the 70s and 80s were amoral and tasteless


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
but a lot of fun if you were the right age

I got some of the fun of the 70s but whiffefed on the 80s - trying to build "a career:. "
Yep the 80's were amoral with a president who followed astrologers and dealt weapons to an avowed enemy of the USA.
I have no great affection for the 70s and 80s - except they were better than the 90s.

The 50s were steady and the 60s were cool.
I graduated high school and joined the Carter Navy in 1977. I didn't have a great HS experience for various reasons. The early years in the Navy were not terribly good either. Things turned around in the 80s. The music was good, I met my wife, and my two kids were born. Probably the best decade of my life. The 90s were very good and the 2000s have brought great joy and good times.

I am blessed beyond deserving so I work at being a good person. I usually try and put forth the effort needed to be deserving of my dog's loyalty. I'll never get there but it makes me work harder.
70's = alot of bad music Disco was torture!
80's= better music and better economy,cold war over so that was good.
90's= boring music, raising my kids was good.
10's= Better Music shity economy,new USA enemies made it kinda depressing at times. Lets hope the teens are better.
70's = alot of bad music Disco was torture!
80's= better music and better economy,cold war over so that was good.
90's= boring music, raising my kids was good.
10's= Better Music shity economy,new USA enemies made it kinda depressing at times. Lets hope the teens are better.

Cold War was at a high point during the 80's. Only ended in the 90's.
As for the first decade of this century: those enemies were hardly new.
70s and 80s
4 recessions, run away inflation, gas lines, mortgage rates at 17 1/2%
Black Monday October 19, 1987, The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropped by 508 points to 1738.74 (22.61%).
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60's. Imperial propaganda and brainwashing. Good music.
70's Old hotrods and easy pussy.Hard to make much money.
80's easy to find good work (work NOT a job).Aids ruins all the fun.
90's. Made the bank if paying close attention.
00----- murka loses A and suffers a corporate takeover and enslavement.Brainwashing a proven success.
Teens and forward. Great, if you're headed somewhere else and willing to master both Spanish and Mandarin or Spanish and Portuguese.(unless Terell rides in on the Brown Dwarf in Dec.)

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