice Presidents
.... the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge."

Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States." TIME.COM

Wallace actually reported to the Kremlin.
Why don't you challenge me on that.

"It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history."

I can document everything I you have just seen above: it is true, accurate, and correct.

2. "Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era."
That's a full-on retreat from your earlier post.

3. "FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans..."
I take back an earlier acclamation that I awarded you: this one is actually the stupidest.
FDR hated.....hated....
a. the successful
b. Asians
c. blacks
d. Jews.

Challenge me to prove any of that.
I will.

4."and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis."
Hard to keep up with your ignorance.
Roosevelt was the cause of the Mortgage Meltdown, blamed on Bush by the Democrats.
a. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

b. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

c. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

d. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

It was Democrats and Democrat policies that caused the Mortgage Meltdown

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

5. "As for my education; I believe I have enough education..."
Your 'education'???
You've joined the board not a moment too soon!
Take notes and try to fill those lacunae.
Last edited:
And BTW.....communist-loving Franklin Roosevelt threatened the Democrats not to run if Garner were not replaced by communist Henry Wallace.

Challenge me on that, too.

Not being as anti-Constitution as his cuz FDR, I'd replace him on Rushmore with Reagan.....if Gutzon Borglum was still around.

I'd replace him with FDR
"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"
I mean, sure, if we're going to have terrible presidents up there, let's just go all the way. On that same topic, I heard they were bringing a lot of coal down there, so maybe they couldn't decide between two awful presidents.

Not being as anti-Constitution as his cuz FDR, I'd replace him on Rushmore with Reagan.....if Gutzon Borglum was still around.

I'd replace him with FDR
"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"
I mean, sure, if we're going to have terrible presidents up there, let's just go all the way. On that same topic, I heard they were bringing a lot of coal down there, so maybe they couldn't decide between two awful presidents.

"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"

Now, just hold on one cotton-pickin' minute, there, missy!!!

I might agree with you about FDR....but, how about 'dishonorable mention' for Obama, Buchanan, and Carter????

I know!

A Death Valley monument for those four Democrats!!!!

Not being as anti-Constitution as his cuz FDR, I'd replace him on Rushmore with Reagan.....if Gutzon Borglum was still around.

I'd replace him with FDR
"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"
I mean, sure, if we're going to have terrible presidents up there, let's just go all the way. On that same topic, I heard they were bringing a lot of coal down there, so maybe they couldn't decide between two awful presidents.

"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"

Now, just hold on one cotton-pickin' minute, there, missy!!!

I might agree with you about FDR....but, how about 'dishonorable mention' for Obama, Buchanan, and Carter????

I know!

A Death Valley monument for those four Democrats!!!!
I still laugh at Carter, because he was so inept that nobody could get him reelected.

I agree, we need a Death Valley monument for them, and let's just throw Woodrow Wilson on there, too~

Not being as anti-Constitution as his cuz FDR, I'd replace him on Rushmore with Reagan.....if Gutzon Borglum was still around.

I'd replace him with FDR
"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"
I mean, sure, if we're going to have terrible presidents up there, let's just go all the way. On that same topic, I heard they were bringing a lot of coal down there, so maybe they couldn't decide between two awful presidents.

"I'd replace him with the actual worst president in history"

Now, just hold on one cotton-pickin' minute, there, missy!!!

I might agree with you about FDR....but, how about 'dishonorable mention' for Obama, Buchanan, and Carter????

I know!

A Death Valley monument for those four Democrats!!!!
I still laugh at Carter, because he was so inept that nobody could get him reelected.

I agree, we need a Death Valley monument for them, and let's just throw Woodrow Wilson on there, too~

Other awards we could give:

Which was the greater lie...
a. Carter's...that he was a nuclear scientist
b. Obama's ....that he was a constitutional law professor
First of all, Wallace is no more a communist than Trump is a member of the Klan. As for the rest of you post, thank you for the unnecessary pedagogery. It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history.

Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era. Laissez-faire, Wall Street speculation, easy credit, and rich war reparations ended with something called "The Stock Market Crash of 1929" or Black Tuesday. This ushered in an era you and I agree was "great", the Great Depression. This depression continued in many countries until World War II.

In 1932, the Bonus Army descended upon Washington, not due to your amazing economic conditions during the Roaring Twenties, but because thousands of veterans were unable to find work. It wasn't until a "New Deal" was offered that provided a safety net for people who lose their life savings (FDIC, SEC) their income (Social Security), and their jobs (private enterprise wasn't hiring). Luckily, key components of this new deal endure to this day, as business has not learned lessons from the Roaring Twenties.

