The American people are essentially indentured servants to the elites in the Washington Establishment.


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
The same could be said for people in most nations, but let's stick to the U.S.

The Washington Establishment (hereafter "WE") taxes us to extremes and takes advantage of legitimate crises or creates them in order to steal more wealth from poor and middle-class Americans. They're never satiated. They work hand-in-hand with major corporations to further enrich one another. The WE approves allocating our money to endless programs involving private parties all linked to WE elites.

Meanwhile, the standard of living for the American people has gone down the toilet. People are looking to "Tiny Homes" because the WE has stolen so much of our wealth that many can no longer afford a regular home.

Have you ever noticed how all of the counties surrounding D.C. are among the richest in the nation? We are governed, controlled, and victimized by a consortium of very evil people.
we are much more than indentured servants

We are told what we can say, we no longer have free speech.

We are being jailed, for attending a political rally.

Our towns and cities are being invaded by foreigners

Food is so expensive, the middle class qualifies for food stamps, ebt

Fuel is so expensive, winter bankrupts the middle class

Democrats, and a bunch of Republicans, are all tyrants and have no place in this world.
You are right.
Interesting article explaining that the term comes from the document security system!

The term comes from the medieval English "indenture of retainer"[1]—a legal contract written in duplicate on the same sheet, with the copies separated by cutting along a jagged (toothed, hence the term "indenture") line so that the teeth of the two parts could later be refitted to confirm authenticity (chirograph).

The same could be said for people in most nations, but let's stick to the U.S.

The Washington Establishment (hereafter "WE") taxes us to extremes and takes advantage of legitimate crises or creates them in order to steal more wealth from poor and middle-class Americans. They're never satiated. They work hand-in-hand with major corporations to further enrich one another. The WE approves allocating our money to endless programs involving private parties all linked to WE elites.

Meanwhile, the standard of living for the American people has gone down the toilet. People are looking to "Tiny Homes" because the WE has stolen so much of our wealth that many can no longer afford a regular home.

Have you ever noticed how all of the counties surrounding D.C. are among the richest in the nation? We are governed, controlled, and victimized by a consortium of very evil people.
Some of your police and politicians have decided that the British system that Canada and others have in place is more beneficial to them personally even if it costs your nation as a whole. They would prefer to be a big fish in a smaller pond. "Hey, we may suck now but at least I have power in our weakened system".

Here is a little secret, Europe and others see this and they are forced to hedge their bets. Some will be drastically reversing course, others will hope America gets back on track.

I will be honest, I knew China and Russia were figuring this out and putting their hands on the scale, but I didn't realize how impactful Iran would be. These three nations are shaking up the world while they watch career politicians in America pursue policies that will clearly hurt America in the long run.

From Chinas perspective it is all about patience. Look at Canada and Ontario to understand where this all leads. When China becomes the sole king of the world it will be for a long time. They don't share your Founders beliefs. Increasingly, neither do may of your politicians.
The same could be said for people in most nations, but let's stick to the U.S.

The Washington Establishment (hereafter "WE") taxes us to extremes and takes advantage of legitimate crises or creates them in order to steal more wealth from poor and middle-class Americans. They're never satiated. They work hand-in-hand with major corporations to further enrich one another. The WE approves allocating our money to endless programs involving private parties all linked to WE elites.

Meanwhile, the standard of living for the American people has gone down the toilet. People are looking to "Tiny Homes" because the WE has stolen so much of our wealth that many can no longer afford a regular home.

Have you ever noticed how all of the counties surrounding D.C. are among the richest in the nation? We are governed, controlled, and victimized by a consortium of very evil people.
Man, they vote for this shit.
The American voting block enjoys getting raped, apparently. Bunch of fucking MORONS.
Washington Establishment is what? Is it the equivalent of the "deep state"? Crazy people like to say that too. :rolleyes:

There have been a lot of pejorative descriptions of government operations that keep us all confused all the time. Nobody is saying "politics is enlightening entertainment," although we all believe that eventually, the fool constituents of the corrupt party will wake up someday, see the light of truth, and cease their resistance to progress.

