The American People Should DEMAND Biden Hold A REAL Press Conference With OPEN Q&A

Firing tens if thousands of Americans

Surrendering US energy i dependence

Making our enemies stronger

The Humanutarian Crisis at our border

Holding the biggest Super Spreader event ever

Facilitating the largest shield trafficking event ever

Over 14,000 unaccompanied children in Biden kiddie Cages

Continuing to Allow thousands tens of thousands of illegals into the country knowing he has no where to put them
-- Using tax dollars to put them into hotels now
-- Dropping them off all over the country without notifying local / state officials (just the way Barry used to TRAFFICK illegals)

Spending TRILLIONS ... $1.3 on Democrat-beneffitting pork that had nothing to do with COVID-19 RELIEF...

Planning on spending TRUKLIONS mire on non-existent shocel-ready projects

Siding with Unions over kids, ignoring the science

Expanding BARRY'S WAR....

Firing WH staff for smoking pot in the past while hypocritically ignoring his pot-smoking VP...

Explaing how The FBI, DHS, & Treasury Dept publicly stated they have evidence proving the Bidens being guilty of financial scandals and crimes to include Influence Peddling, Russian Miney Launderibg, & taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP....

HELL, with all of that....and more coming...for Joe to hide from, Joe might be the 1st President yo NEVER give a press conference...
He has a LOT to answer to / for!

He never will because he isnt capable, and no democrat will hold him accountable

The American people should...
He has a LOT to answer to / for!

He never will because he isnt capable, and no democrat will hold him accountable

The American people should...
So, non-Democrats. :auiqs.jpg:

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