The right continues to issue forth new and creative demagogues, promising that if America gives them the power to let their friends at Goldman loose again, prosperity will return for all. At least we have FDR to thank when these safety nets are no doubt needed en masse again, because we all know Wall Street will leave America standing when the music stops.

FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans that we are in this together, and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis.

As for my education; I believe I have enough education to see through your revisionist history and blatant falsehoods, but thanks for your concern.

"First of all, Wallace is no more a communist.."


And, communist he was.

1. The very best that can be said of Wallace was that he, like you, was too stupid to know he was a communist.

"America's Worst Vice Presidents
.... the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge."

Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States." TIME.COM

Wallace actually reported to the Kremlin.
Why don't you challenge me on that.

"It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history."

I can document everything I you have just seen above: it is true, accurate, and correct.

2. "Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era."
That's a full-on retreat from your earlier post.

3. "FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans..."
I take back an earlier acclamation that I awarded you: this one is actually the stupidest.
FDR hated.....hated....
a. the successful
b. Asians
c. blacks
d. Jews.

Challenge me to prove any of that.
I will.

4."and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis."
Hard to keep up with your ignorance.
Roosevelt was the cause of the Mortgage Meltdown, blamed on Bush by the Democrats.
a. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

b. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

c. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

d. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

It was Democrats and Democrat policies that caused the Mortgage Meltdown

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

5. "As for my education; I believe I have enough education..."
Your 'education'???
You've joined the board not a moment too soon!
Take notes and try to fill those lacunae.

Cherry picking quotes from someone's detractors isn't evidence. It's cherry picking. The facts are:

Wallace was hated by some colleagues? He was a cabinet official or VP from 1933-1945. What politician wouldn't make enemies in that length of time?

A poll taken just before the 1944 DNC found 65% for Wallace, 2% for Truman. If not for behind the scenes political machinations and direct flouting of rules, Wallace would've been VP. He was the peoples' choice.

What I said was the 1920s was subject to some ineffective presidents. That's a fact. I never said "nothing happened in the 1920s" or "it was a socially backward period" . (If I did, please link as you say you like to do).

If you have some specific legislation requiring banks to sign ninja loans, create MBS, swap CDOs, or completely miscalculated their exposures to default and county party risk, please advise. I admit I am uneducated on these bill(s), if any exist.
First of all, Wallace is no more a communist than Trump is a member of the Klan. As for the rest of you post, thank you for the unnecessary pedagogery. It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history.

Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era. Laissez-faire, Wall Street speculation, easy credit, and rich war reparations ended with something called "The Stock Market Crash of 1929" or Black Tuesday. This ushered in an era you and I agree was "great", the Great Depression. This depression continued in many countries until World War II.

In 1932, the Bonus Army descended upon Washington, not due to your amazing economic conditions during the Roaring Twenties, but because thousands of veterans were unable to find work. It wasn't until a "New Deal" was offered that provided a safety net for people who lose their life savings (FDIC, SEC) their income (Social Security), and their jobs (private enterprise wasn't hiring). Luckily, key components of this new deal endure to this day, as business has not learned lessons from the Roaring Twenties.

The right continues to issue forth new and creative demagogues, promising that if America gives them the power to let their friends at Goldman loose again, prosperity will return for all. At least we have FDR to thank when these safety nets are no doubt needed en masse again, because we all know Wall Street will leave America standing when the music stops.

FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans that we are in this together, and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis.

As for my education; I believe I have enough education to see through your revisionist history and blatant falsehoods, but thanks for your concern.

"First of all, Wallace is no more a communist.."


And, communist he was.

1. The very best that can be said of Wallace was that he, like you, was too stupid to know he was a communist.

"America's Worst Vice Presidents
.... the rest of his party's fervent opposition to his selection, Wallace was shoehorned into office by F.D.R., who made his running mate an economic policy czar and a key foreign emissary. Though he was a ardent believer in mankind's inherent goodness, Wallace couldn't elicit goodwill from his colleagues, ...

In 1944, the Democrats bypassed Wallace to select Harry S. Truman as their vice-presidential nominee. Wallace was named Secretary of Commerce, where he feuded bitterly with Truman — who had by then ascended to the Oval Office — over the nation's confrontational posturing with the Soviet Union, which the agricultural expert deemed dangerously hawkish. The clash earned Wallace a reputation among his detractors as a "Stalinist stooge."