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At what point do these people stop playing the victim?
Many people are victims. Ones that do not vote for this bullshit.
People like you, that show support for the duopoly are not. Its like you humongous group of morons enjoy having your wealth destroyed, embarrassed on a daily basis, paying for bloodshed and putting our nose into everything and virtually destroying entire Nations.
You would figure you idiots would have learned decades ago. But alas.
The same could be said for people in most nations, but let's stick to the U.S.

The Washington Establishment (hereafter "WE") taxes us to extremes and takes advantage of legitimate crises or creates them in order to steal more wealth from poor and middle-class Americans. They're never satiated. They work hand-in-hand with major corporations to further enrich one another. The WE approves allocating our money to endless programs involving private parties all linked to WE elites.

Meanwhile, the standard of living for the American people has gone down the toilet. People are looking to "Tiny Homes" because the WE has stolen so much of our wealth that many can no longer afford a regular home.

Have you ever noticed how all of the counties surrounding D.C. are among the richest in the nation? We are governed, controlled, and victimized by a consortium of very evil people.
1) They are not among the richest in the nation, they ARE the richest in the nation.

2) The 'WE' as you call it is the Deep State we've been complaining about for decades.

3) Tyranny of the masses is a real thing. dimocrap FILTH have never done anything of note besides stealing money from those who work for it and give it to people that vote for dimocrap FILTH.

Simple. And it works.

And they won't stop until you make them. YOU. Not some goobermint agency. YOU, not your neighbor. YOU, not some politician. YOU.

And sitting on this keyboard all day is not the answer.
Many people are victims. Ones that do not vote for this bullshit.
People like you, that show support for the duopoly are not. Its like you humongous group of morons enjoy having your wealth destroyed, embarrassed on a daily basis, paying for bloodshed and putting our nose into everything and virtually destroying entire Nations.
You would figure you idiots would have learned decades ago. But alas.
Mac thinks this is funny, but the moron doesnt even try to refute anything.
1) They are not among the richest in the nation, they ARE the richest in the nation.

2) The 'WE' as you call it is the Deep State we've been complaining about for decades.

3) Tyranny of the masses is a real thing. dimocrap FILTH have never done anything of note besides stealing money from those who work for it and give it to people that vote for dimocrap FILTH.

Simple. And it works.

And they won't stop until you make them. YOU. Not some goobermint agency. YOU, not your neighbor. YOU, not some politician. YOU.

And sitting on this keyboard all day is not the answer.
I do what I can to support truth and fairness in government, but I'm not a miracle worker. Besides, my faith teaches me that those in power have been placed there by God.

Romans 13:1-7
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.
Some of your police and politicians have decided that the British system that Canada and others have in place is more beneficial to them personally even if it costs your nation as a whole. They would prefer to be a big fish in a smaller pond. "Hey, we may suck now but at least I have power in our weakened system".

Here is a little secret, Europe and others see this and they are forced to hedge their bets. Some will be drastically reversing course, others will hope America gets back on track.

I will be honest, I knew China and Russia were figuring this out and putting their hands on the scale, but I didn't realize how impactful Iran would be. These three nations are shaking up the world while they watch career politicians in America pursue policies that will clearly hurt America in the long run.

From Chinas perspective it is all about patience. Look at Canada and Ontario to understand where this all leads. When China becomes the sole king of the world it will be for a long time. They don't share your Founders beliefs. Increasingly, neither do may of your politicians.

China learned that they can just bribe and steal their way to our technology and money. Countless members of the WE are beyond corrupt and have been selling us out for decades.
Washington Establishment is what? Is it the equivalent of the "deep state"? Crazy people like to say that too. :rolleyes:

The Washington Establishment is the collection of political elites, government executives, and rich tycoons that run the U.S.

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