That 'Sonic Boom' You Just Heard and the Shock Wave You Felt Was President Trump Calling For Obama To Testify Under Oath

Trump is the dumbest President in American history

Thank you for that unsolicited, butt-hurt, emotionally-manipulated, un-substantiated, opinionated response.....

View attachment 336003


thank you for whining - wuss

Is this the precedent Republicans want to establish? ... someday there will be a Democrat administration ... do you really want them to march all the former Republican White House officials into a court of law or in front of Congress, including The Donald? ...
My god man , did you just crawl out from under a rock that was laying on your head for the past 3 years.
The board is now dominated by posts from Trump cultists that are part of what I call "The Great Deflection."

Let me correct your fear/frustration/hate-driven post....

The board is appropriately filled with threads discussing all of the existing evidence and the newly released Russian Probe Transcripts, official FBI Documents Wray was holding on to, the new revelations of so many Obama officials being caught committing perjury, etc... because more and more evidence is coming out exposing the largest political criminal scandal in US history - that's over 200 years, since the birth of this nation.

I equate you in this instance to a cockroach. Cockroaches HATE when the kitchen light comes on after midnight because it exposes them and what they are doing.

Understandably there is WAAAAY too much LIGHT being shined on the criminal Obama administration cockroaches and what they have been up to for the last 4-5 years.

It's amazing to me, in this digital / web age where nothing can be kept hidden, that you snowflakes - like the conspirators - thought this whole thing could be kept hidden forever.


Hopefully the 'sunlight' will kill the real 'virus' that infects DC.
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The self-proclaimed 'Scandal-Free' former President Barak Obama has just been called out to testify under oath for the biggest political criminal scandal in US history: 'OBAMAGATE'

IT’S ON! President Trump Calls for Former
President Obama to be Questioned Under
Oath on SpyGate!!

Trump urges Graham to demand Obama testify amid unmasking controversy: ‘Just do it’
Trump urges Graham to demand Obama testify amid unmasking controversy

President Trump on Thursday pressed Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham to call former President Barack Obama to testify amid new developments surrounding the origins of the Russia investigation and efforts at the time to "unmask" Michael Flynn's name in intelligence reports.

“If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING.”

-- President Trump


Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump

GREAT news! The Kenyan-born miscreant deserves to be behind bars.
The board is now dominated by posts from Trump cultists that are part of what I call "The Great Deflection."

Let me correct your fear/frustration/hate-driven post....

The board is appropriately filled with threads discussing all of the existing evidence and the newly released Russian Probe Transcripts, official FBI Documents Wray was holding on to, the new revelations of so many Obama officials being caught committing perjury, etc... because more and more evidence is coming out exposing the largest political criminal scandal in US history - that's over 200 years, since the birth of this nation.

I equate your in this instance to a cockroach. Cockroaches HATE when the kitchen light comes on after midnight because it exposes them and what they are doing.

Understandably there is WAAAAY too much LIGHT being shined on the criminal Obama administration cockroaches and what they have been up to for the last 4-5 years.

It's amazing to me, in this digital / web age where nothing can be kept hidden, that you snowflakes - like the conspirators - thought this whole thing could be kept hidden forever.


Hopefully the 'sunlight' will kill the real 'virus' that infects DC.
Fantastic post, thanks.
Wouldn't it be awesome if it ends up being Obama that gets impeached?....

Screw Impeachment...he deserves to be sent to Gitmo. One thing is for sure, though, the SOB's 'legacy' is scandal, corruption, terrorist/enemy sympathizer, violator of Rule of Law, Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, and traitor....the most criminal President in US history.
Is this the precedent Republicans want to establish? ... someday there will be a Democrat administration ... do you really want them to march all the former Republican White House officials into a court of law or in front of Congress, including The Donald? ...

You know there was a time in the very short past that once a president left office he'd shut his piehole when it came to politics.
You can thank barry for setting yet another bad precedent that was obviously going to bite you in the ass.
The self-proclaimed 'Scandal-Free' former President Barak Obama has just been called out to testify under oath for the biggest political criminal scandal in US history: 'OBAMAGATE'

IT’S ON! President Trump Calls for Former
President Obama to be Questioned Under
Oath on SpyGate!!

Trump urges Graham to demand Obama testify amid unmasking controversy: ‘Just do it’
Trump urges Graham to demand Obama testify amid unmasking controversy

President Trump on Thursday pressed Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham to call former President Barack Obama to testify amid new developments surrounding the origins of the Russia investigation and efforts at the time to "unmask" Michael Flynn's name in intelligence reports.

“If I were a Senator or Congressman, the first person I would call to testify about the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR, is former President Obama. He knew EVERYTHING.”

-- President Trump


Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump

You delusional bootlickers are hilarious. LOL.

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