Alienated but undeterred, he mounted a run for the presidency in 1947. One writer later termed his candidacy "the closest the Soviet Union ever came to actually choosing a president of the United States." TIME.COM

Wallace actually reported to the Kremlin.
Why don't you challenge me on that.

"It is very befitting of a conservative to "teach" using revisionist history."

I can document everything I you have just seen above: it is true, accurate, and correct.

2. "Indeed, the 1920s were a period of social change. I doubt it is what Harding meant by a return to normalcy, but there was much to be celebrated during the tail end of the Progressive Era."
That's a full-on retreat from your earlier post.

3. "FDR renewed America's promise to all Americans..."
I take back an earlier acclamation that I awarded you: this one is actually the stupidest.
FDR hated.....hated....
a. the successful
b. Asians
c. blacks
d. Jews.

Challenge me to prove any of that.
I will.

4."and it is because of his programs, along with a central bank, that we haven't been a crushing depression since the subprime/financial crisis."
Hard to keep up with your ignorance.
Roosevelt was the cause of the Mortgage Meltdown, blamed on Bush by the Democrats.
a. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

b. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

c. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

d. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

It was Democrats and Democrat policies that caused the Mortgage Meltdown

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

5. "As for my education; I believe I have enough education..."
Your 'education'???
You've joined the board not a moment too soon!
Take notes and try to fill those lacunae.

Cherry picking quotes from someone's detractors isn't evidence. It's cherry picking. The facts are:

Wallace was hated by some colleagues? He was a cabinet official or VP from 1933-1945. What politician wouldn't make enemies in that length of time?

A poll taken just before the 1944 DNC found 65% for Wallace, 2% for Truman. If not for behind the scenes political machinations and direct flouting of rules, Wallace would've been VP. He was the peoples' choice.

What I said was the 1920s was subject to some ineffective presidents. That's a fact. I never said "nothing happened in the 1920s" or "it was a socially backward period" . (If I did, please link as you say you like to do).

If you have some specific legislation requiring banks to sign ninja loans, create MBS, swap CDOs, or completely miscalculated their exposures to default and county party risk, please advise. I admit I am uneducated on these bill(s), if any exist.,

1. "Wallace was hated by some colleagues? He was a cabinet official or VP from 1933-1945. What politician wouldn't make enemies in that length of time?"

The subject is whether or not Henry Wallace was a communist.

a. I don't care to change the subject.
I said he actually reported to the Kremlin.
You didn't dispute it, or even challenge me on it.
So I win, huh?

2. "A poll taken just before the 1944 DNC found 65% for Wallace, ..."
And that determines his non-communist bona fides????

3. "....2% for Truman."
The hand of Prividence seems to have out-weighed that poll.
Truman, while persuaded by the Liberal/communist elites to back Roosevelt, learned the truth, and, unlike you, he was educable:

June 4, 1945, in a 15-minute meeting with General Carter W. Clarke, and Colonel Ernest Gibson, of Army intelligence, Truman was informed about army codebreakers working on secret cables sent from Moscow to Washington- the Venona decrypts.
"Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," p. 111, Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter

Notice....Truman didn't look at the truth and claim it was 'revisionist'....unlike your excuse not to accept the truth.
Thank God for Truman.

4. "What I said was the 1920s was subject to some ineffective presidents."
Actually, what you said was " a steady stream of ineffective right-wingers"...until I rubbed your face in the facts, the Roaring Twenties.

5. "If you have some specific legislation requiring banks to sign ninja loans, create MBS, swap CDOs, or completely miscalculated their exposures to default and county party risk, please advise. I admit I am uneducated on these bill(s), if any exist."

Well.....let's go to the bottom line first: would there have been a Mortgage Meltdown if FDR had not ignored the Constitution, and invaded the private home mortgage market.
Clearly not.

Now....banks being give loans to the undeserving....that's a fact:
a. Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didn’t lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

b. In 2004 Congress pressed new affordable-housing goals on the two mortgage giants, which through 2007 purchased some $1 trillion in loans to lower- and moderate-income buyers. The buying spree helped spark a massive increase in securitization of mortgages to people with dubious credit.

c. In October 1994, Fannie Mae head James Johnson had reminded a banking convention that mortgages with small down payments had a much higher risk of defaulting. (A Duff & Phelps study found that they were nearly three times more likely to default than conventional mortgages.) Yet the very next month, Fannie Mae said that it expected to back loans to low-income home buyers with a 97 percent loan-to-value ratio—that is, loans in which the buyer puts down just 3 percent—as part of a commitment, made earlier that year to Congress, to purchase $1 trillion in affordable-housing mortgages by the end of the nineties. According to Edward Pinto, who served as the company’s chief credit officer, the program was the result of political pressure on Fannie Mae trumping lending standards. have a truly astounding record of being correct on not a single thing you've posted.

