That's the Kind of Man Mitt Romney is


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Mr Obama?

He's president of the United States and earned every cent he has.

Deal with it.

Mitt Romney is a low life scum who made his fortune by wrecking the lives of middle Americans.
Mr Obama?

He's president of the United States and earned every cent he has.

Deal with it.

Mitt Romney is a low life scum who made his fortune by wrecking the lives of middle Americans.


So did Michelle with her 300K + job that was given to her by a hospital so Barack would get them some earmark cash.

When she left, they did not replace her.

She earned every cent....and was overheard to tell someone that sending kids to summer camp was expensive......:razz::razz::razz:
What has Obama done to improve his community? O'yess, give them free shit and make them dependent on the government.

Look at what an outstanding place Chicago is.

You can get shot by any one of a number of ethnic groups.

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Mormon church earns $7 billion a year from tithing, analysis indicates

They have so much money, they spent 20 million attacking gay people. Republicans call that "charity" because many of them want gay people killed. Not a secret.

Please document where the Mormon church (not it's members) spent 20 million on prop 8.

Additionally, please show where the GOP said they want gay people killed.

Document them both or you become the official board liar.
About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.
When a guy already has more money than he knows what to do with serves in office in politics for free,

is that really some sort of sacrifice?
I used to think that libs who painted Bush/Cheney as evil really felt justified based on their feelings about war...but now seeing that they have the same opinion about Romney/Ryan tells me that they just hate anyone who is different.
What has Obama done to improve his community? O'yess, give them free shit and make them dependent on the government.

Look at what an outstanding place Chicago is.

You can get shot by any one of a number of ethnic groups.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me...
We will give them drugs
And dope, and tattoos and
Big screen TVs with Cable,
We will pay their rent and
Buy their food and alcohol and
When they rob enough banks and
Homes and people walking down
These streets, They can purchase
Guns and steal your cars...
They can also shoot your ass
Just for making eye contact.
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About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.

What ever.

You people really have your head up your asses.

Generosity is when you give someone the shirt off your back, not when you give someone one of the 500 shirts you have in your closet,

that you never got around to wearing.
About 20,000 American GI's died in Vietnam in the 30 months Romney was hanging out in France, trying to talk people into joining a racist church.

What were you doing during the Vietnam War, burning the American flag, spitting on returning GIs?

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