The Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Wildfires have proliferated in the Amazon rainforest this year, producing fears about the impacts of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policies and how the damage could contribute to climate change.

Brazil’s space research center, the National Institute for Space Research INPE, released data this week showing that wildfires had reached a record high in the region. The center, which began tracking wild fires in 2013, said that the Amazon has experienced more than 74,000 wildfires so far this year, an 84 percent uptick over the same period in 2018...

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Wildfires have proliferated in the Amazon rainforest this year, producing fears about the impacts of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policies and how the damage could contribute to climate change.

Brazil’s space research center, the National Institute for Space Research INPE, released data this week showing that wildfires had reached a record high in the region. The center, which began tracking wild fires in 2013, said that the Amazon has experienced more than 74,000 wildfires so far this year, an 84 percent uptick over the same period in 2018...

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Better tell Jeff Bezos to take care of his business, that wealthy bastard should protect the Amazon Forest, parking lot, warehouse.....
Wildfires have proliferated in the Amazon rainforest this year, producing fears about the impacts of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro’s environmental policies and how the damage could contribute to climate change.

Brazil’s space research center, the National Institute for Space Research INPE, released data this week showing that wildfires had reached a record high in the region. The center, which began tracking wild fires in 2013, said that the Amazon has experienced more than 74,000 wildfires so far this year, an 84 percent uptick over the same period in 2018...

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Brazil’s space research center,
This is what comes to my mind.

My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
Sure, just like it was a big deal when McDonalds was clear cutting all those forests for their meat 10 years ago. Nothing happened , we are still here, but AOC says we have only 11 years and 2 months left now. So dont worry, the end is near...
My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
Sure, just like it was a big deal when McDonalds was clear cutting all those forests for their meat 10 years ago. Nothing happened , we are still here, but AOC says we have only 11 years and 2 months left now. So dont worry, the end is near...

Yeah, we're still here. I've been rather actively researching other countries to relocate to, though. The weather where I am completely sucks. You can't even walk outside for thirty seconds without getting swamp ass. I'm tired of it, personally. Throw in the police state and the outrageous cost of living in America and it's all the more reason to justify relocating. Off topic, but I'm just reminded of it whenever the weather topic comes up.
My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
Sure, just like it was a big deal when McDonalds was clear cutting all those forests for their meat 10 years ago. Nothing happened , we are still here, but AOC says we have only 11 years and 2 months left now. So dont worry, the end is near...

Yeah, we're still here. I've been rather actively researching other countries to relocate to, though. The weather where I am completely sucks. You can't even walk outside for thirty seconds without getting swamp ass. I'm tired of it, personally. Throw in the police state and the outrageous cost of living in America and it's all the more reason to justify relocating. Off topic, but I'm just reminded of it whenever the weather topic comes up.
I used to live in Saudi Arabia, played tennis for 3 hours in 110 degree heat and 90% humidity. After the game we would jump into the 90 degree pool just to dry off. I have lived in Dayton Ohio, when it got so cold there, that my car with 3 parts anti freeze 1 part water froze up. Now I live in Floor E Da the Sunshine state, when it isnt raining. The best part of my life? I chose where I want to live. Go to Cuba or other Socialist country, the government chooses where you live.
My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
Sure, just like it was a big deal when McDonalds was clear cutting all those forests for their meat 10 years ago. Nothing happened , we are still here, but AOC says we have only 11 years and 2 months left now. So dont worry, the end is near...

This is not the standard clear cutting that you seem to be referring to. This is a bunch of deliberately set fires for cattle ranching that got out of control, and have been burning for the last 16 days with almost no media coverage. I'm sick and tired of people here making EVERY single thing into a partisan issue, when it's not. I couldn't care less what "AOC" has to say about anything, and I don't even believe in the "climate change" hysteria, but the FACT of the matter is we are trashing this planet, we are destroying just about everything, all because people are either too selfish, apathetic or blind to take notice and take action. This is not a partisan issue. Unless you're claiming that conservatives don't care about being responsible stewards of this planet? Because that sure as hell is the way it sounds, coming from people like you... which makes me embarrassed to call myself a conservative.
This is not the standard clear cutting that you seem to be referring to. This is a bunch of deliberately set fires for cattle ranching that got out of control, and have been burning for the last 16 days with almost no media coverage. I'm sick and tired of people here making EVERY single thing into a partisan issue, when it's not. I couldn't care less what "AOC" has to say about anything, and I don't even believe in the "climate change" hysteria, but the FACT of the matter is we are trashing this planet, we are destroying just about everything, all because people are either too selfish, apathetic or blind to take notice and take action. This is not a partisan issue. Unless you're claiming that conservatives don't care about being responsible stewards of this planet? Because that sure as hell is the way it sounds, coming from people like you... which makes me embarrassed to call myself a conservative.