Can I guess that you voted Democrat?
So far, all you have posted is cherry picked quotes, unsubstantiated rumors, and paragraphs of text that cleverly say almost nothing. I told you in my first response that Wallace was not a communist. You're free to continue to ignore that statement until the end of time, but your dodging doesn't escape me. Also, if you want to extol the virtues of any Republican president during the 1920s, be my guest. Coolidge was alright on race and Hoover built a nice dam, but that's about it.

Let me try your method:

Truman was a total stooge. Hand picked by Pendergast as almost a lark, he once said "I wanted to show the world that a well-oiled machine could take an office boy and get him elected to the Senate". That's your educable Truman. *plant flag, claim victory*

He would've done anything the war machine wanted him to do, and even went to great lengths to prove how eager he was by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan.

Nothing you replied with explained where banks were forced to give loans with no documentation. If you want to stand up for redlining, as it appears you do, go right ahead. I guess that is a conservative position now? I can hardly keep track these days.

The fact is, banks found subprime lending very profitable. Sure, they liked the documented ones, but the no-doc ones were good too. But, over 50% of subprime loans were originated by non-bank lenders not subject to the CRA. But I suppose that doesn't exactly help your argument, so let's just ignore it!

If Fannie/Freddie were forced to set aggressive goals in 2004, I suggest you review the 108th Congress. It was Bush's 3/4th years, and a Repub majority in both houses.
So far, all you have posted is cherry picked quotes, unsubstantiated rumors, and paragraphs of text that cleverly say almost nothing. I told you in my first response that Wallace was not a communist. You're free to continue to ignore that statement until the end of time, but your dodging doesn't escape me. Also, if you want to extol the virtues of any Republican president during the 1920s, be my guest. Coolidge was alright on race and Hoover built a nice dam, but that's about it.

Let me try your method:

Truman was a total stooge. Hand picked by Pendergast as almost a lark, he once said "I wanted to show the world that a well-oiled machine could take an office boy and get him elected to the Senate". That's your educable Truman. *plant flag, claim victory*

He would've done anything the war machine wanted him to do, and even went to great lengths to prove how eager he was by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan.

Nothing you replied with explained where banks were forced to give loans with no documentation. If you want to stand up for redlining, as it appears you do, go right ahead. I guess that is a conservative position now? I can hardly keep track these days.

The fact is, banks found subprime lending very profitable. Sure, they liked the documented ones, but the no-doc ones were good too. But, over 50% of subprime loans were originated by non-bank lenders not subject to the CRA. But I suppose that doesn't exactly help your argument, so let's just ignore it!

If Fannie/Freddie were forced to set aggressive goals in 2004, I suggest you review the 108th Congress. It was Bush's 3/4th years, and a Repub majority in both houses.

"all you have posted is cherry picked quotes"

The phrase is the usual attempt by the ignorant, uneducated and indoctrinated to avoid the truth.

It is of the same category as your earlier attempt....claiming 'revisionism."

Everything I post is true, accurate, and correct.
And everything is documented and linked.

And you haven't answered this:
Can I guess that you voted Democrat?
So far, all you have posted is cherry picked quotes, unsubstantiated rumors, and paragraphs of text that cleverly say almost nothing. I told you in my first response that Wallace was not a communist. You're free to continue to ignore that statement until the end of time, but your dodging doesn't escape me. Also, if you want to extol the virtues of any Republican president during the 1920s, be my guest. Coolidge was alright on race and Hoover built a nice dam, but that's about it.

Let me try your method:

Truman was a total stooge. Hand picked by Pendergast as almost a lark, he once said "I wanted to show the world that a well-oiled machine could take an office boy and get him elected to the Senate". That's your educable Truman. *plant flag, claim victory*

He would've done anything the war machine wanted him to do, and even went to great lengths to prove how eager he was by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan.

Nothing you replied with explained where banks were forced to give loans with no documentation. If you want to stand up for redlining, as it appears you do, go right ahead. I guess that is a conservative position now? I can hardly keep track these days.

The fact is, banks found subprime lending very profitable. Sure, they liked the documented ones, but the no-doc ones were good too. But, over 50% of subprime loans were originated by non-bank lenders not subject to the CRA. But I suppose that doesn't exactly help your argument, so let's just ignore it!

