Thanks Obuma!..Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Nothing like turning almost 7 MILLION Americans into the POOR that this crazy ObumaCare scheme was supposed to help!.... It's really not about HealthCare, it's about GOVERNMENT CONTROL over your life!

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 9/23/2015 | John Merline
Employer-based health insurance premiums climbed 4.2% this year for family plans, according to an annual Kaiser Family Foundation report. That's up from 3% the year before. Since 2008, average family premiums have climbed a total of $4,865.
And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...

It may not seem like much — just an extra hundred dollars or so a year.

But the steady upward creep in health insurance deductibles has easily outpaced the average increase in a worker’s wages over the last five years, according to a newanalysis released on Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Kaiser, a health policy research group that conducts a yearly survey of employer health benefits, calculates that deductibles have risen more than six times faster than workers’ earnings since 2010.

Those workers’ deductibles have climbed from a yearly average of $900 in 2010 for an individual plan to above $1,300 this year, while employees working for small businesses have an even higher average of $1,800 a year. One in five workers has a deductible of $2,000 or more.

But as wages have stagnated, the steady increase in deductibles is squeezing an already beleaguered middle class. While employers have generally felt some relief from the burden of ever-rising health care costs in recent years, workers are feeling increasingly vulnerable to high medical bills.

Some are making difficult choices about what care they can afford. About two years ago, Beth Landrum, a 52-year-old teacher, who is insured through her husband’s job as an engineer, saw the deductible on her family’s plan increase to $3,300 a year.

Ms. Landrum decided to delay having theM.R.I. her doctor recommends she get every three years. Ten years ago, she had a noncancerous brain tumor that required surgery and radiation. “My doctor’s really mad at me because I haven’t had theM.R.I.,” she said, but she and her husband say they need to save toward the cost.

She is particularly concerned because they could owe thousands of dollars in medical bills if something unexpected happened, like a hospital stay, because their current plan asks them to contribute much more toward the cost of care. “It’s really scary,” Ms. Landrum said.

Consumers who have to pay the higher deductibles may feel they had little choice about needing care. Matt Freedman, 34, chose a plan last year that had a $6,000 deductible. “I knew it was a risky plan,” he said, but he considered himself healthy and unlikely to accrue sizable medical bills. After minor surgery, however, he developed a serious infection that led to a hospital stay. “You never think something terrible is going to happen,” he said.

People who buy coverage through the state marketplaces may also face high deductibles. Rebecca Bullard, 27, chose a plan this year with a $6,000 annual deductible so she could afford the $129 a month in premiums. When she worried that she had cracked a rib after playing roller derby, she chose to ask friends on social media about what to do rather than go to the doctor. Although she had a plan with a $2,500 deductible before, she had not been worried about what she would pay out-of-pocket. “Now I don’t even want to go to the doctor,” she said.

What concerns policy experts and employers is evidence that higher deductibles are making people forgo care, even when they have serious conditions.

“It may be tamping down on unnecessary care, but we’re seeing a lot of evidence of skimping on necessary care,” said Sara R. Collins, vice president for health care coverage and access at the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit group that conducted a survey last fall about the effect of out-of-pocket health care costs on consumers.

Forty percent of people with private health insurance whose deductible equaled 5 percent or more of their income said they had decided not to go to the doctor when they were sick or had chosen not to get a test or go to a specialist, according to the survey.
And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...
Sucking the socialist Bossman's teat is your concept of full disclosure? Interesting...
And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...
Sucking the socialist Bossman's teat is your concept of full disclosure? Interesting...

Can you try that again in English?
And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...
Sucking the socialist Bossman's teat is your concept of full disclosure? Interesting...

Can you try that again in English?

What part of sucking don't you understand ?
Forty percent of people with private health insurance whose deductible equaled 5 percent or more of their income said they had decided not to go to the doctor when they were sick or had chosen not to get a test or go to a specialist, according to the survey.

A home run....errr....foul ball for Obama.
And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...
Sucking the socialist Bossman's teat is your concept of full disclosure? Interesting...
Can you try that again in English?
Pull your head out of your ass, get some air and try again.
Obama could care less. all he sees is his Federal Government raking in all them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off the uninsured. 65BILLION dollars. WHICH by the way is YOUR CHILDREN
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And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...
Sucking the socialist Bossman's teat is your concept of full disclosure? Interesting...

Can you try that again in English?

Specifically ....what was wrong with his post?
Nothing like turning almost 7 MILLION Americans into the POOR that this crazy ObumaCare scheme was supposed to help!.... It's really not about HealthCare, it's about GOVERNMENT CONTROL over your life!

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 9/23/2015 | John Merline
Employer-based health insurance premiums climbed 4.2% this year for family plans, according to an annual Kaiser Family Foundation report. That's up from 3% the year before. Since 2008, average family premiums have climbed a total of $4,865.

Why is anyone surprised by this? Barry, Nancy and Harry lied their asses off when they were trying to get the Affordable Care Act passed. The American middle class was begging for something to lower their healthcare costs...ObamaCare raises them. Just one more example of how we've been scammed by these people.
And employees are free to choose their own plans from the exchanges instead of sucking the corporate teat. Libertarians always promote individualism, except when it comes to their dependency on the Bossman. Interesting...
Sucking the socialist Bossman's teat is your concept of full disclosure? Interesting...
Can you try that again in English?
Specifically ....what was wrong with his post?
He disagreed with the premise therefore in liberal land it makes no sense.
Tell me something, Arian...if the ACA is really such a great deal for the Middle Class...why did Democrats have to lie to us to pass it?

