The American Banana Republic of 2012


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
America has become a genuine banana republic lead by a brazen dictator. We have an election stolen by voter fraud, the very kind of election where the UN sends in poll watchers to guard against.

We have a CIA Director knowingly giving false testimony to Congress on orders from the dictator.

And now the dictator challenges anyone who dares to question Susan Rice should question him instead. He said that because like the CIA Director, she also was ordered to give knowingly false testimony about the murder of 4 American citizens at Benghazi.
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Poor USA.

I wanted to turn the country over to my kids in no worse shape than my parents did to me....and I fucked that up. Royally
Poor Frankie

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America has become a genuine banana republic...

Not even close but even if it were, it would be better than being a land of fiefdoms where every American would be little better than a serf begging his lord for crumbs. That's what we would have become had Mitt Romney won the election.
America has become a genuine banana republic lead by a brazen dictator. We have an election stolen by voter fraud, the very kind of election where the UN sends in poll watchers to guard against.

We have a CIA Director knowingly giving false testimony to Congress on orders from the dictator.

And now the dictator challenges anyone who dares to question Susan Rice should question him instead. He said that because like the CIA Director, she also was ordered to give knowingly false testimony about the murder of 4 American citizens at Benghazi.

Obama To GOP On Susan Rice: "If They Want To Go After Somebody, They Should Go After Me" | RealClearPolitics

Calm down. Now that Mitt's been defeated, we don't have to worry about the banana republican dictator thing. Just because everyone who works for him in China makes 99 cents an hour doesn't mean we have to. But if you insist, write him, he might be able to help you get a job in China.
America has become a genuine banana republic lead by a brazen dictator. We have an election stolen by voter fraud, the very kind of election where the UN sends in poll watchers to guard against.

We have a CIA Director knowingly giving false testimony to Congress on orders from the dictator.

And now the dictator challenges anyone who dares to question Susan Rice should question him instead. He said that because like the CIA Director, she also was ordered to give knowingly false testimony about the murder of 4 American citizens at Benghazi.

Obama To GOP On Susan Rice: "If They Want To Go After Somebody, They Should Go After Me" | RealClearPolitics

I agree!

America has become a genuine banana republic lead by a brazen dictator. We have an election stolen by voter fraud, the very kind of election where the UN sends in poll watchers to guard against.

We have a CIA Director knowingly giving false testimony to Congress on orders from the dictator.

And now the dictator challenges anyone who dares to question Susan Rice should question him instead. He said that because like the CIA Director, she also was ordered to give knowingly false testimony about the murder of 4 American citizens at Benghazi.

Obama To GOP On Susan Rice: "If They Want To Go After Somebody, They Should Go After Me" | RealClearPolitics


Losing has really finally just pushed you over the edge then, eh?

Crazy bastard.

Listen, don't fight the men in the white coats, just take your medication.

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