If Fannie/Freddie were forced to set aggressive goals in 2004, I suggest you review the 108th Congress. It was Bush's 3/4th years, and a Repub majority in both houses.

"If Fannie/Freddie blah blah blah..."

There is no constitutional authorization for the above.
So far, all you have posted is cherry picked quotes, unsubstantiated rumors, and paragraphs of text that cleverly say almost nothing. I told you in my first response that Wallace was not a communist. You're free to continue to ignore that statement until the end of time, but your dodging doesn't escape me. Also, if you want to extol the virtues of any Republican president during the 1920s, be my guest. Coolidge was alright on race and Hoover built a nice dam, but that's about it.

Let me try your method:

Truman was a total stooge. Hand picked by Pendergast as almost a lark, he once said "I wanted to show the world that a well-oiled machine could take an office boy and get him elected to the Senate". That's your educable Truman. *plant flag, claim victory*

He would've done anything the war machine wanted him to do, and even went to great lengths to prove how eager he was by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan.

Nothing you replied with explained where banks were forced to give loans with no documentation. If you want to stand up for redlining, as it appears you do, go right ahead. I guess that is a conservative position now? I can hardly keep track these days.

The fact is, banks found subprime lending very profitable. Sure, they liked the documented ones, but the no-doc ones were good too. But, over 50% of subprime loans were originated by non-bank lenders not subject to the CRA. But I suppose that doesn't exactly help your argument, so let's just ignore it!

If Fannie/Freddie were forced to set aggressive goals in 2004, I suggest you review the 108th Congress. It was Bush's 3/4th years, and a Repub majority in both houses.

"If Fannie/Freddie blah blah blah..."

There is no constitutional authorization for the above.

I didn't say there was. I just said the Bush administration and Repubs in Congress mismanaged it. Feel free to provide some counters, or just say "blah blah blah" when you realize you can't argue, and yap on about how uneducated I am.

I suppose they could've repealed the whole thing if thought it was so dangerous and unconstitutional. Another swing and a miss for Repubs I suppose.

Also I expect that Wallace takes orders from the Kremlin evidence you promised to be forthcoming and your lists of great legislation promulgated under our Republican presidents in the 1920s. Thanks in advance
So far, all you have posted is cherry picked quotes, unsubstantiated rumors, and paragraphs of text that cleverly say almost nothing. I told you in my first response that Wallace was not a communist. You're free to continue to ignore that statement until the end of time, but your dodging doesn't escape me. Also, if you want to extol the virtues of any Republican president during the 1920s, be my guest. Coolidge was alright on race and Hoover built a nice dam, but that's about it.

Let me try your method:

Truman was a total stooge. Hand picked by Pendergast as almost a lark, he once said "I wanted to show the world that a well-oiled machine could take an office boy and get him elected to the Senate". That's your educable Truman. *plant flag, claim victory*

He would've done anything the war machine wanted him to do, and even went to great lengths to prove how eager he was by dropping nuclear bombs on Japan.

Nothing you replied with explained where banks were forced to give loans with no documentation. If you want to stand up for redlining, as it appears you do, go right ahead. I guess that is a conservative position now? I can hardly keep track these days.

The fact is, banks found subprime lending very profitable. Sure, they liked the documented ones, but the no-doc ones were good too. But, over 50% of subprime loans were originated by non-bank lenders not subject to the CRA. But I suppose that doesn't exactly help your argument, so let's just ignore it!

If Fannie/Freddie were forced to set aggressive goals in 2004, I suggest you review the 108th Congress. It was Bush's 3/4th years, and a Repub majority in both houses.

"If Fannie/Freddie blah blah blah..."

There is no constitutional authorization for the above.

I didn't say there was. I just said the Bush administration and Repubs in Congress mismanaged it. Feel free to provide some counters, or just say "blah blah blah" when you realize you can't argue, and yap on about how uneducated I am.

I suppose they could've repealed the whole thing if thought it was so dangerous and unconstitutional. Another swing and a miss for Repubs I suppose.

Also I expect that Wallace takes orders from the Kremlin evidence you promised to be forthcoming and your lists of great legislation promulgated under our Republican presidents in the 1920s. Thanks in advance

I believe I've put you in your place....last seat in the dumb row......enough for one day.

Make uninformed statements in the future....the same will commence.

Reform yourself.
Meh, you aren't as good at message board arguments as you think you are. You got owned by a noob today.

Like so many other conservatives, defined by hubris.

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