Thanks to Conservatives, Unions will probably make a big comeback.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

You've got it ass backward, shocker.....
Well, quite possibly. If the American public accepts the Conservative notion that we have to be more like a Central American country where there are no benefits, you work till you die and the reason people are obscenely rich is because they are better people.
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

You've got it ass backward, shocker.....


Perhaps you want to expand on this a bit?

You know, for the listening audience.:lol:
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

1. I demand a clarification!

The proper title should single out your bete noire as 'Republicans.'

I don't think you know what a conservative is.

2. "There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years."
Wrong. There has been a realization by working folks that unions are not beneficial to their interests. Else, how do you explain the following:

... Rasmussen poll found that 9% of nonunion workers were interested in joining a union. For public school grads, that means that 91% have no such interest. In fact, maybe that means that 9% are public school grads who didn’t learn to read on their own. (Just 9% of Non-Union Workers Want to Join Union - Rasmussen Reports™

3. Now for the winner in the "Foot-In-The-Mouth" contest...or is it the "Shoot-Yourself-In-
The-Foot" contest???

Well, either win, if this is your big gripe about capitalism:

"There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits,..."


Why, then, does one need the unoin????

4. Now for your suggestion for the group with the smallest membership in the country:
"...conservative politicians..."

Wow, you love to sling that word go, boy!

5. So, let's review:

Sally says that employers giving out benefits, voluntarily, and Ronald Reagan, have resulted in
"...This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time."

Chris Rock, watch out!
Here comes.......SALLLLLLLLY....!!!!
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

Well, quite possibly. If the American public accepts the Conservative notion that we have to be more like a Central American country where there are no benefits, you work till you die and the reason people are obscenely rich is because they are better people.

The Republicans would like to return to the mid-nineteenth century inre: working conditions/benefits or rather, lack thereof.
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There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

1. I demand a clarification!

The proper title should single out your bete noire as 'Republicans.'

I don't think you know what a conservative is.

2. "There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years."
Wrong. There has been a realization by working folks that unions are not beneficial to their interests. Else, how do you explain the following:

... Rasmussen poll found that 9% of nonunion workers were interested in joining a union. For public school grads, that means that 91% have no such interest. In fact, maybe that means that 9% are public school grads who didn’t learn to read on their own. (Just 9% of Non-Union Workers Want to Join Union - Rasmussen Reports™

3. Now for the winner in the "Foot-In-The-Mouth" contest...or is it the "Shoot-Yourself-In-
The-Foot" contest???

Well, either win, if this is your big gripe about capitalism:

"There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits,..."


Why, then, does one need the unoin????

4. Now for your suggestion for the group with the smallest membership in the country:
"...conservative politicians..."

Wow, you love to sling that word go, boy!

5. So, let's review:

Sally says that employers giving out benefits, voluntarily, and Ronald Reagan, have resulted in
"...This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time."

Chris Rock, watch out!
Here comes.......SALLLLLLLLY....!!!!

There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

well then you should happy right?....i knew those rascally Conservatives had an ulterior reason for doing this....dam...those guys are good....
Well, quite possibly. If the American public accepts the Conservative notion that we have to be more like a Central American country where there are no benefits, you work till you die and the reason people are obscenely rich is because they are better people.

Oh, yeah???

Well, you just take that up with the guy who said this:

"There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits,..."
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

Meanwhile, as the US continues to lose jobs because our workers are so overpaid that we cannot compete in the gloabl market, and our quality control is so poor that the global market can compete with us, unions will continue to die off. Personally? Good riddance.
... Rasmussen poll found that ..... - Rasmussen Reports™[/url]

Rassmussen polls? :eusa_eh:You mean Murdoch polls. :eusa_liar: They pretty much use them exclusively. Thats like me saying "CBS said..." and not getting any reaction from a conservative :disbelief: :lol:

Welcome to the board. Always look forward to folks on the other side of the aisle.

Let me see if I can give you a pointer, as to improving your posts...

Rather than appear as just another vagrant on the message board, one who sees a post which includes either a link, quote, or reference to World Net Daily, or Rupert Murdoch, or Ann Coulter, or some other right-thinker, and rather than admit that the item is dispositive for the thread or question under discussion, you have chosen, wrongly, to

a. refuse to address the issue, because the citation is on the opposite side.
b. resort to an emoticon of laughter, or some sort of sign of disrespect, or the use of ‘lol.’
c. feel that some sort of “there you go again” response, rather than an actual refutation.

What we have here is the kind of defense against opposing ideas that is indolent at best, and intellectually cowardly at worst. Rather than offering alternative or surrogate ideas, the poster takes what is only acceptable in the echo chamber in which the left resides.

Poor form.

Grow up.

BTW, the left's attempt at casting aspirsions on Fox News and Rasmussen ran its course about six months ago, and proved less than effective.

At least get with the program.
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

1. I demand a clarification!

The proper title should single out your bete noire as 'Republicans.'

I don't think you know what a conservative is.

2. "There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years."
Wrong. There has been a realization by working folks that unions are not beneficial to their interests. Else, how do you explain the following:

... Rasmussen poll found that 9% of nonunion workers were interested in joining a union. For public school grads, that means that 91% have no such interest. In fact, maybe that means that 9% are public school grads who didn’t learn to read on their own. (Just 9% of Non-Union Workers Want to Join Union - Rasmussen Reports™

3. Now for the winner in the "Foot-In-The-Mouth" contest...or is it the "Shoot-Yourself-In-
The-Foot" contest???

Well, either win, if this is your big gripe about capitalism:

"There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits,..."


Why, then, does one need the unoin????

4. Now for your suggestion for the group with the smallest membership in the country:
"...conservative politicians..."

Wow, you love to sling that word go, boy!

5. So, let's review:

Sally says that employers giving out benefits, voluntarily, and Ronald Reagan, have resulted in
"...This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time."

Chris Rock, watch out!
Here comes.......SALLLLLLLLY....!!!!

1. Nope..and spoke french! You know how that drives me wild..

2 and 3. There has been both regulatory and employee "capture". Regulatory capture involves "wining and dining" make them your friends. Employee capture involves giving out benefits..then pulling the rug out once the Unions go away.

4. What ever are you talking about?

5. Yep.
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There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

Meanwhile, as the US continues to lose jobs because our workers are so overpaid that we cannot compete in the gloabl market, and our quality control is so poor that the global market can compete with us, unions will continue to die off. Personally? Good riddance.

OMG! I'm startin' to agree with you too much...I'll have to rethink my positions!
There's been a slow, long lasting assault on Unions over the last 40 years. Quite honestly, it's been successful. There's been a strategy of business voluntarily giving out benefits, a characterization of Unions being corrupt and a move by conservative politicians to chip away at laws protecting Unions. This has added up to the lowest membership in quite some time. This last push, however, might be the final straw. Of late, Business has been dropping benefits, the disparity in pay is wildly skewing upward, and layoffs have been occurring while companies are showing massive profit.

All this makes for a ripe environment for Unions to thrive.

Meanwhile, as the US continues to lose jobs because our workers are so overpaid that we cannot compete in the gloabl market, and our quality control is so poor that the global market can compete with us, unions will continue to die off. Personally? Good riddance.

OMG! I'm startin' to agree with you too much...I'll have to rethink my positions!

Which positions do you prefer....heh, heh, heh, heh, heh....

<sorry, couldn't resist>

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