As conservatives, I think the conservative thing to do would be to actually conserve our natural resources. So, agreed.
They should plant some soybeans back there instead of the trees. China is always in the market for new suppliers
My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
Sure, just like it was a big deal when McDonalds was clear cutting all those forests for their meat 10 years ago. Nothing happened , we are still here, but AOC says we have only 11 years and 2 months left now. So dont worry, the end is near...

This is not the standard clear cutting that you seem to be referring to. This is a bunch of deliberately set fires for cattle ranching that got out of control, and have been burning for the last 16 days with almost no media coverage. I'm sick and tired of people here making EVERY single thing into a partisan issue, when it's not. I couldn't care less what "AOC" has to say about anything, and I don't even believe in the "climate change" hysteria, but the FACT of the matter is we are trashing this planet, we are destroying just about everything, all because people are either too selfish, apathetic or blind to take notice and take action. This is not a partisan issue. Unless you're claiming that conservatives don't care about being responsible stewards of this planet? Because that sure as hell is the way it sounds, coming from people like you... which makes me embarrassed to call myself a conservative.
So instead of having wild fires in Californication that didnt get clear cut and was wild and dangerous, these farmers are doing all of us a favor and being proactive. Makes sense to me. What is really nice in about 5 years you will never know that a fire was there.

Yeah some of us abuse this planet just look at inner cities run by Demonrats, but most of US who remember the crying indian commercial teach our kids to pick up trash even if it inst ours. Then again I see some car full of black people who toss out their Mcdonalds trash on the Baltimore Washington Parkway where there is a $1,000 fine, and when I called it in with car make and model and license plate, the park police blow me off, because they said they can do nothing about it. So you want to bash conservatives, go ahead, but I know the real polluters, they are Marxists/Socialists/communists/Liberals/progressives/Demonrats.
My better half was just talking about this. She said it's not getting any media attention. It's a rather big deal.
Sure, just like it was a big deal when McDonalds was clear cutting all those forests for their meat 10 years ago. Nothing happened , we are still here, but AOC says we have only 11 years and 2 months left now. So dont worry, the end is near...

This is not the standard clear cutting that you seem to be referring to. This is a bunch of deliberately set fires for cattle ranching that got out of control, and have been burning for the last 16 days with almost no media coverage. I'm sick and tired of people here making EVERY single thing into a partisan issue, when it's not. I couldn't care less what "AOC" has to say about anything, and I don't even believe in the "climate change" hysteria, but the FACT of the matter is we are trashing this planet, we are destroying just about everything, all because people are either too selfish, apathetic or blind to take notice and take action. This is not a partisan issue. Unless you're claiming that conservatives don't care about being responsible stewards of this planet? Because that sure as hell is the way it sounds, coming from people like you... which makes me embarrassed to call myself a conservative.
So instead of having wild fires in Californication that didnt get clear cut and was wild and dangerous, these farmers are doing all of us a favor and being proactive. Makes sense to me. What is really nice in about 5 years you will never know that a fire was there.

No, that's not what is happening, not even close. It wasn't "clearing brush" to prevent wildfires. Unlike California, the wetness of the rainforest means that they don't have that many natural wildfires. As I said before, these were deliberately set to clear land for cattle ranching. At least that's what I heard. As for whether it will regrow, I'm pretty sure that if the soil is damaged, it takes intentional effort to regrow the rainforests, and the problem is that the demand for beef (one of the leading causes of deforestation) as of now is outweighing the will necessary to restore the forests.
The Amazon provides for quite a bit of the Earth's oxygen. 20%, according to studies. Which the article reflects.
El Amazonas se quema. El Amazonas no es de Sudamerica únicamente, es de todos. Su foresta son los pulmones de la Tierra, dan el 20% del oxigeno a nuestro planeta . El Amazonas es la foresta de todo el mundo y se está quemando nuestro futuro, el #Amazonas no merece todo esto, la tierra no merece todo esto, entre todos tenes que hacer algo

Amazon is for everyone in the world, not just latin america...we all have a responsability to protect it
I wonder if this is the first time the Arctic and the Amazon rain forest have burned at the same time.
July was the hottest month ever on Earth. Now massive wildfires are burning across the globe.
Well that is it game over man, the end is near.

Ever on earth? Was it hotter than this july? You tell when a liberal is lying when they say something like "July was the hottest month ever on the Earth" yet we are still alive and kicking. And yes there are a few idiots with an IQ lower than 30 who actually believe their lies.
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