
Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
It is often argued that Leftists put emphasis on feelings in preference to rational thought. It is more correct to say that they prefer subjective illusion to reality. This is characteristic of neuroticism. Sigmund Freud says:

What characterizes neurotics is the fact that they prefer psychical to factual reality and react just as seriously to thoughts as normal persons do to realities. (Totem and Taboo, p.185)​

So it is not really correct to say that they are feeling-oriented, because what matters to them is the content of mind, which could be both feeling and thought. The problem is that their subjective illusion is immune against empirical reality. Normal people respond to outer reality with feeling and thought. Neurotics, as it were, exist within a bubble, on whose inner wall they project their own reality. Carl Jung says:

The effect of projection is to isolate the subject from his environment, since instead of a real relation to it there is now only an illusory one. Projections change the world into the replica of one's own unknown face. In the last analysis, therefore, they lead to an autoerotic or autistic condition in which one dreams a world whose reality remains forever unattainable. (Aion, para.17)​

If you think about it, this is very characteristic of Leftist people in the postmodern era. They live in their own reality, partly self-invented and partly adopted from delusional ideology. The world must accord with their own ideal of how it should be. Yet, as reality is always making infringements, their subjective world is always at the brink of collapse. That's why they get so frantic about thoughts and ideas and think that everyone who expresses another view is evil. After all, the opponents are trying to destroy the world they live in, a projected world composed of thoughts and feelings.

Therapists are today receiving patients who suffer from a neurotic anxiety. It has been named "Trump Anxiety Disorder". A prevalent symptom is the feeling as though the world is going to end. It is true, in a sense. It is their own neurotic bubble which threatens to burst.

Report: US Therapists See Increase in Patients With 'Trump Anxiety Disorder' | Fox News

Mats Winther | Depth psychology and spiritual tradition
It is often argued that Leftists put emphasis on feelings in preference to rational thought. It is more correct to say that they prefer subjective illusion to reality. This is characteristic of neuroticism. Sigmund Freud says:

What characterizes neurotics is the fact that they prefer psychical to factual reality and react just as seriously to thoughts as normal persons do to realities. (Totem and Taboo, p.185)​

So it is not really correct to say that they are feeling-oriented, because what matters to them is the content of mind, which could be both feeling and thought. The problem is that their subjective illusion is immune against empirical reality. Normal people respond to outer reality with feeling and thought. Neurotics, as it were, exist within a bubble, on whose inner wall they project their own reality. Carl Jung says:

The effect of projection is to isolate the subject from his environment, since instead of a real relation to it there is now only an illusory one. Projections change the world into the replica of one's own unknown face. In the last analysis, therefore, they lead to an autoerotic or autistic condition in which one dreams a world whose reality remains forever unattainable. (Aion, para.17)​

If you think about it, this is very characteristic of Leftist people in the postmodern era. They live in their own reality, partly self-invented and partly adopted from delusional ideology. The world must accord with their own ideal of how it should be. Yet, as reality is always making infringements, their subjective world is always at the brink of collapse. That's why they get so frantic about thoughts and ideas and think that everyone who expresses another view is evil. After all, the opponents are trying to destroy the world they live in, a projected world composed of thoughts and feelings.

Therapists are today receiving patients who suffer from a neurotic anxiety. It has been named "Trump Anxiety Disorder". A prevalent symptom is the feeling as though the world is going to end. It is true, in a sense. It is their own neurotic bubble which threatens to burst.

Report: US Therapists See Increase in Patients With 'Trump Anxiety Disorder' | Fox News

Mats Winther | Depth psychology and spiritual tradition

Of great relevance to your excellent piece is the ignorance of many Leftist American voters, in having no idea from where their Party's belief system hails, nor having a clue about its foundational historical philosophies, or their authors. French postmodernism, for example, educated Pol Pot's right hand man--I believe he was a minister of agriculture or the interior--at the Sorbonne, before sending him home to aid in the murders of hundreds of thousands.

Theirs is an ideology of denying reality by claiming human nature is a social construct, thus open to redefinition according to their grand narrative. Perhaps deprogramming the postmodernist cult out of the average American Leftist is a possibility, and yet, the show must go on.

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