The Anglican Vicar Of Baghdad


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Catch his conversation with Meagan Kelly Tonite....desperate times in Baghdad....some one needs to tell the president. Whatever you do don't put it in his daily Intel brief...he'll never read it.

Iraq army folding. ISIS on the way. Bombing no affect. Needs boots on the ground. And this from a priest that knows more than our CINC.

Check your local listings.
Meanwhile in NE iraq the mighty RAF took out one ISIS fighting position and one armored vehicle. Winston is rolling over in his grave.
Meanwhile in NE iraq the mighty RAF took out one ISIS fighting position and one armored vehicle. Winston is rolling over in his grave.
I see the attention whore is at it again, bumping his own posts.

Everybody, PLEASE LOOK AT ME!!!

Sad and pathetic.

Get a life loser.
[might be off topic] I saw some religious guy yesterday , he was in Bagdad , mighta been the same guy , he sounded very English to me . He said that he asked one of the Iraqi soldiers what he would do if he saw ' isis ' entering the city . The soldier said that he'd take off his uniform . The religious guy [priest or vicar] said to the soldier , but you are here to protect us . The soldier said , no , I'm here because I need the MONEY . Think this happened on KELLY's show . ------------------ Also , I heard Ralph Peters on FOX tonight , Peters was saying that military planners are referring to the bombings [pinpricks] as being SHOCK and YAWN . Just thought that both these stories were pretty funny !!
Meghan Kelly is hot. I'd definitely bang that.

It's unfortunate how often she peddles stupidity.
she's alright , nice looking woman , I like her . Mostly I like how she interviews like a man , she is forceful and direct . I saw her interviewing that redheaded spokes chick ' jen ptsaki ' tonight and I thought that Megyn did pretty good showing all the administrations LIES !! Katie Pavlich is also pretty good , pretty good looking and smart .

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