The $1000 Student Climate Challenge Award


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The $1000 Student Climate Challenge Award

Now this is asking the right questions to gain true understanding. Dr Steel is offering 1000.00 to the child who can, using the scientific method and the Null Hypothesis, explain and show proof of AGW by empirical evidence, to Dr Steel.

I would like to read many of the essays he will recieve.

Here are the requirements:

1. The student must be 21 years or younger. Nonetheless I encourage each student to discuss climate change with your parents, teachers and friends as well as contacting scientists.

2. The student must email their arguments in a document that is no larger than 5000 words. They must state their name and age and type “The $1000 Student Climate Challenge Award” in the subject line. Email the document by December 1, 2019 to [email protected].

3. The student must use the foundation of scientific inquiry, the “null hypothesis. In other words, the student must show that current weather/climate reflects a change that exceeds natural climate change. That requires choosing the appropriate time frames for discussion.

4. Students must go beyond simple correlations. Correlation is not causation. Although CO2 concentrations are higher today than they were 200 years ago, higher concentrations are not evidence of causation.

5. Students must address relevant alternative hypotheses. For example, why is Arctic warming the result of CO2 warming and not the result of natural oscillations that drive warmer waters into the Arctic?

6. Students must address why warming is catastrophic. If warming is caused by rising CO2, why would a longer growing season be catastrophic? Or if there is less sea ice why would the resulting increase in photosynthesis be catastrophic? Or what is the evidence of a trend in larger or more tornados?

7. Consensus is not evidence. Consensus is merely political theater. Arguments must be based on evidence. Politically motivated scientists tried to refute Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity using a “consensus” argument and writing “100 Authors Against Einstein”. The consensus was still wrong.

8. Avoid arguments from authority. As Carl Sagan wisely advised “arguments from authority carry little weight – authorities have made mistakes in the past.” For example, John Muir’s ideas were published in popular papers and magazines regards the formation of Yosemite Valley by glaciers. The geological authority from Harvard, Josiah Whitney, suggested otherwise and tried to smear Muir as just an “ignorant shepherd”. But Muir was mostly correct! Likewise, I warn that using the word “denier” will not make your arguments more correct.

9. Students can enter as many times as they want. You may want to change your arguments when new information comes to light. Simply note that your new entry replaces your last.

As student essays roll in, I will periodically report in my What’s Natural newspaper column, and on my blog, regards failed common arguments and why it will disqualify your essay from the award. That will allow every student to improve their argument and re-submit.

I wish every student the best and hope their sincere essays will promote better scientific discourse and understanding.

Sincerely Jim Steele

Director emeritus, Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University

This should be very enlightening at what our children are being feed by their teachers.
As I read through the requirements, I began laughing at the people on this very forum that use every one of the circular argument fallacies he writes about.. And many of them are luke warmers..
He only has $400. He won't ever have to pay.

He could have offered up a billion...he would never have to pay because the fact is that CO2 doesn't cause global warming..or global climate change.. The kids may as well try to prove that witches cause climate change...they would probably come up with more convincing evidence.

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