The text of the bill was available online for anyone who could be bothered to read it.
Tell me something, Arian...if the ACA is really such a great deal for the Middle Class...why did Democrats have to lie to us to pass it?

The text of the bill was available online for anyone who could be bothered to read it.
Before the vote???
Aww, the kiddies do love their sound bites, don't they?

My Tardis is in the shop so I can't verify that in retrospect, but there were plenty of fact sheets available on numerous sites: well before the fact, and the full text of the law has been available online since it was passed. Here it is again (along with the text of the Supreme Court decision):

Read the Law |

As for the law itself, most of us would have preferred single-payer, but your Republican Congresscritters and their pet insurance companies kept chipping away at the original proposals until you ended up with the current version of the PPACA.

Now it's funny to watch those of you who were howling "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT WE HAVE!!! I'VE GOT MINE AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!!1" crying for single-payer.

The U.S. will join the rest of the industrialized world in adapting a single-payer system eventually, probably along the lines of the French model, because the flaws in other models (notably the UK's) have been studied and we won't make the same mistakes.
Tell me something, Arian...if the ACA is really such a great deal for the Middle Class...why did Democrats have to lie to us to pass it?

The text of the bill was available online for anyone who could be bothered to read it.
Before the vote???
Aww, the kiddies do love their sound bites, don't they?

My Tardis is in the shop so I can't verify that in retrospect, but there were plenty of fact sheets available on numerous sites: well before the fact, and the full text of the law has been available online since it was passed. Here it is again (along with the text of the Supreme Court decision):

Read the Law |

As for the law itself, most of us would have preferred single-payer, but your Republican Congresscritters and their pet insurance companies kept chipping away at the original proposals until you ended up with the current version of the PPACA.

Now it's funny to watch those of you who were howling "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT WE HAVE!!! I'VE GOT MINE AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!!1" crying for single-payer.

The U.S. will join the rest of the industrialized world in adapting a single-payer system eventually, probably along the lines of the French model, because the flaws in other models (notably the UK's) have been studied and we won't make the same mistakes.

Even Gruber (the guy that wrote it) couldn't keep his mouth shut...
Tell me something, Arian...if the ACA is really such a great deal for the Middle Class...why did Democrats have to lie to us to pass it?

The text of the bill was available online for anyone who could be bothered to read it.
Before the vote???
Aww, the kiddies do love their sound bites, don't they?

My Tardis is in the shop so I can't verify that in retrospect, but there were plenty of fact sheets available on numerous sites: well before the fact, and the full text of the law has been available online since it was passed. Here it is again (along with the text of the Supreme Court decision):

Read the Law |

As for the law itself, most of us would have preferred single-payer, but your Republican Congresscritters and their pet insurance companies kept chipping away at the original proposals until you ended up with the current version of the PPACA.

Now it's funny to watch those of you who were howling "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT WE HAVE!!! I'VE GOT MINE AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!!1" crying for single-payer.

The U.S. will join the rest of the industrialized world in adapting a single-payer system eventually, probably along the lines of the French model, because the flaws in other models (notably the UK's) have been studied and we won't make the same mistakes.

Even Gruber (the guy that wrote it) couldn't keep his mouth shut...

Yep, the same old videos. Let me know when you've run through the entire anti-PPACA playbook...
Tell me something, Arian...if the ACA is really such a great deal for the Middle Class...why did Democrats have to lie to us to pass it?

The text of the bill was available online for anyone who could be bothered to read it.
Before the vote???
Aww, the kiddies do love their sound bites, don't they?

My Tardis is in the shop so I can't verify that in retrospect, but there were plenty of fact sheets available on numerous sites: well before the fact, and the full text of the law has been available online since it was passed. Here it is again (along with the text of the Supreme Court decision):

Read the Law |

As for the law itself, most of us would have preferred single-payer, but your Republican Congresscritters and their pet insurance companies kept chipping away at the original proposals until you ended up with the current version of the PPACA.

Now it's funny to watch those of you who were howling "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT WE HAVE!!! I'VE GOT MINE AND FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!!1" crying for single-payer.

The U.S. will join the rest of the industrialized world in adapting a single-payer system eventually, probably along the lines of the French model, because the flaws in other models (notably the UK's) have been studied and we won't make the same mistakes.

Even Gruber (the guy that wrote it) couldn't keep his mouth shut...;15A1F3786E66E25A7BE615A1F3786E66E25A7BE6;E9FC632CA5FBCF880211E9FC632CA5FBCF880211&PC=RIMBINGD

Yep, the same old videos. Let me know when you've run through the entire anti-PPACA playbook...
So Obama claimed we would save money with Obozocare...

And the videos prove he was lying, and Gruber (who wrote the law) knew it...

As a matter of fact, the videos prove the way the law was passed was INTENDED to deceive the American people!!!
And all you can say is "So you have proof. Nothing to see here. Move along"???

Either refute the videos (with credible evidence), or everyone has to accept them and conclude that you are a delusional fool.

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