The adults are back in the room


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
Well lets have an all out WAR then....either side can murder anyone anywhere.....Lets destroy Mankind period.....Your Thinking is that of a Retard

By the way you forgot to mention the 300.000+ PALESTINIAN MEN,WOMEN ,CHILDREN AND BABIES SLAUGHTERED BY THE convienent for you.......but we expect no more from C_NT MOUTH THINKS,C_NT MOUTH SPEAKS.
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
Well lets have an all out WAR then....either side can murder anyone anywhere.....Lets destroy Mankind period.....Your Thinking is that of a Retard

By the way you forgot to mention the 300.000+ PALESTINIAN MEN,WOMEN ,CHILDREN AND BABIES SLAUGHTERED BY THE convienent for you.......but we expect no more from C_NT MOUTH THINKS,C_NT MOUTH SPEAKS.

"Lets destroy Mankind period...."

that's what they live for...NOT rhodescholar you weasel....i'm sure he/she wants peace.. unlike these deranged lunatics.

...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.

Well lets have an all out WAR then....either side can murder anyone anywhere.....<snip>

Oh, you mean like busting into a synagogue and killing four civilians? Or driving an excavator into civilians and wrecking a bus? Or busting out of the Damascus gate and knifing any Jewish civilian you see? Or do the same in Tel Aviv? Driving trucks and cars into civilians waiting for buses and trains and such?


Link(s) to substantiate this 300,000 statistic, please.
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
Well lets have an all out WAR then....either side can murder anyone anywhere.....Lets destroy Mankind period.....Your Thinking is that of a Retard

By the way you forgot to mention the 300.000+ PALESTINIAN MEN,WOMEN ,CHILDREN AND BABIES SLAUGHTERED BY THE convienent for you.......but we expect no more from C_NT MOUTH THINKS,C_NT MOUTH SPEAKS.
Nazislamis Are Next!

Ah, Dresden! Love the smell of roasted Nazis in the morning!
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
Well lets have an all out WAR then

Because up untill now we had such great peace
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.

The Likud does good in fighting for our rights over Jerusalem.

At the same time, they should invest better in freeing the lands of the Negev, as well.
Well lets have an all out WAR then...

Pretty obvious why I put this double y chromosome suffering mongoloid liar on ignore. So Israel killed 300K arab muslims, c-nt? Is that your claim, dogshit? Please choke to death at your next meal and make this world a much better place.
Sorry little arse you are....Cnut....I got my figures WRONG,IT IS IN FACT 677,000 Authorative....Palestinian Genocide Google

Article 2......this does not included the million or so exiled

Please note on the 16th of September 2016...the US signed an agreement with Israel for a Weapons deal/aid for 38 Billion US$ over 10 years(US Taxpayers Money)...roadsnonscholar You are an unmitigated LIAR,MORON,VOMIT and a CNUT....So forget YY,you have achieved DD,see ya around POX...steven...YOU for idiot, you backed the wrong Cnut
Last edited:
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
Well lets have an all out WAR then

Because up untill now we had such great peace
Decent Jews will fight the Zionists,not all Jews think like you and the rest of the Zionist Synthetic Hordes,you my be smirking now(You have support from Trump) but the wheel will turn,it always does....Where are you and your Beast Zionists gonna run to then...Where are you going to hide...LOVE JEWS,detest ZIONISTAS..STEVE
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.
Well lets have an all out WAR then....either side can murder anyone anywhere.....Lets destroy Mankind period.....Your Thinking is that of a Retard

By the way you forgot to mention the 300.000+ PALESTINIAN MEN,WOMEN ,CHILDREN AND BABIES SLAUGHTERED BY THE convienent for you.......but we expect no more from C_NT MOUTH THINKS,C_NT MOUTH SPEAKS.
Nazislamis Are Next!

Ah, Dresden! Love the smell of roasted Nazis in the morning!
Well lets have an all out WAR then....either side can murder anyone anywhere.....<snip>

Oh, you mean like busting into a synagogue and killing four civilians? Or driving an excavator into civilians and wrecking a bus? Or busting out of the Damascus gate and knifing any Jewish civilian you see? Or do the same in Tel Aviv? Driving trucks and cars into civilians waiting for buses and trains and such?


Link(s) to substantiate this 300,000 statistic, please.
See post #10 Teddy
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.

The Likud does good in fighting for our rights over Jerusalem.

At the same time, they should invest better in freeing the lands of the Negev, as well.
Wank On
...starting with Trump.

Netanyahu promises unrestricted construction in East Jerusalem

I usually do not like to rub victory in people's face, but then I do not consider most arab muslims people, and the fact of the matter is that after what they've done to the copts, yazidis, maronites, chaldeans, assyrians, bahai, azeri, and so, so many others - they MORE than have it coming.

Israel should do now what it should have done in 1967 - remove the arab muslims (not the bedouins or the druze, they're good people) out of the west bank, and send them back to syria and jordan.

Then destroy hamas utterly, and send the gazan arab muslims, who ethnically cleansed the christians out of gaza, and most of whom want out of gaza anyway, back into the sinai/back to egypt where they came from.

Then c-nts like montelaci, pf tin-douche and the rest of the jew-hating vermin here will have to find a new hobby, like chasing the cochroaches that are infesting their mom's basement where they have been living for the last 49 years.

YUK Rouds
See post #10 Teddy
Your link in Post #10 is poorly written and admittedly an opinion piece.

Please try again, good sir Steve.
Really Teddy,most of it was true,I responded with Vulgarity too as in mimiking roaDS scholar's .....NOT AN OPINION but fact,Teddy.....Yes poorly written and vulgar...but I tend to respond in kind to each poster...I WOULD NOT SPEAK TO YOU THUS(CAPITALS FOR EMPHASIS ONLY) steve

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